
  • Finance Department;financial department
  1. 有几位计算机工程师与财务部门签订了合同。

    Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department .

  2. 但是,为了保证只有公司财务部门的工作人员能访问某些文件,则将这些人员添加到finance工作组。

    But to make certain files available only to individuals in that company 's finance department , those people would be added to a finance workgroup .

  3. 许多公司的IT部门和财务部门因此笃信,终于是时候升级这款已有十多年历史的旧系统了,而这将提高微软新系统如Windows8的销量。

    That convinced lots of IT and accounting departments it was finally time to upgrade from the decade-plus-old operating system , driving sales of Microsoft 's newer OSes , like Windows 8 .

  4. Tony是财务部门的一位分析师,他每天早上运行查询,查明公司的商店的收益率。

    Tony , an analyst in the finance department , runs queries every morning to find out the profitability of the company 's stores .

  5. 复杂的ERP系统让汇票核对工作更为可靠,并可以实现汇票核对跟踪,财务部门就可以检查供应商汇票状况。

    Complex ERP systems make the invoice matching process more reliable and allow invoice approval tracking , so the accounts payable department can check the status of supplier invoices .

  6. 伊斯特布鲁克会计师出身,说话低声细语,他是离开普华永道(PWC)加入麦当劳的财务部门的。

    Easterbrook is a softly spoken accountant who initially joined the finance department of McDonald 's from PWC .

  7. 在IBM财务部门工作了27年的凯西•科卢西(KathyColucci)表示,这一课程对于那些考虑应聘面向客户或消费者职位的人来说,尤其有帮助。

    Kathy Colucci , a 27-year veteran of IBM finance , says the course is especially helpful for those considering client - or customer-facing roles .

  8. JH公司财务部门在发票处理项目的改进过程中应用了6SIGMA管理取得了较好的财务效果,提高了顾客满意度。

    Financial department , Company of JH , punish improvement of project use6SIGMA management to make better financial result among the course in note , have improved customer satisfaction .

  9. 比如,管理层正在与沃尔玛(Wal-MartStoresInc.)等公司的财务部门建立联系,而不是像原先计划的那样只与会计师事务所发展关系,以扩展潜在的工作机会。

    For example , administrators are forging ties in finance departments at companies such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. , WMT + 1.07 % rather than just at accounting firms as originally planned , to extend their potential job opportunities .

  10. 在财务部门就可以发现类似的应用。

    A similar application can be found in the financial sector .

  11. 与财务部门帐目核对及应收欠款的控制。

    Check account with the financial department and control the arrearage .

  12. 随着科技体制的改革,科研院所要从事业单位转化为企业化管理,财务部门如何适应这一重大的改革,文章提出了相应的改革对策。

    The paper discussed relative countermeasure on financial department system reform .

  13. 告诉财务部门有一个规格变化待批准。

    NotifyAccounting-tell Accounting that is has a specification change to approve .

  14. 依靠财务部门获得租赁方面的信息。

    D. rely on the finance department to get leasing information .

  15. 财务部门科技体制改革的对策

    Countermeasure of Scientific & Technical System Reform of Financial Department

  16. 我已经将你的质询送交我们的财务部门了。

    I 've sent your enquiry to our financial department .

  17. 情景模拟实验教学把实际财务部门搬进校园,为会计教学提供了新的方式,为理论教学提供了补充。

    Situational Simulation Experiment Teaching brings the actual financial department to campus .

  18. 我们得跟财务部门讨论这些开支。

    OK . We 'll have to discuss these costs with finance .

  19. 我想他是财务部门新来的人。

    I believe he is the new member of the finance section .

  20. 企业财务部门和it部门之间的联系日益紧密。

    Corporate finance and it departments have become ever more closely intertwined .

  21. 账目经财务部门证实无误。

    The accounts were certified correct by the finance department .

  22. 他们发觋泄密人是财务部门的一个秘书。

    They traced the leak to a secretary in the finance department .

  23. 大部分的会计人员都是集中在财务部门的。

    Most accounting personnel concentrate in the financial department .

  24. 财务部门负责我们所有的银行业务。

    The financial department handles all of our banking .

  25. 谈财务部门会计档案的管理

    On management of accounting files of financial affairs department

  26. 内部调查发现,奥林巴斯还向安远支付过没被财务部门登记在册的其他款项。

    Olympus made other off-the-books payments to Anyuan , the internal inquiry found .

  27. 财务部门可以更改花费10美元及以上购买请求的购买数量。

    Accounting can change the quantities of purchase requests costing $ 10or more .

  28. 她在财务部门管六个女孩。

    She supervise six girls in the account department .

  29. 财务部门应编报各项财务报告。

    The financial function issues all required financial report .

  30. 我们还面对财务部门资金发放的困难。

    We also have a problem of release of funds by the treasury .