
Since 2001 , issues of WTO negotiations are on the increase and touching upon fields such as non-agricultural products tariffs , intellectual property , agriculture , service industry , trade and environment , e-commerce , trade facilitation , dispute resolution , subsidy and anti-dumping .
The main negotiating topics are in great argument between the major interest groups .
As the member states of World Trade Organization and the original country of International Labor Organization , China should treat the issue of labor standard scrupulously , because it will exit for a long time and may become topics of one new round of negotiations of WTO .
Indeed , the use of capital controls by middle-income countries such as Brazil to protect themselves from hot money inflows has become the subject of another complex and slow-moving negotiation .
The bill has been the subject of long political negotiations on Capitol Hill and people involved in the process stressed that none of the components would be final until they were approved by Senate leaders this week .
Energy service will be the new issue of the new WTO negotiation about market access of service trade .
The relation between trade and environment has made a vital subject under discussion in the new round of Doha negotiation of WTO .
The issue of trade and environment is an important subject of the doha round negotiation . As the connection of technological standard and the trade , free trade will be influenced when disguised by environmental protection claims .
The problem of trade and environment is a complicated and important problem concerning many levels and fields of international society , which has become an important issue to be discussed in a new round of negotiation of WTO .
The liberalization of maritime transport service is one of the substantial topics in the multilateral trade negotiation of WTO . Entry into WTO means the further opening of maritime service market and will bring great challenges to domestic maritime enterprises .
Discussions centre on a new drug development company that would salvage employment at British pharmaceutical research facilities earmarked for closure .
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ( REDD ) in developing countries has become an important issue in the international climate negotiation .
Mr. Annan said the negotiations would resume Friday on long-term issues such as constitutional reform and ways to end inequalities in land and wealth distribution .
The study includes a chapter by Daniel Sumner on the Cotton Initiative , which has been placed at the center of the Doha negotiations by four African countries .
This framework covers nearly all the negotiation issues including Agriculture , Cotton , Non-agricultural Market Access , Development , Trade inService , Special and Differential Treatment , Trade facilitation etc.
The results of agriculture negotiation , which is an important item of this multilateral negotiation , will influence the basic benefits of Chinese farmers and the development of the whole country .
For instance , in 2008 , Google 's deputy general counsel testified before a Senate subcommittee that the United States government should make the matter a central issue in trade talks .
Maritime Transport Services belong to the item of Transport Service in service trade , and the liberation of Maritime Transport Services is one of the important topics of discussion in multilateral negotiation of service trade .
Nowadays in the world , free trade has become the mainstream of the world economy ; it is the main topic among countries to lower the tariff and non-tariff barrier during the bilateral and multilateral discussion .
However , the motivation of Neutrality Treaty signing , central idea of negotiation and the content of the Treaty are all directed against China . And the Neutrality Treaty signing had a profound influence on the War of Resistance Against Japan in China .
Government procurement is one of the vital topics in international trade negotiations .
Now , the " amicus curiae " system has become an important issue for the new round of WTO negotiations .
As one of the most significant topics in the Doha Development Agenda , the further market opening and elaboration of GATS rules have drawn unprecedented attentions .
The agriculture negotiation is an important issue of multilateral trade negotiations .
Electronic commerce was included in the multilateral trade system at the first ministerial meeting of WTO . Meanwhile , it is one of the important negotiate topics in the new round negotiation of WTO .
Two issues are debated in the TRIPS Council under the Doha mandate in the field of geographical indications negotiations : creating a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits ; extending a higher level of protection beyond wines and spirits .
In the upcoming session of WTO multilateral negotiation , Geographical Indications protection is a major topic in the talk on agricultural commodities .
In this context , the reduction or elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services was formally presented as a topic during WTO Doha Round .
The chief negotiators of World Trade Organization members will meet in Geneva starting September 14 to grapple with issues that brought about the collapse of global trade talks last year .