
  • 网络evaluation subject;Valuator
  1. 评价主体多元化、评价主体与评价客体统一化;

    Evaluation subject is pluralistic and unites with evaluation object ;

  2. 三是对医生评价主体进行了进一步规范,分析并排除了相关干扰因素,具有准确性高的特点。

    Doctor evaluation subject is further normalized and interference factors are eliminated , featuring in high accuracy .

  3. 在明确评价主体、评价方法、评价周期等的基础上,确定了绩效管理的流程,设计了KY企业集团的绩效评价指标体系。

    On base of clearing evaluation body , evaluation method , evaluation cycle basis , the article determines the performance management process and designs the KY enterprise performance evaluation index system .

  4. 教师作为评价主体,具有一定的自身优势;

    The teacher has the certain oneself advantages in the evaluation ;

  5. 评价主体有:学生本人、学生实验员、任课教师;

    Evaluation body : students , team leader , and teachers ;

  6. 社会评价主体文化心理的历史考察

    Historical investigation of the cultural psychology of social evaluating subject

  7. 农村乡镇卫生院服务质量评价主体研究

    Valuator Research on Rural Township Hospital Health Service Quality Assessment

  8. 评价主体要做到外部评价和内部评价相统一。

    The unity of inner and outer for the evaluating main body .

  9. 根据不同课堂教学形式和不同评价主体制定相应的评价内容与标准;

    Classroom teaching quality reflects a college 's education level in some aspects ;

  10. 对编制规划的机关成为环境影响评价主体的法律思考

    Legal Ponder over the Agent of Environmental Impact Assessment

  11. 评价主体从单一转向多元;

    The principal of evaluation changes single into multilateral ;

  12. 自然神成为事实上的评价主体,但这是历史的进步。

    But that is also a progress of history .

  13. 中学历史学习评价主体多元化的探讨

    The Discussion on Diversification of the Valuators of History Study in High School

  14. 五是高职课堂教学评价主体的多元化。

    Fifthly , Pluralism of the teaching appraisal subject .

  15. 其次,要完善评价主体结构;

    Secondly , the structure of the main body of evaluation should be improved ;

  16. 改变那种过于强调管理和控制而忽视反馈和认同的评价主体观;

    Change the belief that assessment should emphasize on management neglecting feedback and agreement ;

  17. 评价主体的多元化;

    The pluralism of evaluation content and subject ;

  18. 评价主体和评价标准是绩效评价的两大支撑点。

    The appraising subject and appraising index are two strong points in performance appraisal .

  19. 评价主体、价客体及评价中介构成评价的有机整体。

    Appraise subjective , appraise object and appraise intermediary to form organic whole appraised .

  20. 多元教师评价主体分析

    An Analysis on Multi-subjects of Teacher Assessment

  21. 评价主体分成了自我和他人两个部分;

    Specifically , the main bodies assessed are divided into the self and other people ;

  22. 观念层是指评价主体在从事商品设计评价活动时所持的态度和价值观等。

    The conception level indicates the attitude and thinking of people undertaking the design evaluation .

  23. 要使评价主体的评价促进学生的和谐发展,选择何种评价主体非常关键。

    To help the students get harmonious development , who is evaluation body is key important .

  24. 五是多元评价主体间价值标准的一致性程度低。

    The last is that the consistency of evaluation criteria is not high among diversified evaluation subjects .

  25. 分别从乘客、公交公司、主管部门三方评价主体的角度出发,建立公交服务质量评价指标体系。

    An evaluation framework of service quality is proposed for passenger , bus company and traffic bureau .

  26. 研究性学习具有评价主体多元性、评价内容丰富性、评价方法多样性等特点。

    Persons who research learning appraise subject pluralism , appraise abundance in contents and appraise method variety .

  27. 评价主体:坚持“多元”,注重学生主体的评价,积极发挥教师在学生自评和互评中的组织和引导作用。

    Students are to be guided by teachers in their self-evaluation and the evaluation of each other .

  28. 建立了以专家同行、领导、学生为评价主体的指标体系,给出了二级模糊综合评价模型。

    The appraisement indicator system was set up and the second fuzzy comprehensive appraisement models were given out .

  29. 评价主体从单一的教师转向教师、学生、家长共同参与的多元体系;

    The assessing main body develop from single teachers to the system of teachers , students and paterfamilias ;

  30. 各模型中反映了评价主体、评价内容、评价方法与评价目的等内容。

    The main bodies , the contents , the methods and the purposes of evaluation were contained in these models .