
  • 网络financial fraud;Accounting fraud
  1. DCC-CD方法在公司财务欺诈识别中的应用。

    DCC-CD is applied in the financial fraud identification .

  2. 财务欺诈将导致各种大量社会经济资源的严重浪费。

    Financial fraud will lead to the tremendous waste of economic resources .

  3. 在股票分析与投资公司citronresearch指责其财务欺诈之后,东南融通的股价在4月27日开始了“过山车”之旅。

    Its shares started a rollercoaster ride on April 27 after citron research , a company which analyses and invests in shares , accused the company of accounting fraud .

  4. 财务欺诈手段识别:来自中国上市公司的实证分析

    Financial Frauds Based on the Empirical Analysis of Chinese Listed Companies

  5. 审计诚信文化是构成财务欺诈行为防范体系的关键环节。

    Trustworthy culture in auditing is the key to prevent financial cheats .

  6. 财务欺诈泛滥,制度缺陷使然。

    The widespread of financial fraud is the result of institutional defect .

  7. 财务欺诈及审计对策之研究

    The Research on the Financial Fraud and Auditing Countermeasure

  8. 上市公司财务欺诈识别

    The Research on Identifying the Risk of Fraudulent Financial Reporting of Listed Companies

  9. 用现金流量多期综合分析法识别财务欺诈

    A Method of Multi-period Cash - flow Overall Analysis on Detecting Financial Frauds

  10. 股票期权驱动下的企业财务欺诈的研究

    Research on Financial Fraud Driven by Stock Options

  11. 聚类分析在识别财务欺诈中的应用

    Application of cluster analysis to identifying financial fraud

  12. 随着证券市场的高速发展,财务欺诈现象日益盛行与蔓延。

    As the development of securities market , financial fraud has been more common .

  13. 随着股份公司的出现,财务欺诈也随之出现。

    Financial fraud came into existence at the beginning that the joint-stock company appeared .

  14. 上市公司财务欺诈之研究

    Research on Listed Companies ' Financial Fraud

  15. 同时,采用面向对象技术设计并实现了财务欺诈识别系统。

    Meanwhile , a financial fraud identification system is designed and implemented using OOD technique .

  16. 公司治理生态与财务欺诈

    Corporate Governance Ecology and Financial Fraud

  17. 试论财务欺诈与舞弊审计

    On Financial Swindle and Fraud Auditing

  18. 因此,对财务欺诈进行识别就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , it is especially important to identify the financial fraud phenomenon for the companies .

  19. 财务欺诈及其防范

    Financial Fraud and the Preventation

  20. 自安然事件之后,美国所揭示出来的一系列财务欺诈案,使股票期权这一激励机制受到质疑。

    After the event of enron , a series of financial swindles have been revealed in American .

  21. 安然公司破产案及其后的一系列公司财务欺诈案件,引起了美国社会各界对上市公司会计丑闻的关注。

    The Enron case and a series corporation financial scandals attract Americans ' attention to accounting scandals .

  22. 我们也为没有被指控财务欺诈的公司构建了一个产业以及规模的匹配控制示例。

    We also constructed an industry-and size-matched control sample of companies that were not accused of committing fraud .

  23. 尤其是金融危机以来,国内外发生的一系列财务欺诈案件,再一次使得会计盈余的质量问题日益突出。

    Particularly , a series of financial cheat cases makes the problem of accounting earnings quality become increasingly prominent .

  24. 财务欺诈之所以有存在空间,有其制度和道德上的因素。

    Financial fraud stored in the space over the world , there is factor on its system and morals .

  25. 本世纪以来,安然、世通等财务欺诈事件引发了注册会计师行业严重的信任危机。

    Since this century , Enron , WorldCom scandals have resulted in a serious credit crisis in accounting industry .

  26. 随着中外财务欺诈案的频频曝光,内部控制信息披露问题引起理论界与实务界的广泛关注。

    With the frequent foreign financial fraud exposure , internal control disclosure caused widespread concern in theory and in practice .

  27. 2001年,美国安然、世通公司发生财务欺诈丑闻,2010年,雷曼兄弟公司倒塌。

    In 2001 , the American Enron and Worldcom financial fraud scandal , in 2010 , the Lehman Brothers collapsed .

  28. 财务欺诈案件的接连发生使审计行业承受了巨大压力的同时,也在寻求提高审计质量的方法。

    The successive financial fraud cases bring auditing sector great pressure , and also spur this sector to improve auditing quality .

  29. 近年来,会计造假和财务欺诈案件层出不穷,引起社会各界对加强会计监管的广泛关注。

    Untrue or fraudulent financial reporting has become more serious in recent years and aroused a great concern of the society .

  30. 从国内背景来看,自中国证券市场建立以来,上市公司在财务欺诈方面的丑闻不断。

    In China , financial fraud took place in listed company instantly at the start of foundation of Chinese security market .