
  • 网络BETA;beta coefficient
  1. 但是,贝塔系数必须要用过去的数据来估计。

    However , estimate of beta is reached with the past data .

  2. 与预期不一致的是,实证研究没有发现资产负债率、流动比率和总资产增长率对贝塔系数有显著影响。

    But inconsistent with prior studies , the debt-to-asset ratio , the current ratio and the growth rate of total assets are not found to be associated with beta in our study .

  3. 基于经典的资本资产定价(CAPM)理论,得到了企业家的期望收益率、企业的贝塔系数和风险溢价。

    Based on CAPM , the authors obtained the expected return rate of entrepreneurs , the beta coefficient and risk premium of enterprises .

  4. 贝塔系数作为资本资产定价模型(CAPM)中的组成部分,是衡量系统性风险的重要指标,它的精确与否对于预测收益率、资产定价和评估资产表现等具有重要的意义。

    As the component of the capital asset pricing model ( CAPM ), beta is an important indicator of systemic risk , which has important implications for predicting the yield , asset pricing , evaluating the performance of assets and so on .

  5. CAPM模型中的贝塔系数是用来衡量资本市场系统风险的基本参数,一个完备的具有有效性的资本市场,它的贝塔系数是不变的,传统的CAPM模型中也要求贝塔系数是固定不变的。

    Coefficient in CAPM model is the basic parameter to weigh the system risk of the capital market . The coefficient in a complete capital market with validity is usually steady , and that is also a requirement of the traditional CAPM model .

  6. 在贝塔系数的计算方法上,选择了单一指数模型。

    In beta coefficient calculation method , chose a single exponential model .

  7. 上海证券市场贝塔系数统计规律分析

    Statistical Analysis on β Coefficient of Shanghai Stock Market

  8. 贝塔系数越大,意味着资产的系统性风险越大。

    The higher beta coefficient means the bigger systemic risk of the assets .

  9. 贝塔系数波动状况的实证分析

    A Positivistic Analysis of the Fluctuation of Beta

  10. 深市行业贝塔系数的稳定性与时变性研究

    Studies on the Stability and Time Variation of Industrial Betas in Shenzhen Stock Market

  11. 本文的主要目的即以深发展为例,检验其贝塔系数是否遵循一个均值回归过程。

    The authors test if the beta of Bank of ShenZhen development has mean reversion tendency .

  12. 各共同基金在各自情况说明书上公布包括贝塔系数在内的一系列有关风险的信息。

    Mutual funds publish information about risk , including the beta , on their fund fact sheets .

  13. 所以,除非贝塔系数具有相对的稳定性,否则,它就无法作为证券市场未来系统风险性的无偏差估计。

    Unless beta is relatively stable , it cannot be applied to the estimate of the future risk ;

  14. 对擅长写作的作家来说,爱情和死亡这类题材,通常比现金流和贝塔系数更有吸引力。

    Writers who are good at writing are generally more drawn to subjects such as love and death than cash flow and beta coefficients .

  15. 投资者在金融危机期间已经认识到,亚洲对冲基金通常提供的是市场回报率,即贝塔系数(β),而非与市场波动不相关、基于技术的回报率,即阿尔法系数(α)。

    Investors had already learnt during the financial crisis that Asian hedge funds mostly provided market returns , known as beta , rather than uncorrelated skill-based returns , or alpha .

  16. 对上海证券市场的短期、中期和长期贝塔系数进行系统研究,发现中长期贝塔系数近似服从正态分布;

    From the systematical study about the 3 periods ' p coefficient of the Stock market in Shanghai , the long-term p is found to be subject to the normal distribution closely ;

  17. 个股的贝塔系数可能会随着大盘的升或跌而变动,有些股票在跌市中可能会较在升市具更高风险。

    Betas for individual stocks can vary according to whether the overall market direction is upwards or downwards . A stock may be riskier in a falling market than a rising market .

  18. 想象这样一家简单的公司:其销售额增长为3%,自由现金流为400万美元,股票风险溢价为5%,贝塔系数为1,而且无债务。

    Consider a simple company growing sales at 3 per cent , making free cash flow of $ 4m with an equity risk premium of 5 per cent , a beta of 1 , and no debt .

  19. 尽管目前货币被广泛认为是一种合理的资产类别,但外汇交易是一场零和游戏,即它的市场贝塔系数为零,也就是说,我们没有理由相信投资者整体会赚钱。

    Although currency is now widely accepted as a legitimate asset class , it suffers from being a zero sum game , ie it has a market beta of zero , meaning there is no reason to believe investors as a whole should make money .

  20. 这些渐近展式是以贝塔分布的级数形式给出的.但是,贝塔系数必须要用过去的数据来估计。

    These expansions are given in the form of series of beta distribution . However , estimate of beta is reached with the past data .