
  • 网络norwich;Norwich City
  1. 诺威奇联合保险公司(NorwichUnion)的研究表明,过去两年内,一个5至16岁的孩子就读一所公立学校的总花费增加了逾1500英镑。

    The total bill for sending a child to state school between the ages of five and 16 has risen by more than 1,500 in the last two years , research by Norwich Union found .

  2. 诺威奇勋爵要做的第二件事则是对各时期的史实都等量齐观。

    Lord norwich 's second task was to strike a balance over time .

  3. 诺威奇联合人寿保险公司

    Norwich Union Life Insurance

  4. 在中国,大部分周六的晚上,罗伯特都会调到诺福克电台,收听诺威奇市的情况是怎样的。

    On most Saturday evenings in China , Robert tunes into Radio Norfolk to hear how Norwich City is fairing .

  5. 诺威奇的研究人员制定了一项容易的挑战:寻找150名妇女准备吃一天的巧克力棒。

    Researchers in Norwich have set themselves an easy challenge : finding150women prepared to eat a bar of chocolate a day .

  6. 他在诺威奇成功地经营着一个营养咨询公司,同时格伦也是两家旨在解决低收入地区健康问题的非营利的公司董事。

    He runs a successful nutrition consultancy in Norwich and is also director of two non-profit making companies addressing health inequalities in low-income areas .

  7. 诺威奇勋爵在《中央之海》一书序言中指出,他的首要任务就是让人们了解西班牙的一些不为人知之处。

    Lord Norwich 's first test , he notes in his introduction to " The Middle Sea ", was to compensate for an ignorance of Spain .

  8. 英国保守党议会称,此举每年可节省16.7万英镑,但诺威奇绿党议员史蒂文·奥特曼批评了这一方案。

    The Tory-run council say it will save £ 167,000 a year , but Steven Altman , a Green Party councillor in Norwich , criticised the scheme .

  9. 作为诺威奇的首任女教长,赫奇斯称此事对教会和我们向全世界布道来说,都是非常激动人心的好消息。

    Jane Hedges , the first female dean of Norwich , who called it very exciting and good news for the church and our mission to the world .

  10. 约翰•朱利叶斯•诺威奇撰写过不少关于诺尔曼-西西里岛、撒哈拉沙漠、阿陀斯山威尼斯和拜占庭帝国的作品。

    JOHN JULIUS NORWICH is the author of more than a dozen books on Norman Sicily ①, the Sahara , Mount Athos ② and the Venetian and Byzantine empires .

  11. 诺威奇联合保险公司表示,当父母为今秋开始上大学子女的前途充满了自豪时,他们对如何承担经济负担的担忧和恐慌,却似乎会为这种自豪蒙上一层阴影。

    Norwich Union said that whilst parents may well be filled with pride at the prospect of their loved ones starting university this autumn , this looks set to be overshadowed by fear and panic over how they are going to shoulder the financial burden .

  12. 作为诺威奇的首任女教长,赫奇斯称此事“对教会和我们向全世界布道来说,都是非常激动人心的好消息”。赫奇斯教长称没想到会在职业生涯期间目睹这一变化。

    Jane Hedges , the first female dean of Norwich , who called it " very exciting and good news for the church and our mission to the world . " Dean Hedges said she had not expected to see this change in her professional life .