
  • 网络Diagnostic horizon;ODX-D
  1. 划分水稻土土种,是以土体构型及诊断层的发育度为依据。

    The soil species of paddy soil are generally classified on the basis of the patterns of solum structure and the development degree of the diagnostic horizon .

  2. 为了模仿专家的思维过程实现土壤自动分类,该文着重研究了如何采用面向对象的方法表达专家经验规则、诊断层和诊断特性知识,在此基础上提出了土壤分类决策树的构造方式和推理方法;

    This paper presents an oriented-object based method to simulate the rational thinking of soil classification experts to make rational rules of expert knowledge , soil diagnostic horizon and diagnostic characteristic theory .

  3. 作为一种诊断层结气流受复杂下垫面强迫而产生的中尺度环流的力法,该方案也是有效的。

    In addition , the scheme shows to be capable of diagnosing the mesoscale circulation forced by complex topography .

  4. 根据土样光谱反射率变化,获得了褐潮土土壤剖面的不同诊断层反射光谱特征。

    According to the variation of soil spectral reflectance , spectral reflectance properties of different soil diagnostic horizons of a Brown-humid soil were aquired .

  5. 区域参比是以某一土区内主要土壤类型中心概念推知的诊断层和/或诊断特性为根据;

    Is based on the diagnostic horizons and / or diagnostic characteristics inferred from soil genetic conception of predominant soil taxa in a region ;

  6. 结果表明:福建典型赤红壤具有淡色表层、淀积粘化层等诊断层和湿润水分状况、高热土温状况等诊断特性。

    Results obtained revealed that there were such diagnostic horizons and properties as Ochric epipedon , Argillic horizon , Udic moisture regime , Hyperthermic temperature regime etc.

  7. 在稳定的土壤发育条件下,土壤剖面有可以鉴别的诊断层,其中一些性状特征沿剖面分异明显。

    Soil profiles have the obvious diagnostic horizons and properties and characteristics of soils have distinct change along their profile depth under stable conditions of soil development .

  8. 通过对各土系的典型单个土体的全面的理化分析,确定样区土壤发育有淡薄表层、黏化层、黏磐层、水耕表层和水耕氧化还原层5个诊断层;

    Through the complete analyzing of representative pedons , there are5 diagnostic horizons , such as Ochric epipedons , Argic horizon , Claypan , Hydragric epipedon , Hydragric horizon ;

  9. 我国目前已开展土壤系统分类研究工作,系统分类是以土壤的诊断层和诊断特性来进行分类的。

    Was carried out in this study . The study on soil systematic classification has been carried out in our state . The present study is carried out as an .

  10. 从部件诊断层出发,提出了一种基于部件信号趋势分析的执行器故障诊断新方法。

    From the point of component level , a novel method for actuator fault diagnosis using trend analysis of input and output signals related to the component itself is proposed .

  11. 以土壤的诊断层和诊断特性为依据,以土壤发生学作指导,阐述了我国砂质新成土的系统分类。

    Based on the diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics , with soil genetic theory as guide , the taxonomic classification of sandic entisols in China was discussed in this paper .

  12. 进行主要土层(诊断层)厚度的空间变异分析,选择和确定调查区土壤划分依据(诊断标准);

    ( iii ) analyzing the spatial variations of thickness of the selected soil horizons ( diagnostic horizon ) supported by the Geographical Information System ( GIS ), and defining standards for soil classification ;

  13. 用于分类的诊断层和诊断特性指标反映了气候、水分、养分、质地、土层厚度等土壤性质与背景信息,是土地利用的基础。

    Used for classification of diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics of indicators reflect the climate , water , nutrients , texture , soil thickness of soil properties and background information on the basis of land use .

  14. 根据本区土壤诊断层和诊断特性,按照中国土壤系统分类对研究区典型土壤进行了检索,在分类中首次根据泥石流岩性特征和冰碛物岩性特进行了土壤系统分类。

    Searches of representative soils were done by the Chinese Soil Taxonomy in accordance with the diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics of soils in the region . It is the first soil classification based on the lithologic characteristics of debris flow deposit and till .

  15. 在此基础上分析提出了对中国土壤系统分类的几点建议:持之以恒开展研究、完善诊断层和诊断特性、继续人为土研究和加强组织建设等。

    Based on the above generalization , some suggestions for Chinese Soil Taxonomy were put forward , such as continuing the research on soil classification to improve its Diagnostic Horizons and Characteristics , and the study on Anthrosols , and strengthening institutional construction , and so on .

  16. 研究区土壤类型是通过常规布点法进行主要剖面点位置的设定,并从地形分级和制图精度方面分析确定其数量,对挖掘的土壤剖面利用诊断层和诊断特性定名得出。

    Soil type is carried out conventional cloth-point method to set the location of the main profile point , and from the terrain classification and mapping precision analysis to determine the quantity of the main soil profile , using diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics to determine their names .

  17. 近些年来,以诊断层和诊断特性为基础的定量化土壤系统分类是国际土壤分类的主流,因此,对山地土壤进行系统分类有利于国际交流和指导实践。

    In the past few years , the international majority of soil classification was the Soil Taxonomy , which was based on the Diagnostic horizon and Diagnostic characteristics , and characterized by quantification , So the Songshan soil classification in Soil Taxonomy can facilitate the international communion and practice .

  18. 先天性肌营养不良的诊断及层黏连蛋白表达的意义

    Diagnosis of congenital muscular dystrophy and clinical significance of merosin expression

  19. 本文可为红外热成像诊断保温层提供依据。

    The gist for infrared diagnosis of heat insulation layer is offered .

  20. 诊断全层撕裂的敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为100%、94%和97%。

    For detecting complete rotator cuff tear , the sensitivity , specificity , and accuracy of MR arthrography were 100 % , 94 % , 97 % respectively .

  21. 利用Langmuir探针测量方法对该系统进行了等离子体诊断和鞘层扩展动力学的实验研究。

    Based on this device the experimental study of plasma diagnostics and sheath propagation dynamics were made by using Langmuir probe .

  22. 分析了基于BP人工神经网络的故障诊断模型隐层个数和隐层神经元节点数的选取问题,并采用网络结构复杂度函数对故障诊断神经网络结构进行优化。

    The problem of the number of hidden layer and the selecting of neurons nodes of the fault diagnosis model base on BP artificial neural network are analyzed , and the function of the complex network structure is used to optimize network structure of the fault diagnosis model .

  23. 建立诊断深肌层浸润的综合评分系统。

    To set up a combined score system to diagnose deep MI .

  24. 爱滋病卡氏肺囊虫;肺炎;X线诊断;体层摄影术;

    AIDS Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia X-ray diagnosis Tomography ;

  25. 火炮反后坐装置的故障诊断,采用3层BP神经网络。

    The fault diagnosis of gun anti-recoil mechanism adopted three-level BP neural network .

  26. 利用LIF法诊断微波等离子体鞘层

    Diagnostics of sheath of microwave plasma using laser induced fluorescence

  27. 故障诊断神经网络隐层结点数的优化方法

    Optimization Algorithm for Hidden Layer Nodes of Fault Diagnosis Neural Network

  28. 用冠层温度定量诊断作物根系活动层

    Quantitative Diagnosis of Crop Root Zone according to Canopy Temperature

  29. 术前B超诊断宫体肌层受侵犯符合率85.7%。

    The accordance rate of B - ultrasound diagnosis before operation was 85.7 % .

  30. 神经网络从损伤状态中训练产生,然后用于诊断一个五层钢框架在一系列震动模拟中的状态。

    These networks , trained with analytically generated states of damage , were used to diagnose damage states obtained experimentally from a series of shaking table tests of a five story steel frame .