
  • 网络Nutmeg;ground nutmeg;cardamon;Nutmeg powder
  1. 加入面粉,盐和豆蔻粉,不断搅拌到混合均匀。

    Stir in flour , salt and nutmeg until combined .

  2. 加入盐和白胡椒调味,喜欢的话,可以加入少许豆蔻粉。

    Add salt and pepper to taste , and add a little nutmeg , if desire .

  3. 在你的法式烤面包上,也许你会洒上些肉桂粉和豆蔻粉,这些是热带树木的树皮和坚果磨成的。

    Over your French toast you may have sprinkled cinnamon and nutmeg , the powdered bark and nuts of tropical trees .

  4. 在同一锅中,倒入鸡汤,苹果,洋葱,3汤匙(1汤匙)苹果汁,肉桂粉和豆蔻粉。

    In the same skillet , combine the broth , apples , onion , 3 tablespoons ( 1 tablespoon ) cider , cinnamon and nutmeg .

  5. 去另一盆,把面粉过筛,然后加入燕麦,小苏打,豆蔻粉,肉桂粉,向草糖和盐。

    Sieve the flour into a separate bowl , add the oats , baking soda , nutmeg , cinnamon , vanilla sugar and salt and blend well .