
  1. 本文采用超额收益法与财务指标法对中国证券市场中的特别处理公司(以下简称ST公司)重组绩效进行了实证研究。

    The paper makes an empirical analysis on the restructuring performance of Special Treatment corporate ( hereinafter referred to as ST corporate ) in Chinese securities business by using abnormal return method and financial indicator method .

  2. 通过进一步的研究,我们发现,跨行业重组和关联方重组显著地改善了企业的业绩,但是ST公司的重组没有改善企业的业绩,这和财务指标法的研究结论不一致。

    With further analyze , we find that the restructuring of cross-industries and related parties improve their performance significantly , but the restructuring of ST companies do not as well , which is different from the conclusion of financial index method .

  3. 运用财务指标法的研究结果表明ST公司重组当年绩效并无明显改善,重组后第一年绩效明显上升,而随后两年则呈现下降态势。

    The results obtained through financial indicator method show that the very year of restructuring did not see improved performance of ST corporate while the first year after restructuring did so . However , in the following two years the performance began to decline .

  4. 这些学者研究并购重组事件多采用市场研究法和财务指标法。

    These scholars often adopt the method of market research and financial indicators to study merger reorganization events .

  5. 结果发现:重大资产重组显著地改善了企业的业绩,这和财务指标法的研究结论相一致。

    The conclusion as follows : MAR improve their performance significantly , which maintain a consistent to the financial index method .

  6. 本文在阐述股权激励相关理论和公司绩效相关评价方法的基础上,选择财务指标法对公司绩效进行分析,发现大多数公司在实施股权激励后公司绩效有所提高。

    On the basis of equity incentive theory and company performance evaluation method , the paper choose financial index to analyze company performance , find that the most company performance raise , which implement equity incentive .

  7. 并且选取了169个样本中07年实施并购的43个样本,采用财务指标法研究了并购是否会给企业带来长期的业绩改善。

    And has selected in 169 samples 07 year implementation merger and acquisition 43 samples , used the financial norm law to study the merger and acquisition whether to bring the long-term performance improvement to the enterprise .

  8. 通过使用累积超额收益法和财务指标分析法对ST上市公司资产重组的绩效进行了实证研究,最后对实证的结果进行了分析从而提出了与之相关的政策建议。

    After that , this paper use Cumulative Abnormal Return method and financial indicator method respectively to analyze the performance of the corporate restructuring . The last section of the paper is the analysis of the empirical study results and my own policy advices .

  9. 利用财务指标分析法对近年来发生了外资并购的我国上市公司的绩效进行了实证分析。

    The third section is the research on the foreign mergers and acquisitions achievement of the listed companies .

  10. 在对国内外银行的效率及差异进行探讨时,我利用传统的财务指标分析法。

    When comparing the efficiency difference between China 's banks and foreign banks , I use the traditional method of financial index analysis .

  11. 学术界对并购的研究主要有两种方法,一是事件研究法,二是财务指标分析法。

    There are two main ways in academic research on M & A , first is the event study method , and second is analysis of financial indicators .

  12. 第二部分首先在国内外学者对并购绩效评价研究的基础上,总结与评价了异常收益法、财务指标体系法。运用这两种方法对2000年和2001年的并购进行了分析与评价。

    Part 2 bases on the achievement of domestic and overseas scholars in performance evaluation , the article concludes and evaluate the abnormal return method and financial index method .

  13. 从传统的财务指标分析法发展到模糊综合绩效评价法说明近年来企业绩效评价方法有了长足的改进,使其更加科学合理化。

    Developed from the traditional finance index analysis method to the haziness synthesizes performance evaluation method shows that it has contain substantial improvement , more science and rationalization in recent years .

  14. 在此基础上选择了三家样本银行分别利用财务指标分析法和数据包络分析法进行实证分析,发现了其并购效率前后的变化,发现了我国商业银行并购存在的问题。

    On this basis selects three banks for empirical analysis using financial indicators and data envelopment analysis method respectively . The calculating results find the changes and current problems of the banking mergers .

  15. 第二部分运用企业财务指标分析法和历史分析法对南京理工科技公司进行分析评价,探讨分析南京理工科技公司筹资管理中的不足;

    The second part analyses and evaluates Nanjing Science and Technology Company by applying the company financial index analysis and historical analysis method then find out the disadvantages of Nanjing Science and Technology Company ;

  16. 根据应用条件不同分为线性规划模型法和财务指标比较分析法。

    According to the different conditions of application , the optimization can be solved by two ways : linear programming model and comparative analysis of financial indicators .

  17. 对于关系质量的评估其方法主要有价值法和指标法,价值法侧重于评估关系质量的财务产出,指标法侧重于关系质量的构成维度,这两种方法既有差异,也存在互补性。

    The method of Relational quality evaluation mainly has the value law and the target law . The value law stresses on the relations quality finance delivers , the target law stresses on the relational quality constitution dimension , these two methods already have the difference , also has supplementary .

  18. 房地产投资企业一般都是用财务指标来判断,如财务指标分析法、盈亏平衡分析法、敏感性分析法和概率分析法等。

    Real estate investment companies are generally used to determine the financial indicators , such as financial indicators analysis , break-even analysis , sensitivity analysis and probability analysis , and so on .