
  • 网络language center;speech center;Wernicke
  1. 病变部位位于经典语言中枢的240例,非语言中枢受累85例;

    240 cases which damaged were located in classical language centers , 85 cases were located at other sites .

  2. 真词、假词均在双侧大脑半球诱发出明显的晚发磁反应波,左侧大脑半球磁反应波分化较右侧大脑半球好,运动性语言中枢均位于额下回后部。

    Both words and pseudowords evoked obvious late magnetic reaction waves in bilateral cerebral hemispheres , the motor language centers both located at posterior inferior frontal gyrus .

  3. 语言中枢位于左半脑。

    The major centre for language is in the left side of the brain .

  4. 先天性耳聋婴幼儿听觉及语言中枢等相关脑区变化的fMRI研究

    An fMRI Study of Cerebral Functional Cortex in Infants Congenital Hearing Loss

  5. 范德科尔克手中有大量的功能性磁共振成像扫描资料显示,在面对创伤时(对于PTSD患者则是面对创伤记忆时),前额叶皮层、语言中枢都沉寂下来,而杏仁核却变得异常活跃。

    Van der Kolk has scores of fMRI scans showing that when faced with a trauma - or in the case of PTSD , with a traumatic memory - the prefrontal cortex becomes muted , the speech center becomes muted and the amygdala becomes hyperactive .

  6. 大多数人的语言中枢在大脑左半球。

    In most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere .

  7. 母语为汉语正常人听觉性语言中枢的定位

    Mapping Sensory 's Area of the Health Speakers Whose Native Language are Chinese

  8. 也就是说语言中枢在右脑。

    Which means speech is in the right side .

  9. 语言中枢的低灌注、低代谢与失语症发病关系的临床研究

    The relationship of hypoperfusion and hypometabolism of the language area : pathogenesy of aphasia

  10. 人脑皮质运动语言中枢的形态结构的观察

    An observation on the histological structure of the motor speech center of the human cerebral cortex

  11. 传统观点认为,失语症是皮质语言中枢损害的结果。

    The traditional ideas consider that aphasia is caused by the damage of cortical language center .

  12. 左脑半球的语言中枢是语言习得的必要条件,但其语言习得能力在青春期之后却迅速衰退;

    The left hemisphere as the language center plays an important role in language acquisition before puberty .

  13. 非优势半球卒中致语言中枢严重受损可能只引起轻微交流障碍。

    The patient may have subtle communication problems due to higher level language impairment associated with non-dominant hemisphere stroke .

  14. 一个在生活中完完全全依赖于左手的人多半有右半叶语言中枢,那些有家族遗传因素的左撇子们也如是。

    People who use their left hand for almost everything have an extremely high chance of being right-brain language dominant .

  15. 位于经典的语言中枢的有56例,38例为非语言中枢受累;

    The lesion involved the classic language function area in56 cases , and did not affect the language functional area in38 cases .

  16. 然而,目前研究发现有些人的语言中枢在大脑右半球。

    However , it 's now been discovered that , in some people , language skills happen in the right side of the brain .

  17. 犹他大学的研究小组将带有极小的微电极的网格入置于一名患有严重癫痫的志愿者的大脑语言中枢。

    The University of Utah research team placed grids of tiny microelectrodes over speech centers in the brain of a volunteer with severe epileptic seizures .

  18. 由于接受实验的左撇子的语言中枢位于其大脑右半球,他们会首先听到左耳接受到的声音信号。

    Since the left – handed subjects have language centers resident in their right hemisphere of the brain , they would hear the auditory signal given to the left ear first .

  19. 如研究脑科学中关于人语言中枢发展的关键期与可塑性如何用于儿童语言的早期教育;

    For instance , how should we apply to the early education of children s language the results of research on the crucial stage and plasticity of human language center development ?

  20. 结论母语为汉语的正常人听觉性语言中枢与经典的语言中枢基本相符,即听觉性语言中枢定位于左侧颞中回、颞上回、缘上回。

    Conclusion The linguistic center of auditory function in Chinese people coincides with the classic language center , ie. is located at middle temporal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus .

  21. 出血两个半星期之后,外科医生帮我取出了一个高尔夫球般大小的血块,它一直挤压着我的语言中枢。

    Two and a half weeks after the hemorrhage , the surgeons went in , and they removed a blood clot the size of a golf ball that was pushing on my language centers .

  22. 随着运动中枢、语言中枢及脑整合功能的发现,19世纪的主要任务就在于确定各种不同心理功能的相应大脑掌管区域和其整体功能是如何发挥作用的。

    With the finding of motor center , language center and the brain 's function of integration , the main task in 19th century is to find the different psychological function 's relevant area in brain .

  23. 产生交叉性失语是患者的大脑半球语言中枢的逆转所致(不在左侧而在右侧大脑半球的对称部位),它与遗传有关。

    Crossed aphasia was due to the reversal of the language center in the hemispheres of the patients ( not in the left hemisphere but in the symmetrical parts of the right hemisphere ) and related with heredity .

  24. 对MMSE中的定向力、WMS-R中的自由回忆、语言和中枢执行功能中的阅读与颜色形状分类有显著改善作用;同时在改善语言及中枢功能总分上也具有显著疗效。

    Markedly improve the MMSE subscale orientation , and the WAIS R subscale free recall , reading and classification of colors and shapes ( included in language and central executive function );

  25. 但对早产儿早期听觉信息的时间处理能力、语言及中枢多巴胺神经通路发育情况的随访研究还较少。

    However , there was no follow-up study focus on the development of auditory temporal processing , language and central dopaminergic nervous pathway in uncomplicated preterm infants in the early postnatal life .

  26. 那么语言模块与中枢模块之间有什么关系吗?很显然答案是肯定的。

    There are interactive effects between the central modules and language modules .

  27. 而控制人类行动和语言的神经中枢位于大脑中的同一个区域,所以坐立不安或者不时活动一下也有助于你深思熟虑后更好的表达自己的想法。

    Because the parts of the brain that control movement and speech are in the same area , fidgeting or moving may also help you formulate a thought before saying it out loud .

  28. 本组患者中有13例动静脉畸形位于功能区(运动区、语言区、视觉中枢),6例位于大脑半球深部,2例位于小脑半球。

    13 cases of cerebral AVMs were located in functional area , 6 cases in deep cerebral area , and 2 cases in cerebellar hemisphere .

  29. 幼儿园英语活动中教师的语言使用对幼儿学习的影响先天性耳聋婴幼儿听觉及语言中枢等相关脑区变化的fMRI研究

    Impact of Teachers Talk on Children s Learning in Preschool Bilingual Activities ; An fMRI Study of Cerebral Functional Cortex in Infants Congenital Hearing Loss

  30. 语言从左半球转移到右半球,可能有一个语言中枢程序来控制。程序由某种大脑组织来实现,可以改变用于其它用途的组织。

    Thirdly , language functions are shifted from the left to the right hemisphere , probably under the control of a central executive program , which is realized by certain brain tissues and is used to change the uses of other tissues for other purposes .