
  • 网络financial decision system
  1. 同时,研究智能决策支持系统的结构模型,以此构建识别虚假会计信息的智能财务决策系统,并初步建立了该系统的模块体系。

    At the same time , we design intelligent decision support systems to find out false accounting information after ( researching ) its structure model , and then , elementarily build structure model of this support system .

  2. 基于ERP的财务决策支持系统的构架探析

    Analysis of the framework for financial management decision support system based on ERP

  3. 本文拟对如何综合运用这些最新技术,研究开发新一代财务决策支持系统(NFDSS)问题进行探讨。

    The paper focuses mainly on developing the new generation of financial management DSS ( NFDSS ) by applying these new technologies .

  4. 支持分布式、异构数据仓库财务决策支持系统的研究

    Study of Finance Decision Support System Based on Distributed Heterogeneous Database

  5. 基于VAX&11/730机的财务决策支持系统

    Financial Decision Support System Based on VAX & 11 / 730

  6. 数据挖掘技术在财务决策支持系统中的应用研究

    Application of Financial Decision Support System to Data Mining Technology

  7. 外贸纺织企业财务决策支持系统建模研究

    Research on Models of FDSS for Foreign Trade Textile Enterprise

  8. 人工智能在财务决策支持系统中的应用

    The Application of AI in Finance Decision Supporting System

  9. 财务决策支持系统医院图书馆的咨询服务

    Consulting Service Financial Decision Support System

  10. 本文的第四部分主要论述了高校财务决策支持系统数据部件的解决方案,分别从外部数据析取和内部数据管理两个方面进行探讨。

    The 4th chapter of this thesis mainly discusses the solution of data components on two sides : extracting external data and managing internal data .

  11. 本论文无论是对财务决策支持系统领域的理论研究,还是对油田企业决策支持系统的实际建设都有一定的参考价值。

    Regardless of the theory in the field of the Finance Decision Support System and the practical construction of this system my paper has a reference value .

  12. 财务决策支持系统是企业财务管理信息化的最高阶段,而营运资金管理决策支持系统又是其重要分支之一。

    Working capital management decision support system is one of the important branches of financial decision support system which is the highest stage of information management in enterprise finance .

  13. 首先总结了外贸纺织企业对财务决策支持系统的功能需求,分析出哪些需求属于财务决策支持系统的通用功能,哪些属于特殊功能需求。

    Firstly , it introduces the background of FDSS , then sum-up the requirement of FDSS used in these enterprises , analyzes which requirement are universal and which are special .

  14. 基于Internet环境,应用数据仓库和数据挖掘技术,本文构建了一个企业财务管理决策支持系统框架,提出了系统的体系结构。

    Based on the environment of Internet , adopting methods of Data warehouse and Data mining , this paper introduces the framework of DSS of an industrial financial information management system , and proposes the architecture of the system .

  15. 财务分析决策信息系统的开发和应用

    Development and Application of A Decision Information System for Financial Analysis

  16. 一个基于数据仓库的企业财务管理决策支持系统框架初探

    Study of DSS of An Industrial Financial Information Management System based on Data Warehouse

  17. 正是基于这样一种考虑,作者选择了本论文题目(本项研究得到了哈尔滨市青年科学研究基金的资助),即对林业网络财务及其决策支持系统的构建进行深入系统地研究与论述。

    With an eye to such consideration , the author chooses this subject , that is , discussing the question of constructing forestry network information system and it 's decision supporting system in detail .

  18. 本文介绍了一种财务分析决策信息系统的功能组成和设计思想,论述了系统提供的模型描述语言以及模型计算流程,并阐述了该系统在实际工作中的应用。

    This paper introduces a Decision Information System for Financial Analysis , with its organized functions , designing ideas , the model specification language and the now chart of the model calculation , also presents an application of this system .

  19. 本论文就是从公司立场出发,对公司如何将税收筹划的相关理论运用于理财实践,从而作出更加科学合理的财务决策进行了全面系统的分析和论证。

    The dissertation comprehensively and systematically analyses and demonstrates some related theories of tax planning in order to improve enterprises ' financial decision .

  20. 本文从会计电算化角度阐述了财务分析工作的性质和特点,介绍了专门用于财务分析工作的财务决策支持系统。

    This paper expounds the specific characteristics of financial Analysis in the light of computer accounting systems and deals with a financial decision support system used for financial analysis .

  21. 独立的财务管理软件是最好的途径,将软件分为会计核算、资金管理、成本管理、财务分析、财务预测和财务决策等六个子系统,实现财务管理的事前预测、事中控制及事后反映。

    It is divided into six sub-systems , accounting transaction , capital management , cost management , financial analysis , financial forecast and financial decision . Consequently , finance management can take effect either prior to the incident , amid the incident or afterwards .