
  • 网络Evaluation price;appraisal price;Valuation Price;assessed value;Pt-PRs
  1. 一是建立估价机构备选库,目的在于加强对拆迁估价机构及房屋评估价格的监管;

    First , the establishment estimate organization alternative storehouse , the goal lies in strengthens to relocates the estimate organization and the house appraisal price supervision ;

  2. 因此,不完美信息可能导致评估价格的不合理:估价师公平的立场受到了威胁。

    So imperfect information may give rise to unreasonable evaluation price .

  3. 林业税费变化对林木资产评估价格的影响

    Influence of the Forestry Revenue Policy on the Evaluation of Forest Properties

  4. 第三,定义评估价格的合理途径和方法。

    Third , define the reasonable way and method of the evaluation price .

  5. 房地产三种评估价格的比较分析

    The Comparison and Analysis among the Three Types of Appraisal Value of Real Estate

  6. 以系数调整确定二手车成新率,从而确定二手车鉴定评估价格;

    Then modifies residue ratio of used motor vehicles with coefficients and firms the assess price ;

  7. 这些资产的交易价格、评估价格是否公允呢?

    How much are the repaid assets worth ? Are the trading price and evaluating price fair ?

  8. 上诉系统高度集中,时间冗长,造成评估价格用于税收的拖延。

    Appeals system highly centralized with extremely long delays and postponements of use of valuations for tax as a result .

  9. 通过评估价格和市场价格的比较得出结论,若评估价格小于市场价格说明将资金投入这个行业有很大的升值潜力,具有投资价值;

    Compare the evaluation price with the market price , it has the investment value if the evaluation price is higher .

  10. 房地产销售价格决定了房地产信贷抵押品的评估价格和处置变现率。

    The sale price of real estate decides the evaluating price and accounting liquidity ratio of the credit mortgage of real estate .

  11. 市盈率与净资产因子的关系密切,这包括了净资产的收益性、净资产的成长性以及股市上对净资产的评估价格等。

    P / E ratio and net assets factor are in close relations , this includes the price of evaluation on net assets , rentability of the net assets , etc.

  12. 在房地产市场上,对于同一标的物,现行市场法评估价格将远远高于重置成本法评估的价格。

    In current real estate market , the price obtained by employing Market Comparison approach is much higher than the one estimated from Cost appraisal approach for the same appraisal object .

  13. 在税基设置方面,土地税收的税基应以土地评估价格来确定;物业税、土地闲置税也以土地的评估价值为税基。

    In terms of tax base set-up , the tax bases for land taxes should be determined by the estimated price of the land property ; the same with the property tax and the vacant land tax .

  14. 其中着重论述了确定公正的转让价格和进行科学适度的融资,提出了综合确定评估价格,通过市场确定最后转让交易价格的思路;

    Among them , we center on the confirmation of fair transfer prices and scientific & moderate financing , and then put forward to the ideas of confirming access prices comprehensively and finalize the transfer prices by markets .

  15. 为此,通过对国内外二手车评估价格的研究,提出了全新的车辆分类方法,它既能体现市场因素的特征,又具有良好的可操作性。

    After investigation on used car price evaluation at home and abroad , this article presents a brand-new vehicle classification method . The method not only can embody the characteristics of market , but also is very good in maneuverability .

  16. 用系统工程观点评估软件价格

    Estimating Software Prices by Way of System Engineering

  17. 鉴于整个国内存在的很多特殊的情况,所以每一种原材料都要分别地评估其价格。

    Because of many special situations throughout the country , each raw material must be evaluated separately .

  18. 负责评估项目价格,指定项目实施计划,执行期负责项目的定期回顾,商务配合提醒,技术选型与需求指定。

    Responsible for the evaluation , planning , and execution of project including reviewing and implementing project financial , technical and operational requirements .

  19. 市场数据缺失,使在批量评估建立价格中使用会影响市场数据因素的数据。

    Lack of market data requires use of data on factors that are presumed to influence market data in creating value rates for mass appraisal .

  20. 市场法是房地产估价中三大方法之一,所评估的价格比较合理,具有较强的说服力,在城市房地产估价中的应用也已经成熟起来。

    Market comparison approach , one of three main approaches of real estate appraisal , can be scientific and practical , and its application is becoming mature .

  21. 最后,利用本文所提出的内在价值函数的概念和数学公式,分别基于内在价值函数、现金收益函数和贴现率的比较探讨了几种用以评估资产价格合理性的应用模式。

    Finally , we discuss several application models to estimate the rationality of asset prices with the concept and the mathematical formula of the intrinsic value function proposed in this paper .

  22. 比如,标准普尔公司正在估算盈利能力,资产及负债估值和现金流遭受的直接和间接影响,以评估碳价格风险对公司信誉的影响。

    S & P , for instance , is seeking to assess the effects of carbon price risk on a company 's creditworthiness by considering the direct and indirect impact of profitability , asset and liability valuation , and cash flow .

  23. 收益还原法评估农用地价格有关问题探讨

    Discussion on Agricultural Land Price Assessment by income Capitalization Approach

  24. 同时在应用贝叶斯方法评估经济信息价格的基础上进一步考虑其可靠性。

    Moreover , the reliability of the Bayesian method is taken into consideration .

  25. 租赁资产评估中租赁价格确定方法的探讨

    Discussions on Leasehold Price in Leasehold Asset Valuation

  26. 收益还原法是评估农用地价格的主要方法之一。

    Income capitalization is one of main approach of evaluation for agricultural land price .

  27. 市场法是评估房地产价格的一种有效方法。

    Market approach is an efficacious means of evaluating the price of real estate .

  28. 所有城镇拆迁均采取市场评估确定补偿价格。

    Determination of compensation price for removal of towns employs the method of market evaluation .

  29. 而一些新的评估模型例如价格销售比模型等多是一些相对评估方法,难以确切地衡量一个企业的投资价值。

    Moreover some new evaluation models can evaluate reliably corporation value because they are comparative evaluation methods .

  30. 基于模糊数学的快速递减加权式在比较法评估房地产价格中的应用研究

    Method of rapid diminishing weighting based on the fuzzy mathematics in research and application of real estate comparison approach appraisal