
píng shū
  • storytelling
评书 [píng shū]
  • [storytelling] 曲艺的一种。一人演说,通过叙述情节、描写景象、模拟人物、评议事理等艺术手段,敷演历史及现代故事。北方语系通称评书,南方多称评话,也有称评词的

评书[píng shū]
  1. 重庆评书江湖夜雨百年灯

    Chongqing Storytelling : Night Rain and A Hundred-year-old Lantern

  2. 所以说戏剧比后来的相声、评书更有感染力,也更市民化。

    Therefore said the play compared afterwards crosstalk , the storytelling has the power .

  3. 评书人用他的声音使一个个角色鲜活生动起来。

    This storyteller uses his voice to bring the characters to life .

  4. 参观者可以欣赏来自中国的评书,她对书籍的欣赏水平相当低。

    Visitors can hear Chinese storytellers . She has rather poor taste in books .

  5. 1953年,19岁的单田芳走上了评书表演的道路。

    Shan launched his career as a pingshu performer in 1953 at age 19 .

  6. 评书作为一种独立的说书品种,大约形成于清代初期。

    It developed into an independent art form in the early years of the Qing Dynasty ( late17thcentury ) .

  7. 本周二,我国评书大师单田芳在北京逝世,享年84岁。

    One of China 's top pingshu masters , Shan Tianfang , died at the age of 84 in Beijing on Tuesday .

  8. 单田芳的评书伴随了许多国人的成长,而他永远都会是中国人民心中的一个传奇。

    Shan 's story accompanied many Chinese to grow up and Shan will remain as a legend in Chinese people 's heart .

  9. 尤凤伟吸收了评书艺术和影像化叙事风格的优点,使作品呈现出雅俗共赏的风貌。

    He absorbed the advantage of storytelling and the style of image narration , which makes his novels suit both refined and popular tastes .

  10. 说新唱新的时代要求,使得北京评书创演的题材内容和思想主题不断拓展。

    Era ," said the new singing new " requirements , making Beijing storytelling created and performed the theme of subject matter and ideas continue to expand .

  11. 李贽作为封建社会人妖和儒家圣学异端的矛盾综合体,一生都是在读书、著书、评书中不断进行社会审视与自我反思、社会批判与自我重建、社会拯救与自我追求的。

    All his life is in reading , writing , storytelling and ongoing social ballad of examining and self-reflection and social criticism and reconstruction , social rescue and self - seeking .

  12. 较之传统的评书节目,故事性虽强而评书味略欠;对北京评书的艺术发展而言,开拓性较强但继承性不足。

    Compared with the traditional storytelling show ," story ", although strong and " storytelling flavor " Lueqian ; development of the arts in terms of storytelling Beijing , pioneering stronger but less inheritance .

  13. 总而言之,赵树理独特的“评书体”现代小说形式作为现代文学史中的独特存在,是其对现代文学的贡献,应承认其在小说发展史中的价值。

    In a word , Zhao Shuli 's unique modern novel form of " storytelling body " exists as theuniqueness and it is a contribution to modern literature , so we should acknowledge its value .

  14. 2012年,单田芳在第七届中国曲艺牡丹奖上获得终身成就奖。曲艺是评弹、评书和相声等传统民间艺术形式的统称。

    In 2012 , Shan won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 7th Peony Awards for China Quyi -- a general term for traditional folk art forms , including ballad singing , storytelling and crosstalk .

  15. 他24岁首次登台演出,很快通过表演《三国演义》、《隋唐演义》等传统评书作品成名。

    He made his stage debut when he was 24 and soon rose to fame by performing classic pingshu works , including " Romance of the Three Kingdoms " and " The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties . "

  16. 明末清初,说书名家柳敬亭的出现,扩大了评话的影响和传播范围,揭开了评话、评书在清代的繁荣序幕。

    In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty , a famous storyteller Liu Jing-ting appears and extends the influence and the spread of Ping-Hua , accordingly he opens a prelude for the prosperity of Ping-Hua and Ping-Shu in Qing Dynasty .

  17. 而对于新评书的研究,无论对当代评书史乃至整个曲艺史的研究,还是对当代北京评书创演以及整个曲艺新节目创新的研究,都非常富有意义。

    As for the " new storytelling " study , regardless of the history of the study of contemporary folk art of storytelling and the whole history of storytelling record or play in contemporary Beijing and the entire opera new innovative research programs , are very meaningful .

  18. 另一部分的革命历史小说家,看重历史小说对社会政治的模拟化,他们转身向传统历史小说体式的回归,而民间是盛行从传统艺术中成长出的评书体小说。

    Another portion of historical novelists of the revolution emphasized the imitation of society and politics in historical novels . They turned back toward the traditional literary form of historical novels ; in vogue among the people was the storytelling novels that grew out of traditional art .