首页 / 词典 / good


zhū jūn
  • you;Gentlemen;Sirs; ladies and gentlemen
诸君 [zhū jūn]
  • (1) [ladies and gentlemen] 各位

  • 诸君!敌人远我,欲以火器困我也。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  • (2) 又

  • 诸君无意则已。

  1. 且为诸君言之。

    Now I 'll inform you about it .

  2. 每种贴面均有大小不同容量,诸君可灵活选购。

    Every kinds of veneering are various capacity , you can choose freely .

  3. 读者诸君或许不会不乐意稍稍花点时间,回头看一看汤姆大伯的那幢木屋吧。

    Our readers may not be unwilling to glance back , for a brief interval at Uncle tom 's cabin .

  4. 读者诸君应该问问自己:你与时俱进了吗?

    So ask yourself : are you in step with the times ?

  5. 欢迎转载,请注明出处!在此谢过诸君!

    Thank you for calling me back . I really appreciate it !

  6. 为了给诸君先睹为快,以下是该书的目录。

    The following is the chapters content of the book for your preview .

  7. 因此,奉劝诸君珍惜机遇,谨慎。

    Therefore , it is advisable that you should value and treat them care .

  8. 诸君究竟希望什么?

    What is it that gentlemen wish ?

  9. 此项神圣责任,自在诸君。

    That sacred duty is yours .

  10. 诸君之祖先曾以大无畏之精神,冒不可思议之困难,筚路褴褛以开发新大陆。

    Their brawn and thews braved undauntedly almost unbelievable hardships to open up a new continent .

  11. 读者诸君不管来自何方,信仰什么,相信必定开卷有益。

    Readers will benefit from this book no matter where they come from and what they believe in .

  12. 这里且将我平生的游历逐一道来,与诸君共享。

    And here , I present to you , and share with you , my numerous travels in life .

  13. 列位诸君切莫认为这是一个讽刺&是一幅描述历史的漫画。

    It would be quite a mistake to suppose that this is mockery & a caricature of historical descriptions .

  14. 简言之,因为圣经没有提及这种罪,所以我断言,没有这种罪会累及诸君。

    In short , because Scripture does not speak of sin here , I therefore say there is no sin involved .

  15. 贵国第七十七届国会,向日、德、义三国宣战。就其在当时而言,贵国国会确已完成其工作。就今日而论,则有待于诸君。

    When the Seventy-seventh Congress declared war against Japan , Germany , and Italy , Congress for the moment had done its work .

  16. 关键是,天才们是从另外一块“镜片”中看待世界,与社会上的其他诸君所不同。

    The point is , a genius mind by definition does not see the world through the same lens as the rest of society .

  17. 但是如果读者诸君愿意随我到马厩的楼上一间小阁楼里走走的话,也许可以了解一点他的情况。

    If our readers will accompany us up to a little loft over the stable they may , perhaps , learn a little of his affairs .

  18. 我中国国民,正与诸君相同,不仅为吾人本身,且更为人类全体,希望有一较佳之世界;实则必须有此较佳之世界。

    We in China , like you , want a better world , not for ourselves alone , but for all mankind , and we must have it .

  19. 余首愿确告诸君,美国人民对于分布全球各地之美国战士实足以自豪。

    First of all , I want to assure you that the American people have every right to be proud of their fighting men in so many parts of the world .

  20. 诸君当前之要务,乃协助争取胜利,并创建与维护一种永久之和平,俾此次遭受侵略者之一切牺牲与痛苦,具有意义。

    The task now confronting you is to help win the war and to create and uphold a lasting peace which will justify the sacrifices and sufferings of the victims of aggression .

  21. 诸君为美国人民之代表,目前有一光荣机会,使汝祖先之开国工作,发扬光大,超越物体与地理限制之疆界。

    You , as representatives of the American people , have before you the glorious opportunity of carrying on the pioneer work of your ancestors , beyond the frontiers of physical and geographical limitations .

  22. 读者诸君,不论是作为父母照样作为后世,你在共用房间方面有什么经验?眼下的经济形势对你抉择是否让孩子们共用房间有什么影响吗?

    Readers , what experiences have you had , either as a parent or child , with siblings sharing rooms ? Has the economy had any effect on whether your kids will share rooms ?

  23. 儒家圣人所传之道同样体现在汉唐诸君的霸业之中,将道与功利结合在了一起,并以此与朱熹展开了争论。

    Confucian sages as reflected in the way mass party of the dominance among the Han and Tang Dynasties , the Road and utility combine together , and thus launched a debate and Zhu Xi .

  24. 为了我这种慷慨的奉献,我相信凡是生得一副好胡子、长得一张好脸蛋或是有一口好气息的诸君,当我屈膝致敬的时候,都会向我道别。

    And I am sure , as many as have good beards , or good faces , or sweet breaths will for my kind offer , when I make curtsy , bid me farewell ( Epi . 16-21 ) .

  25. 诸君为贵国人民之代表,当有以指示取得胜利之途径,并协助建立一新世界,使一切民族此后得相处于融洽与和平之中。

    It now remains for you , the present Representatives of the American people , to point the way to win the war , to help construct a world in which all peoples may henceforth live in harmony and peace .

  26. 陪审团诸君:无论在主人富裕之曰还是贫困之时,也无论主人健康无恙还是病入裔肓,守卫在他身边的始终是他的狗。只要它能够贴近于主人,它就宁愿蜷伏于冰冷的地面,任寒风刺骨,冰雪袭身。

    Gentlemen of the jury , a man 's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty , in health and in sickness.He will sleep on the cold ground where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely , if only he may be near his master 's side .