
zhènɡ quàn jīnɡ jì rén
  • stockbroker;securities broker;note broker
  1. 证券经纪人制度的风险及其控制

    Risk of securities broker system and its control

  2. 在第四章中,从宏观和微观两方面介绍了国外证券经纪人发展的成功经验。

    The chapter provides theoretical base for the development of securities broker system from different aspects .

  3. 那儿来了一个富有的证券经纪人,他含情脉脉地看着这位漂亮的姑娘。

    There came a wealthy stock broker who cast sheep 's eyes at the beautiful girl .

  4. 我的证券经纪人替我管理投资组合。

    My stockbroker manages my portfolio for me .

  5. fix是一种行业标准,是证券经纪人与交易所之间传输买卖指令等信息的一种共同语言。

    Fix is an industry standard that provides a common language used to transmit buy and sell orders , as well as other information , between brokers and exchanges .

  6. 里昂证券经纪人elinorleung认为,中国电子商务的利润压力比美国还高,“几乎没什么人在赚钱”。

    The pressure on margins in Chinese e-commerce is worse than in America , reckons Elinor Leung of CLSA , a broker . " Almost no one makes money , " she says .

  7. 为了履行职能,证券经纪人需要给市场带来流动性。

    In performing that role , broker-dealers bring liquidity into the market .

  8. 证券经纪人已用那笔钱购入了工业股票。

    The stockbroker has placed the money in industrial stock .

  9. 通过技术革新,证券经纪人改善了他们的服务。

    Broker dealers have improved their services through innovative uses of technology .

  10. 把客户的钱都骗光的可疑的证券经纪人。

    Shady stockbrokers who finagle their clients out of fortunes .

  11. 证券经纪人运作的大额指令执行服务,既有需求,也必须继续保持。

    The broker dealer-operated block execution services are needed and must continue .

  12. 关于建立我国证券经纪人制度若干问题的思考

    Problems of Establishing the Bill Broker System in China

  13. 在第五章中,从经纪业务发展方向提出证券经纪人今后发展的方向是成为理财师,从宏观和微观两个层面介绍我国进一步推动证券经纪人发展的具体举措。我国证券经纪人发展问题研究

    Research on the Development of Securities Broker in China

  14. 我国证券经纪人制度研究发行国债;


  15. 证券经纪人制度建设的法律思考

    Juristic reflection on bill broker system building

  16. 全国经纪人协会发展了一种计算机系统,叫做全国证券经纪人协会自动报价系统。

    Now National Association of Security Dealers has developed a computer system , called NASDAQ .

  17. 其他高压职业包括公司高管、广告客户经理、建筑师和证券经纪人。

    Other high-stress positions included senior corporate executive , advertising account executive , architect and stockbroker .

  18. 过去三个月发生的一系列事件令石油分析师瞠目结舌,就好像银行家和证券经纪人的感受一样。

    Events over the past three months have stunned oil analysts almost as much as bankers and stockbrokers .

  19. 我们应站在与国际规则接轨的高度上认识我国证券经纪人法律制度建设问题。

    To understand this , we should look at China 's legal system of securities brokers according to international rules .

  20. 证券经纪人传统上会通过使用资金和交易技巧,在透明市场上执行这种指令。

    Broker dealers have traditionally performed this function through the use of capital , trading acumen and a transparent market .

  21. 第三,对我国证券经纪人制度建设的实际状况和其存在的法律风险进行了分析;

    Thirdly , I analyzed the present situation of China 's securities brokers ' system and the legal risk of it .

  22. 限制证券经纪人的行为在短期内是否会对金融市场造成负面影响,并因此提高融资成本?

    Could constraining the behavior of dealers in the short-term have a negative impact on financial markets and therefore financing costs ?

  23. 这一规定的颁布实施对我国证券经纪人行业的规范和发展建立了良好的法律基础。

    Because of the regulations promulgated for implementation , China securities broker industry established good legal basis on the development of norms .

  24. 我国的证券经纪人在没有相关法律规范的条件下,已经登上了证券业的舞台,尽管目前规模还不够壮大、市场还处于较混乱的状态,但其发展是有目共睹的。

    With the development of Chinese securities market , middlemen have already mounted the securities trade arena although the scale is still very small .

  25. 我们医院的特护部收治了一位84岁的退休证券经纪人,他患有胃溃疡,引发内出血而休克。

    An 84-year-old retired stockbroker was admitted to our hospital 's intensive-care unit , suffering from a peptic ulcer and shock from internal hemorrhage .

  26. 有证券经纪人的账户他们的交易用现金完成。和一个道德品质败坏的人,无法完成一桩好交易。

    An account with a securities brokerage whose transactions are settled on a cash basis . You cannot make a good deal with a bad person .

  27. 您是否曾经和外汇经纪人、商品期货经纪人上或者证券经纪人有过未决事宜、向其做出口头或书面抱怨行为?

    Do you have a pending or have ever made a complaint , oral or written , regarding a past FX , commodity futures or securities broker .

  28. 有位男士是一名证券经纪人,一直是艺术的门外汉,却从此脱胎换骨。

    One man , a stockbroker who had never before been touched by the muse , traded his conservative suits for the most radical styles he could find .

  29. 坦率地说,这些实体的毁灭足以警醒每一位理智的投资者即刻下决心赎回他们的共同基金,关掉混淆是非的财经新闻,解雇他们的证券经纪人。

    Frankly , the demise of these entities should cause every investor to immediately dump their mutual funds , turn off the financial news and fire their brokers .

  30. 我国证券经纪人的胜任力特征由7个维度构成,分别是认知特征、任务特征、动机特征、知识特征、自制力、进取性和严密性。

    The competence character of domestic stockbrokers consists of 7 dimensions : cognition characters , task characters , motive characters , knowledge characters , self-control , enterprise and carefulness .