- confirmation requests

C.Sent special confirmations to customers to determine that sales calls were made on the reported dates .
Yesterday China-Biotics failed its cash confirmation test when auditor BDO resigned .
Through regular gifts and business assistance the CEO might build strong guanxi with a local bank manager that would give him the opportunity to ask for fake statements and confirmations .
But there may be a more effective way to deal with this .
The bank signs the confirmation form and sends it back to the auditor .
It is amazing that we have yet another company with huge cash balances apparently falsifying bank confirmations .
The evidence from the cases cited above indicates that auditors simply cannot rely upon local bank confirmations .
Deloitte resigned after raising issues related to the reliability of the bank confirmation process , among other things .
But it is an important step , it verifies that the bank statement had the correct balance on it .
To cover up those frauds , the fraudsters need to generate fake bank statements and corrupt the confirmation process .
If a company is intent on committing fraud , the bank confirmation process is a major threat to their activities .
There have been a number of problems with bank confirmations for Chinese companies , but this was probably the most audacious .
Only one of those pages discusses the most critical step in the auditing process – the independent confirmation of bank balances .
I expect auditors have learned their lesson about maintaining control of the confirmation and not letting the client participate in the process .
We have few details about the extent of fraud at any of the long list of companies that have fallen to the cash confirmation scandals .
To guard against the risk of counterfeit documents , most auditors have over the past year stopped accepting bank confirmations in the post , Mr Gillis said .
This appears to indicate that Deloitte could not trust the confirmations signed by branch offices of the bank , suggesting that the process was corrupted in some way .
Auditors generally ( they are not required to do this if the risk is perceived to be low ), will take the year end balance from the bank statement and put it on a separate standard confirmation form .