
  • 网络financial cash flow
  1. 文章还运用财务现金流量管理理论和政府公共行政管理理论对已经建成的两个公路项目进行了投资风险分析。

    The article also use financial cash flow management theory and the theory of public administration , has been built on two highway projects discussed investment risk analysis .

  2. 全股权筹资项目税前财务现金流量表用于考察项目融资方案确定前(即不算借款利息)及所得税前整个项目的盈利能力;

    The pre-tax of income financial cashflow statement on financing from only equity capital is used to study the profitability of a project before financing approach ( without interest ) and income taxing ;

  3. 改扩建项目财务评价中现金流量的研究

    Study of Cash Flow in Finance Appraisal of Reconstruction and Expansion Projects

  4. 企业财务业绩与现金流量分析

    The Financial Achievement of One Enterprise and the Analysis of Cash Flow

  5. 企业财务管理中现金流量控制初探

    Probe into the Cash Flow Control in the Financial Management of Enterprise

  6. 现金流量状况可以反映企业财务风险,现金流量管理有利于控制企业财务风险。

    Cash flow condition may reflect enterprises ' financial risk and the cash flow management is a critical task for controlling enterprises ' financial risk .

  7. 主要探讨了两个问题:现金流量表信息的综合指标及案例分析;企业财务战略与现金流量表信息分析。

    The 2 aspects are : general indexes and cases analysis of the cash flow statement information , the cash flow statement information and finance stratagem .

  8. 课程内容包括原则和资产负债表的估价,收入计量,财务披露和现金流量分析的标准,编制和连接这些声明的使用。

    Course includes principles and standards of balance sheet valuation , income measurement , financial disclosure and cash flow analysis that link preparation and use of such statements .

  9. 每月提供周密、可信的财务预测和现金流量预测报告,协助财务总监制定切实可行的,利于公司发展的财务计划;

    Provide adequate and reliable monthly financial forecast and cash flow forecast to assist financial controller in planning , practice , profitability and position for the company future growth ;

  10. 基于对企业以上的财务指标、现金流量、非财务指标等的研究,提出了综合评价贷款企业信贷能力的打分方法。

    Base on the calculation and analysis of loan enterprises ' financial guidelines , non-financial factor and cash flow above , this paper also bring forward the marking method of appraising the credit ability synthetically .

  11. 本文从投资者最易获得信息之一现金流量表的角度,来分析企业在进入财务困境之前现金流量表相关项目所可能出现的异常情况,以帮助投资者更好的把握企业的财务状况。

    Now this article will analyze possibly abnormal situation of correlative items of cash flow statement which is easily obtained by public before enterprises enter into financial distress , to help investors ? creditors and other interest groups have a better grasp of enterprises ' financial situation .

  12. 财务风险管理,现金流量控制。

    Financial risk management , cash flow control .

  13. 许多学者认为以应计制为基础的财务比率和以现金流量为基础的财务比率提供了不同的分析维度。

    Many scholars believe that the accrual-based financial ratios and financial ratios based on cash flow to provide a different analysis dimensions .

  14. 从财务角度考虑,现金流量贴现模式是对目标公司进行价值评估的最合理方式。

    From the viewpoint of finance , discounted cash flow method is the best way to assess the value of the target company .

  15. 本研究将理论分析与实证检验相结合,从理论角度对企业投资支出与内部现金流量的关系进行分析,依托财务数据对内部现金流量和投资支出进行具体指标设定;

    This thesis combines theory analysis with real example analysis together , analyzing the relation between the investment and internal cash flow in terms of theory .

  16. 本文在国内外相关理论的研究成果上,进一步研究了财务风险监测与现金流量控制问题。

    On the basic of the relevant research achivement both in abroad and in home , the thesis further studies financial risk detecting and cash flow controling .

  17. 这说明了,在传统财务指标上引入现金流量指标和非财务性指标,构建财务危机预警模型是有效的,能更好的发现公司财务恶化的征兆,防范于未然。

    The results shows that Cash flow targets and non-financial indicators are effective in financial distress prediction model , better able to find signs of financial deterioration .

  18. 第二部分,介绍了财务报表分析、现金流量分析及其分析指标、现金流量在企业价值评估方面应用情况等内容,对净利润指标分析和现金流量指标分析进行了比较,突出现金流量分析的重要性。

    In pat 2 , it introduced the financial sheet analyzing and the indexes of analyzing . It emphasized the importance of cash flow analyzing from the financial sheet analyzing to cash flow analyzing .

  19. 通过实证分析,研究了财务困境企业的现金流量特征,并选择显著差异的现金流量特征指标构建现金流量财务预警模型。

    Analyze , have studied the cash flow characteristics of financial predicament enterprises through the real example , choose the cash flow characteristic index of the prominent difference to construct the e financial early-warning model of the cash flow .

  20. 第四章探讨了信贷风险分析的意义和流程,分别从财务比率分析、现金流量分析、担保分析、非财务因素分析等方面进行论述,并介绍了贷款风险预警的主要做法。

    Chapter four : Discusses the significance and course of analysis on credit risk , with comments on financial ratio analysis , cash flow analysis , assurance analysis and non-financial analysis . It also introduces the main dealings of pre-warn on credit risk .

  21. 本文主要论述了现金流量管理对于企业集团的重要性以及财务公司在企业集团现金流量管理的一些运用,对企业集团的现金管理提出了自己的意见。

    This paper has expounded mainly about the importance of management of cash flow for enterprise group and some applications of financial company in cash flow to enterprise group . The author 's suggestions to the cash management of the enterprise group are put forward too .

  22. 论文在分析我国高科技上市公司现金流量管理现状的基础上,提出了引入现金流量的杜邦财务分析系统、现金流量预测以及以现金流量为基础的业绩评价等现金流量管理方法;

    On the basis of analyzing the current situation of CFM in high-tech listed corporations , the thesis brings forward the methods of CFM including due-bang financial analysis system after introducing into the cash flow , cash flow forecast and the achievement evaluation based on the cash flow .

  23. 近年提出的贷款风险五级分类法,需考虑财务、非财务、现金流量、信用支持及逾期时间等诸方面要素的影响。

    Loans risk classification involves some essential factors , such as financial elem ent , non financial element , cash flow , credit support , overdue time .

  24. 财务经理带领团队整合账单、制作财务报告和现金流量表,并预测利润。

    Along with their teams , they coordinate accounting and produce financial reports , cash-flow statements and profit projections .

  25. 因此,财务报表的信息可以按真实和公允的要求来描述财务业绩和现金流量。

    Hence , the information from financial statements may be described as showing a true and fair view of the financial position , performance and cash flow of an entity .

  26. 由于多元筹资是项目实际运作的财务、税务条件,投资项目的财务可行性最终结论应当依据多元筹资项目财务现金流量表所作出的盈利能力分析来决定。

    The final decision of investment project feasibility on finance must depend on the profitability analysis according to the financial cashflow statement on multi-financing , due to multi-financing being the practice financial and taxation environment of project 's operation .

  27. 对传统财务业绩评价体系及其所提供的会计信息质量进行了分析,认为财务分析应以现金流量为核心,通过现金流量指标分析企业的获利能力和支付能力更具可行性。

    This article has analyzed the traditional financial performance evaluating system and the accounting information quality supplied by this system . We suggested that the financial analyses should be based on the cash flow analysis .