
  1. Polar形式在计算机辅助几何设计里的应用

    The Application of Polar Form in Computer Aided Geometric Design

  2. 在工程规划设计里,要求知道H2的累积频率,这项工作费时很多。

    In the design and project of an engineering , the accumulated frequency of H_ ( 2 ) is required , which takes much time .

  3. 他那一季的设计里包括一些空灵的白色亚麻服装,但是没有诺尔玛·德蒙(NormaDesmond)式的睡衣或长袍。

    The ensuing designs mixed in bits of airy white linen , but there were no Norma Desmond nightgowns or robes .

  4. 基于PC的开放式数控系统已经成为当前加工技术的研究热点,然而很多数控系统研究设计里并没有考虑到产品的工艺需求,难以完全发挥出开放式运动控制的优势。

    The NC system based on PC is becoming a hot research topic in machining . However , processing requirements was not taken into consideration in many studies of NC system , so the advantages of Open CNC could not be fully exploited .

  5. 这种“谦虚”材质的想法也可以在弗蕾娅•休厄尔(FreyjaSewell)的设计里看到。

    This idea of the " humble " quality of materials can also be seen in Freyja Sewell 's designs .

  6. 最后,在现代模具设计里,三维模具是发展趋势,本文结合UG软件对汽车尾灯支架落料和拉延工序的模具进行了三维设计,总结了三维模具设计的优点和特点。

    At present die design , 3D die design is the trend of development . This thesis designed 3D die of blanking and draw processes of taillight supporter with UG software , Summarized the merits and the characteristics of 3D die design .

  7. 本文首先对SRAM组成和工作原理做了简要的回顾,对地址译码、存储单元、读写电路以及时序控制策略设计里的一些关键技术做了介绍,并对它们的优缺点做了比较。

    Firstly , the organization and the working theory of the SRAM are briefly reviewed . The main techniques in the design of the address decoder , memory cell , read and write path circuits and timing control scheme are introduced .

  8. 从包装再设计里解读包装设计的时尚性

    Interpretation of the Vogue of the Package Design from Packaging Makeover

  9. 绿色华硕概念怎么被体现在其产品设计里?

    How is the Green ASUS concept manifested in ASUS'product designs ?

  10. 他们在自己的设计里只能采用对称结构。

    They could not have anything but symmetries in their designs .

  11. 这可能是我们都喜欢将那些可爱的小东西加入到我们的设计里。

    This could be that nice little'something'we all like to add to our designs .

  12. 所以在设计里用了各种黑白布料的拼接。

    So in my collection , I use different kinds of black and white fabrics .

  13. 希望在你的设计里使用尺寸更小的按钮?

    Want smaller buttons for your design ?

  14. 开发主题时,字体在你的设计里是个重要的角色。

    As you work your theme , fonts play a critical part in the design .

  15. 我们的设计里有一个很大的理念,就是让建筑为城市带来活力。

    One of our big design concepts is to use architecture to bring energy to the city .

  16. 目前,这种数码体验已经被植入了现有的汽车设计里,几乎成了每辆车必备的零件。

    Currently , these digital experiences are plugged into an existing design of the car , almost as accessories .

  17. 这是一件好事,因为生活在皮拉内西的设计里就像生活在人间地狱。

    And that 's a good thing because living in Piranesi 's drawings would 've been hell on Earth .

  18. 设计里固有的电子驱动也可以用来进一步控制光输出的功能。

    The electronics driver inherent in the design can also be used to further gate the function of the light output .

  19. 在北京这样一个被国际化了的古都中心,让我们来畅谈设计里“融合”的方式。

    Here in Beijing , an international center of the ancient capital , let 's talk about " fusion " approach in design .

  20. 在反思自身的层次上,将着重于设计里环绕在某个特定运算方式上的非正式假设与论述。

    At the reflexive level , the focus will be on the informal assumptions and discourses surrounding a particular computational approach in design .

  21. 同时在软件设计里采用了嵌入式实时多任务操作系统,为智能型故障检测的实现提供了更好的系统平台。

    At the same time , the use of embedded real-time multi-tasking operating system software for the design of fault detection provides a better realization of the platform .

  22. 赖特设计里让人着急的性质说明这个建筑是真的(),他的设计充满美丽和功能性。

    The visually captivating nature of Frank Lloyd Wright 's designs suggests that the architect is a true & , infusing his designs with beauty as well as functionality .

  23. 在一张优秀的唱片封面设计里我们既能看到优美的古典主义绘画,也能看到蕴含深刻意义的观念摄影,还能看到具有视觉冲击力的涂鸦作品等等。

    There are beautiful painting in classicalism , idealistic photograph with deep significance , and graffiti piece with strong visual impact in an excellent cover design of the CD disc .

  24. 而此研究设计里系利用前人的智慧与寓言里所诞生出的种种手工艺之原件将文化艺术流行化,但也不失其寓意。

    This study refers to the hand-make design art pieces from the forebear 's wisdom and fable and convert the art design into fashion but obtains the meaning of the fable .

  25. 但是对于基因改良树木基因是一直的,所以当他们受到他们基因设计里不能低于的环境挑战时,他们会全部死亡。

    But , genetically modified trees are genetically much more uniform , so if there is supposed to an environmental challenge they have not been designed for , they will all die .

  26. 如果想要提升广告的可视性和点击率,可以将其设置于最能引起人兴趣的内容一旁,整合进网页的设计里。

    If you want to get your ads seen and hopefully clicked on , incorporate them into your design in a way that places them near the most interesting elements of your content .

  27. 这处占地一英亩(约合0.4公顷)的地块上,还保留着最初设计里的正规灌木丛和一方莲花池,据说有一年圣诞节,当麦金托什戴的圣诞老人胡着火后,他就是跳进这个水池解的围。

    The one-acre site has the original layout of formal shrubs and a lily pond , where Mackintosh is reputed to have been doused after his Santa Claus beard caught fire one Christmas .

  28. 但问题很快就来了,许多我们在名家的好设计里总结出的颜色组合,再经过我们使用后就变了样,没了神儿,这是为什么呢?

    But the problem quickly to the many good works we have summed up the colour combination of design , through the use of after we changed , not a god child , this is why ?

  29. 因为景观设计里的许多特征虽然是人工雕琢,但也都是具体存在的,怎样表达事物的自然是取决于景观设计师是怎样去理解怎么去表现的。

    Because many features of landscape design in artificial polish though , but there are specific , and how to express things that depend on the natural landscape designers is how to understand how to get performance .

  30. 在以往的水源林造林规划设计里,存在功能目标模糊不清、树种选择及配置单靠经验和标准随意组合、缺乏对某个具体功能目标的定量描述与验证等问题。

    In the past planning and design of afforestation , there were many problems , such as blurred functions , random selecting tree species and configuration by experience or technical standard , lack of quantitative description to a specific function and verifying .