
tiáo jié wù
  • regulator;moderator
  1. 抑制素是一种主要由性腺分泌的糖蛋白激素,对FSH起负反馈调节物作用。

    The inhibin , a glycoprotein hormone from gonad , acts as a negative feedback regulator of FSH .

  2. 研究表明,CAVD的发病与囊性纤维化跨膜转运调节物(CFTR)基因突变和中肾管发育缺陷有关。CAVD患者可合并肾发育不全和其他泌尿系统异常。

    The etiology of CAVD is associated with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) gene and defects in the Wolffian duct , and frequently complicated by renal agenesis and other urogenital abnormalities .

  3. ALI是一个以肺实质弥散性炎症为特征的疾病过程,炎症调节物在ALI发病中的作用一直是研究的热点。

    Acute lung injury ( ALI ) is a disease process characterized by diffuse inflammation in the lung parenchyma .

  4. 方法用分光光度法和电子自旋共振技术(ESR)检测加入或未加抗氧化剂等调节物的反应体系中反应产物及自由基中间产物的生成情况。

    METHODS The reaction product and free radical intermediate in the reaction medium with or without antioxidants and other moderators was detected by spectrophotometry and electron spin resonance ( ESR ) .

  5. 脑型一氧化氮合成酶的钙调蛋白结合区的表达及活性鉴定钙调素(Calmodulin,CaM)是一种多功能的酶调节物。

    Expression of Calmodulin binding Domain of Neuronal Nitric Synthase and Its Binding Activity to Calmodulin The interaction between calmodulin and calmodulin binding domain of cell membrane can be characterized by affinity constant .

  6. 葡萄糖诱导的体外培养人脐静脉内皮细胞膜中葡糖基磷脂酰肌醇锚式补体活化膜调节物(CD59,CD55)的下调

    Glucose-induced loss of glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored membrane regulators of complement activation ( CD59 , CD55 ) by in vitro cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells

  7. 脑室注射IL-1β的剂量小至0.06fmol对血清抑制蛋白的产生有增强作用,表明脑内IL-1可能是中枢神经系统与免疫系统之间的一种重要调节物。

    Injection of a very small dose of IL-1 β ( 0 . 06 fmol ) was effective on the generation of the supressive protein led us to suggest that IL-1 in brain might act as an important mediator between CNS and the immune system .

  8. 阐述热休克蛋白90(hsp90)作为一个心血管疾病新的调节物,在调节内皮一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)功能方面的作用:血管内皮一氧化氮(NO)主要来源于eNOS;

    The aim of this article was to illustrate the effect of regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase ( eNOS ) by heat shock protein 90 ( hsp90 ), a newly recognized player in cardiovascular diseases .

  9. 因为2,3-BPG是血红蛋白的别构调节物,与血红蛋白等摩尔结合,因此是调节O2和血红蛋白亲和力的重要因素。

    Cause 2,3-BPG acts as an allosteric model and combines with the hemoglobin equally in amount . Thus it plays a critical role in adjusting the affinity between O2 and hemoglobin .

  10. 分别研究了厌氧过程和好氧过程中供氧量、碳源调节物浓度、培养时间等对菌胶团菌生长和胞内PHA积累的影响,测定了所得PHA的分子量、熔点和单体链节组成。

    In this work , the influence of the oxygen supply rate , attachment carbon source concentration and culture time to the accumulation of PHA were investigated . The molecular weight and monomer composition of PHA extracted from activated sludge were measured .

  11. 不育男中囊性纤维化跨膜转运调节物基因突变频率增加

    Increased frequency of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene mutations in infertile males

  12. 荔枝幼果内源生长调节物的消长与胚胎发育的关系

    The Relation Between Embryonic Development and Endogenous Growth Regulators in Young Fruits of Litchi

  13. 一种新的核蛋白CTCF-多功能转录调节物

    A Novel Nuclear Protein CTCF-versatile Transcription Regulator

  14. 沙生植物渗透调节物对干旱、高温的响应及其在抗逆性中的作用

    Osmoregulation Changes in Desert Plants Under Drought and High Temperature Stresses , Related to Their Resistance

  15. 本研究支持大颗粒小泡在非突触部位,通过胞吐释放递质或神经调节物的假说。

    This study supports the hypothesis that release of the transmitter of the great dense core vesicles occur at nonsynaptic sites by exocytosis .

  16. 渗透调节物可溶性糖、脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白在干旱的过程中有上升的趋势,嫩江云杉的变化幅度较大。

    Soluble protein content , soluble sugar and proline contents increased under water stress , and the changing degree of Nenjiang spruce was higher .

  17. 猪胸腺中免疫抑制调节物的研究&Ⅱ.提取物的分离和对淋巴细胞增殖效应的抑制

    Studies on the preparation of immunosuppressive regulating substance from the pig thymus extract (ⅱ) separation and the suppressive effect on the proliferation of lymphocyte

  18. 渗透调节物可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量增加,淀粉含量下降;

    The content of osmoregulation substance such as soluble suger , soluble protein increased to the different degree , while the content of starch decreased .

  19. 以草珊瑚为材料,研究了其叶片低温半致死温度与水分和渗透调节物随气温下降的变化。

    The purpose of this article is to study the semilethal low temperature of S.glabra Nakai leaves and the changes of water content and osmoregulation substances .

  20. 自然降温过程中云锦杜鹃抗寒适应性研究&水分、渗透调节物的动态变化与低温半致死温度的关系

    Study of the Cold-Resistant Adaptability of Rhododendron fortunei during a Natural Drop in Temperature & The Relationship Between the Dynamic Changes of Water Content and Osmoregulation Substances and the Semilethal Low Temperature

  21. 别构部位:可以结合特定效应物或者调节物的酶的一个部分。结果9例病人术后发生胆道合并症,占各种腹部合并症的首位。

    Allosteric site A part of an enzyme to which a specific effector or modulator can be attached . Results 9 patients developed biliary complications , which , of all kinds of abdominal complications , rank first .

  22. 采用交换轮调节织物密度的牵拉卷取机构。

    Fabric take-up and batching mechanism , which used change gear drive for adjusting the fabric density .

  23. 山区城市实施分区供水时需设加压泵站及调节构筑物。

    The booster pump station and regulating reservoir need to be set in urban water network in mountainous areas .

  24. 方法使用微持续、微间隔方法,调节刺激物的显示屏数,根据目标的对比度变化来判定掩蔽效应的强弱。

    Methods Micro-persistence and interval process , modulate the displaying screen number of the stimulators to determine the strength of masking effect by the contrast of object .

  25. 通过处理,调节同化物的分配,不仅体现在光合产物在不同穗库间的分配,还体现在碳水化合物在运输糖与储存糖之间的分配上。

    The partition of assimilate was changed , which showed the allocation of assimilate among different ear sinks and the distribution of carbohydrate between translocation sugar and storage sugar .

  26. 结论缺氧胁迫下,甘蓝型油菜耐湿基因型能显著增加渗透调节有机物含量,同时启动活性氧清除系统,减少膜脂化程度,提高抵御缺氧胁迫。

    【 Conclusion 】 The results suggested that WT genotype of rapeseed could increase organic osmoregulation content and activities of active oxygen scavenger enzyme increased the anoxic tolerance to waterlogging .

  27. 接缝设计应便于垂直延展,从而调节道路覆盖物。

    Joints shall be designed to facilitate vertical extension to accommodate roadway overlays .

  28. 利用钆配合物调节激基复合物发光颜色的一种有机发光二极管

    Organic Light-emitting Diode with Tunable Exciplex Emission Colour Using Gadolinium Complex as a Functional Layer

  29. 其中包括,对其各种调控方法以及这些调控方法对BL生物学性能的影响进行了描述,例如,如何进行水分调节、pH调节、营养物添加、温度控制和预处理等;

    This part mainly includes the description of control approaches and the effects on the biological functions of BL , such as moisture content adjustment , pH value adjustment , addition of nutrients , temperature control , and pretreatment , etc.

  30. 其作用既可从DNA水平上调节相关基因的表达和mRNA水平上调节转录物的稳定性,也可从蛋白质水平上通过磷酸化来调节酶及相关蛋白质的活性。

    The regulation can be made at DNA level by regulating the related gene expression , mRNA level by regulating the transcription and protein level by regulating the activity of enzymes or related protein through phosphorylation .