
  1. 证券资产管理业务简单的说就是证券公司发行份额化的理财产品&资产管理计划,募集资金进行证券投资的业务。

    Securities assets management business simply means that the company issued shares of the securities of financial products-asset management plan , raise funds for securities investment business .

  2. 国外证券公司资产管理业务分析

    Analysis on the Assets Management Business of Foreign Securities Companies

  3. 证券公司资产管理业务中的风险及化解对策论我国开放式基金管理业务创新

    The Solution to Security Brokers ' Risks in Assets Management On Product Innovation of Chinese Open Fund

  4. 因此,保险、证券和资产管理公司现在拥有了一些新的商业机会,而这些业务以前只有银行能做。

    So insurers , securities and asset-management firms now have business opportunities , which were only available to lenders before .

  5. 美国正努力在银行、保险、证券、资产管理、法律和电信等领域,争取更高的市场准入水平。

    The US is pushing for greater market access in banking , insurance , securities , asset management , law and telecommunications .

  6. 如今,中国拥有140万亿人民币(约22.8万亿美元)的资产,其中绝大部分放在银行的资产负债表上,其余的通过保险、信托、证券和资产管理公司来运作。

    Nowadays , the vast majority of China 's 140 trillion yuan ( $ 22.8 trillion ) in assets are sitting on banks ' balance sheets , and the rest are split among insurance firms , trusts , securities and asset-management companies .

  7. 美国纽约银行(BankofNewYork)和梅隆金融集团(MellonFinancial)昨日宣布合并,从而缔造一个规模达430亿美元的证券服务及资产管理巨头。此举可能引发全球资产托管行业的进一步整合。

    Bank of New York and Mellon Financial yesterday unveiled a merger to create a $ 43bn security services and asset management giant that could trigger further consolidation in the global custody industry .

  8. 证券公司专项资产管理计划的制度缺失&中国联通租赁费收益计划方案评析

    On System Defects About Specific Asset Administration Plan Of Securities Company

  9. 此外,在证券公司进行资产管理业务创新过程中也需要对资产管理业务风险控制模式进行创新。

    In addition , Securities companies in the asset management business in the process of innovation is also necessary to the asset management business risk control model innovation .

  10. 然而,鉴于日兴证券是日兴资产管理所开发的产品的主要分销商,剥离日兴证券并将其售予三井住友,曾使这宗出售变得复杂化。

    However , the separation of Nikko cordial , which has been sold to SMFG and is the primary vehicle for distributing products developed by Nam , had complicated the sale .

  11. 以美林模式为例,分析了国际证券公司的资产管理业务发展状况、管理、监控以及主要特征。

    Taking the Merrill Lynch mode as the example , this paper analyzes on the developing situation , management , supervision and main features of the assets management business of the international securities companies .

  12. 依据中国的法规,在对包括保险、证券经纪、资产管理和私人股本等行业在内的广泛领域进行股本投资时,信托公司面临的监管障碍比其它多数金融机构要少。

    Under Chinese rules , trust firms face fewer regulatory obstacles than most other financial institutions in making equity investments in a wide range of sectors , including insurance , securities broking , asset management and private equity .

  13. 据该报告显示,截至2013年末,证券公司定向资产管理业务规模达人民币4.83万亿元(合7900亿美元),较2012年末增长186%。

    According to the report , the outstanding amount of directional asset management plans issued by securities companies at the end of 2013 was 4.83 trillion yuan ( $ 790 billion ), up a whopping 186 % from a year earlier .

  14. 本文使用国际通行的VaR方法来研究证券投资公司资产组合管理的风险计量、分析和控制。建立了以VaR为主要风险控制指标的风险管理模型,并进行了相应的实证研究和探讨。

    This article deals with risk management , analysis and control of asset combination and management in securities and investment companies by VaR method , an international practice , and builds a risk management model with VaR as the main risk control index to carry out empirical research and discussion .

  15. 分公司经授权经营证券自营业务或者证券资产管理业务的,不得经营其他业务。

    A branch that has been authorized to engage in securities business for the account of the securities company or securities asset management business may not engage in other businesses .

  16. 法律监管的范围涉及市场准入审批、证券发行、证券交易、资产管理和外汇管理等方面。

    Legal supervision extends to examination and approval of market access , securities issuance , stock exchanges , asset management and foreign exchange control .

  17. 第一部分主要讨论了集合资金信托业务的概念和法理分析为基础,并与类似的证券投资基金制度、证券公司集合客户资产管理业务作了比较。

    In the first part , the text mainly discusses the concept and nomological elements of collective money trust and it makes comparison with similar business as mutual fund and collective assets management .

  18. 在资产证券化过程中涉及的主体很多,除了发起人还有SPV、信用增级机构、信用评级机构、资产证券的持有者和资产管理公司等。

    In the process of asset securitization , there are many main body including sponsor , special purpose vehicle , credit increase institution , capital management and so on .