
yù jù
  • Henan opera
豫剧 [yù jù]
  • [Henan opera] 亦称河南梆子,流行于河南全省,陕西、山西等地,为梆子腔之一,属河南地方戏曲剧种

  1. 你能区分京剧和豫剧吗?

    Can you tell the difference between Beijing Opera and Henan opera ?

  2. 豫剧是比京剧更古老的剧种。

    Henan Opera is more ancient than the Peking Opera .

  3. 豫剧随着时代不断发展革新。

    Henan Opera has been innovating with the development of the times .

  4. 谈豫剧板胡及其演奏艺术

    On Banhu in Henan Opera and lts performance ART

  5. 我奶奶是豫剧专家。

    My granny is an expert of Henan Opera .

  6. 豫剧演唱谚诀的人文阐释

    Humanistic Interpretation of Proverbs of Singing in Henan Opera

  7. 豫剧演唱中的吐字与润腔

    The Diction and Operatic Tune in Henan Operatic Singing

  8. 试论豫剧新歌的兴起与发展

    A Tentative Study on the Rise and Development of the New Songs of Yu Opera

  9. 豫剧的剧本创作与表演艺术时刻不忘来源于生活,服务于群众。

    The drama creation and performance arts comes from life and services for the masses .

  10. 商丘豫剧,当地称为豫东调。

    The Henan Opera in Shangqiu , is called the eastern tune , of Henan in the locality .

  11. 第四章重点陈述豫剧在兰州的现状。

    Key point of the forth chapter is to state the current situation of HENAN Opera in LanZhou .

  12. 河南是中国第一大省,豫剧是与京剧齐名的剧种之一。

    Yu Opera of Henan , the largest province in China , is only second to Peking Opera .

  13. 邀请柘城县豫剧团去进行表演,着重讲解安全套在预防艾滋病中所起到的独特作用。

    Mission to be invited Zhecheng Opera performances , focused on the condoms in the prevention of AIDS in the unique role played .

  14. 作为中国四大剧种之一的豫剧,以其独特的魅力元素影响着民族声乐的发展历程。

    As one of the four operas in China , with its unique charm vocal element of the development process of the nation .

  15. 同时,也为豫剧在其他地方作为文化移入剧种的发展,提供历史经验的史料参考。

    As a culture enters into play field , this thesis provides historic material reference for development of HENAN Opera in other places .

  16. 一个剧种两个流传地的唱腔音乐比较研究&以豫剧[二八板]音乐的调式结构分析为例

    A Comparative Study on the Aria Music of One Opera Genre in two Regions & Taken the Analysis of Erba-rhythm Mode Structure as Example

  17. 本文以甘肃兰州的多元文化为背景,以豫剧传入甘肃为对象,研究了豫剧在兰州的生存及发展现状。

    This thesis targets on HENAN Opera and researches its current development and existence situation in LanZhou under the multi-cultural background in this city .

  18. 它是河南豫剧中具有代表性的主要流派之一,也是以区域特性为其特征的民俗戏曲文化。

    It is one of the most representative main schools in Henan Opera and also the folk-custom traditional opera culture whose characteristics are based on a particular region .

  19. 一个剧种的繁荣和兴旺,离不开具有深厚功力、卓越艺术才能、在观众中享有威望的艺术家的贡献,马金凤就是豫剧演唱艺术中杰出的代表。

    The Ma Jin-Feng is one of remarkable representatives in the singing artistry of Yu drama , this paper combines her singing career with her different development of music fo .

  20. 豫剧作为中国最有影响的地方戏大剧种之一,其突出的艺术特点便是特别注重唱,以唱来彰显它的艺术魅力。

    Henan Opera as the most influential one local opera great operas , their outstanding artistic feature is the special " sing-oriented " to " sing " to demonstrate its artistic charm .

  21. 红色经典《朝阳沟》是一部豫剧现代戏,创作于1958年,历时48个春秋,现在已成为文化的一种表征。

    Red canon Chang Yang Gou as a contemporary Chinese drama was written in 1958 in Henan , which now has gone much beyond literature itself and become a cultural phenomenon with Chinese characteristics .

  22. 本文是对豫剧表演艺术家常香玉在其代表性优秀剧目《拷红》、《断桥》、《花木兰》中的演唱艺术的研究。

    This paper studies the singing art of the performing artist Chang Xiangyu on Henan Opera in her representative works " Kao Hong "," The Broken Bridge " and " Hua Mu Lan " .

  23. 但是作为至今戏曲理论、声乐界仍然争议很大的艺术形式,豫剧男声唱腔与演唱有着怎样的发展与革新,现在状态如何等。

    But as far opera theory , vocal sector is still very controversial art form , Opera has a male voice singing and singing how development and innovation , state of such a system .

  24. 这部份从历史地理文化背景、传统乐舞戏曲文物遗存、商丘民俗与戏曲艺术三方面分别进行论述;二、豫剧源流及其豫东调音乐。

    This part gives the discussion respectively from three aspects , a , history and geography , cultural background ; b , traditional dances and drama cultural relics c , the folk-custom and drama art in Shangqiu .

  25. 第一部分:简介豫剧的形成、发展及研究方言字音和咬、吐字特点的必要性。

    The paper consists of four parts : Section one generally introduces the formation and development of Henan Opera and the necessity of the research on the features of the dialectal pronunciation and the Henan Opera 's singing pronunciation .

  26. 长期以来,豫剧唱腔与演唱事业得到了很好的发展,其中的豫剧男声唱腔与演唱艺术伴随着豫剧的发展也取得了不少进步。

    Over the years , Henan opera singing and singing career has been a very good development . One male voice singing with the Concert Opera accompanied by the development of Henan Opera has made a lot of progress .

  27. 第二章是在前人的基础上对豫剧五大名旦的演唱风格特点和技巧方面做以较详细地论述和总结,并为以下的论述提供有力的论据。

    The second chapter gives a detailed review and summary of the singing styles and skills of the five Dan in Yu opera based on the research done by processors and this chapter provides grounds of argument for the following discussion .

  28. 根据1992年版的《戏曲志·河南卷》进行统计,除豫剧外,河南省还有44个剧种,这些剧种的音乐形式绝大多数为板腔变化体。

    According to the 1992 version of " the Drama catalogue ? Henan Volume ", besides the Henan opera , there are 44 kinds of drama in Henan Province . These kinds of drama music form are mainly board cavity change body .

  29. 第四章通过大量唱段和歌曲的演唱实例来印证笔者在豫剧旦角演唱和民族唱法上在语言、气息、咬字、念白等方面的融合与借鉴。

    The practical cases of arias and songs in the fourth chapter confirm the fusion and reference done by the author in the study of language , breathing , articulation and spoken parts of Dan in Yu opera and national singing art .

  30. 大弦戏所流行的豫北地区除豫剧、大弦戏外还有大平调、落腔、四股弦、二夹弦等剧种,也均为板腔变化体。

    In north Henan area where popular with Da xian drama , except the Henan opera , there are Da ping tune , Luo cavity , four strings , two clamps string and so on , Which are also for board cavity change style .