- 网络Be jointly and severally liable;joint and several liabilities

In contract operation , the compensation subjects should be the contract ors ;
Conjunctly [ jointly ] and severally
On the law of marriage and family , couples should bear related responsibility to the family 's living expenses ;
" To be jointly liable for debts and expenses arising from actions to establish the company , if the company cannot be established ;"
If an agent and a third party in collusion harm the principal 's interests , the agent and the third party shall be held jointly liable .
If the power of attorney is not clear as to the authority conferred , the principal shall bear civil liability towards the third party , and the agent shall be held jointly liable .
Daily household affairs authority is the right that when one spouse does family affairs as a legal act with a third person , he or she is legally qualified to present an act for his or her spouse .
The forms of civil liability includes : joint liability for debts caused by establishment and expense , joint liability for returning share capital in addition to interest in the corresponding period to shareholders , liability to pay compensation to company .
Article 67 If an agent is aware that the matters entrusted are illegal but still carries them out , or if a principal is aware that his agent 's acts are illegal but fails to object to them , the principal and the agent shall be held jointly liable .
Shareholders of unlimited liability shall bear joint unlimited liability for obligations of the company , and shareholders of limited liability shall be liable to the company only to the extent of the capital contributed by them .
The promoters shall , even after incorporation , be jointly and severally liable for debts of the company incurred prior to incorporation .