
xiànɡ niǎo
  • elephant bird
  1. 我象鸟一样的自由,也象鸟一样有翅膀。

    I am free as a bird and have wings like one ;

  2. 我象鸟一样地飞起来了。

    Benidick : I am flying like a bird .

  3. 他们想要象鸟一样飞。

    They wanted to fly like the birds .

  4. 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。

    I wish I fly like a bird .

  5. 飞机已准备好,引擎发动起来象鸟叫一样动听。

    The kite 's all ready , and the engine 's as sweet as a bird .

  6. 这样的作品即使摹仿得极其工细、极其近似,还是免不了象鸟在学人说话一样。

    This works fine even if the imitation was very public , very similar to , or as inevitable Birds , like people speak in school .

  7. 那架飞行器的外形略象一只鸟。

    That flying machine is shaped something like a bird .

  8. 东半球干旱地区象鸽子的鸟,翅膀和尾巴长而尖,幼体刚孵出便覆有绒毛。

    Pigeon-like bird of arid regions of the Old World having long pointed wings and tail and precocial downy young .

  9. 看上去,你的狗狗象一只鸟一样蜷缩在窝里,实际上,它根本没必要起来。

    If your dog seems to be sleeping in its den like a hoopoe it does not have to be as it appears .

  10. 加德里曼一只脚站在小架子上,象歇息着的鸟。

    Godliman stood at a lectern , perched one leg like a bird .

  11. 当闹钟叫醒一个人时,他不是感觉象只早起的鸟,而是象只早起的虫子。

    When an alarm clock wakes a man up , it makes him feel not like the early bird , but like the worm .

  12. 突然间,那条挂帆的绳索断了,那张帆便象一只大海鸟似的消失在夜的黑暗里了。

    Suddenly the ropes that still held it gave way , and it disappeared in the darkness of the night like a vast sea-bird .

  13. “好好儿歇歇吧,小鸟,”他说。“然后投身进去,碰碰运气,象任何人或者鸟或者鱼那样。”

    " Take a good rest , small bird ," he said . " Then go in and take your chance like any man or bird or fish . "

  14. 昨天你把我抱起,轻的象稻草,脆弱的象只鸟;

    Yesterday you came to lift me up as light as straw and brittle as a bird ;

  15. 我们看起来象什么,象不象啄木鸟?

    What do we look like , a couple of peckerwood jackasses ?