
  • 网络genealogy
  1. 本文略述谱牒学的源流,并着重就它在修撰地方志方面的作用、利弊作了具体的分析。

    This paper presents the source and development of genealogy and , in particular , analyzes its functions , strengths and drawbacks in compiling local annals .

  2. 徽州叶姓的源流&兼论区域姓氏研究与中华姓氏学、宗族史、谱牒学的关系

    Origin and Development of Family Name of Ye in Huizhou : On Relationship between Regional Family Name Study and Chinese Family Name Study , Family History and Genealogy

  3. 他还首开私人编撰书目的先例,在目录学和谱牒学方面也成绩卓著。论魏晋南北朝谱牒档案的作用

    He initiated the bibliographic compilation and fulfilled great achievement in bibliography and genealogy . On the Function of Genealogy Archives During the Wei , Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties

  4. 家庙、谱牒与组织在社会学视野中对陈氏太极拳发源地陈家沟陈氏宗族的一种解析徽州叶姓的源流兼论区域姓氏研究与中华姓氏学、宗族史、谱牒学的关系

    Ancestral Temple , Genealogy and Organization & An Analysis upon Chen Clan in Chen Village by Means of Sociology ; Origin and Development of Family Name of Ye in Huizhou : On Relationship between Regional Family Name Study and Chinese Family Name Study , Family History and Genealogy