- 名virgin ;widow who does not remarry

[chastity] 有节操的女子或从一而终的女子
On the Social Status of the Vestal Virgins in Ancient Rome
Would you go for family planning advice to a virgin train 's medical centre ?
Call me Joan the Maid .
Joseph is a carpenter , a Masurium money pouch vestal virgin , soon becomes Joseph the wife .
The Legend of Good Women has its special significance in Chaucer 's writing career and English literary history .
If the entire city were blown out , and you will talk about those who have sex virgin before principles ?
This is mainly manifested in the works which portray a kind of chaste girls that existing sex without rebellion arguments .
Rhetorically , the novel A Chaste woman written by Guhua gives repeating express , and takes on a distinguishing aesthetics characteristic .
Chosen from noble families before they reached the age of10 , the six Vestal Virgins were honored and revered by the Romans .
With her , Virgin of hope , you will welcome the festive Easter proclamation and the priceless gift of the Holy Spirit .
We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit , born of the Virgin Mary and is true God and true man .
The home of the Vestals who took a vow of chastity was the model both architecturally and sexually for medieval convents and monasteries to come .
Before the Tang Dynasty , Chinese painting to reflect the social life , depicting Mingjun , loyal , martyrs , Zhennv such as the main characters .
This pious woman had conceived an affection for fantine , probably feeling a latent virtue there , and she had devoted herself almost exclusively to her care .
The good God is my father , the good Virgin is my mother , the three apostles are my brothers , the three virgins are my sisters .
This was a place of expiation , and not of punishment ; and yet , it was still more austere , more gloomy , and more pitiless than the other .
Morality and Sex , Virtuous Women and " Liberated " Women & A Comparison between " Mankind " and " Non-Mankind " Positive Images of Women in the Strange Stories From a Chinese Studio
This text attempts to regard the phenomena of these loyal woman , chaste girl as the research object , explore women 's chastity idea of Ming Dynasty , analyse the inherent reason behind this phenomenon .
You left this world many years ago ; you have rejoined your sisters , the virgins , and your brothers , the angels , in the light ; may this lie be counted to your credit in paradise !
From the 17th century to the 19th century , women in either male or female American writer 's works were mainly molded as either a good wife and a loving mother , a faithful spouse , a mistress , or a witty " angel " .