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  1. 双模型Kalman算法的仿真结果同理论相吻合,对目标形心位置的预测精度较高。最后综合以上两部分算法,构建了跟踪系统运行流程,编写了跟踪软件。

    The simulation results of two-model Kalman algorithm consistent with the theory , and can forecast the position with high precision . Finally , the two categories of algorithm are integrated , the system operation processes is constructed , and the tracking software is developed .

  2. Chesterman把翻译与模因论相结合,并认为,翻译模因论的三个核心概念是价值模因、规范模因、策略模因。

    Chesterman combines it with translation and proposes translation memetics . Chesterman holds that the core concepts of translation memetics are value memes , norm memes and strategy memes .

  3. 论相量定义的科学性

    Study On the Scientific spirit About the Definition of Phase Quantity

  4. 中国人的自由观注重内在的精神自由,它与性善论相联系。

    The Chinese view on freedom lays great emphasis on intrinsic spiritual freedom .

  5. 而对策论已经得到很大的发展,并与现代控制论相结合并发展起来。

    Game theory has been developed greatly , combining with the modern control theory .

  6. 他是位兼容并包主义者,认为自由意志可以和决定论相协调。

    He is a compatibilist , he thinks free will is compatible with determinism .

  7. 与教学认识论相并列、共生的教学生成论具有非常重要的存在价值。

    The teaching generative theory together with teaching epistemology owns a significant value for the existence .

  8. 如果这个消息是正确的话,那么它就与阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的狭义相对论相违背。

    If this is correct , it violates a main idea of Albert Einstein 's special theory of relativity .

  9. 近半个世纪以来,美德伦理学已经发展为一种与功利主义和义务论相抗衡的道德理论。

    Nearly half a century , Virtue Ethics have developed to be a kind of moral theory which contends with utilitarianism and deontology .

  10. 与冯巧根的竞争财务论相比较,本文体现了几个特点:1、聚焦于企业竞争力系统,对企业自身素质的关注甚于其竞争行为。

    Firstly , it focuses on enterprise competitive power system , which means more emphases to its internal qualities than on its competing behaviors .

  11. 与古代认识论相比较,作为第一哲学的认识论体现了哲学自身的现代性;

    Second , in contrast with theoretical reflections on human knowledge in ancient times , the modernity of epistemology as first philosophy is highlighted .

  12. 把线性规划模型与博弈论相结合,在组合优化模型中应用福利经济学来提高系统的工作效率,优化系统模型。

    Through integrating the welfare economics model with combination optimize model , we can get a better model of resource distribution and improve the system efficiency .

  13. 量子通信是近二十年发展起来的新的交叉学科,是量子理论和信息论相结合的新的研究领域。

    Quantum communication , a new cross-disciplinary developed in the last two decades , is a new research field which combines quantum theory with information theory .

  14. 论文研究了电力市场环境下基于边际电价预测和博弈论相结合的独立发电公司的竞价上网策略问题。

    In this paper , exploration is performed concerning the bidding strategy based on the marginal price prediction and game theory in the context of power market .

  15. 叙事上则多从复仇开始,构建了从复仇到革命的发展历程,或正与此革命起源论相契合。

    In narration they mostly began with revenge , and constructed the path of develop from revenge to revolution , or that just accorded with this original theory of revolution .

  16. 将遗传算法与经典概率论相接合,利用知识库,针对核电厂故障诊断的特点,提出了一种故障诊断方法。

    Via using the knowledge base , combining Genetic Algorithm and classical probability and contraposing the characteristic of the fault diagnosis of NPP , We put forward a method of fault diagnosis .

  17. 这一发展观体现马克思主义哲学的实践第一、人民群众是历史创造者、重点和两点论相统一、普遍联系、对立统一的思想。

    The view reflects the following thought of Marxian philosophy : practice first , people is the creator of the history , the unity of emphasis theory and two aspects theory , universal contact theory and the unity of opposites theory .

  18. 西方历史上,对动物关怀爱护的善者一直在与导致动物成为人类工具的西方人类中心主义价值论相抗争,西方宗教神学及哲学文化是这种人类中心论的深刻根源。

    In the history of west , virtuous person who take good care of animal were opposing the anthropocentrism axiology of west which led animal became tools of human , The religion divinity and philosophy culture of west is the profound origin .

  19. 本文对机器功能主义的产生、图灵机和机器表概念做了一个简要说明,同时把机器功能主义与行为主义、同一论相比较,论述了机器功能主义对心身问题的理解及其积极意义。

    This article illustrates the origin of machine functionalism and the concept of Turing machine and machine table simply , then compares machine functionalism with behaviorism and identity , and discusses the understanding of machine functionalism about mind-body problem and its positive sense .

  20. 本文采用同调代数与环论相结合方法证得定理:若A是一个不可分的凝聚半局部环,且每个主理想有有限投射维数,则A是最大公因子整环。

    In this paper , it is proved that if A is a indecomposable coherent semilocal ring , and every principal ideal has finite projective demension , then A is a GCD . by using homological method combined with method in ring theory .

  21. 针对现有故障诊断方法在遥信出现错误时实用性较差的缺陷,提出了将专家系统与信息论相结合的故障诊断新方法。

    The existing fault diagnosis methods are facing a defect that their practicality is poor especially when mistake appears in remote signalling . To solve this defect a new type method is proposed in this paper by combing the expert system with information theory .

  22. 论多相流中单流体模型与多流体模型的统一性

    Unification of Multi-Fluid Model and Single-Fluid Model in Multi-Phase Flow

  23. 论义利相统一的社会价值导向

    On the Guidance of the Unity of Obligation and Interests in Social Value

  24. 病因治疗与辨证论治相结合治疗习惯性流产62例临床观察

    Clinical observation of 62 cases of habitual abortion using pathogenesis treatment together with dialectical multiple medical cure

  25. 方剂隐效假说与辨病辨证论治相结合

    " Concealed Effect " Hypothesis of Formulas and Combination of Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation and Differential Diagnosis of Diseases

  26. 论亲亲相隐在现代刑法中的合理价值论我国古代亲亲相隐制度的现代刑事立法价值

    On the Reasonable Value of Kin Concealment System in Modern Criminal Law ; On the Value of Modern Criminal Legislation of " Mutual Concealing of Relatives " Principle in Chinese Ancient Times

  27. 随后通过建立真空物质能量状态的二个假设,及基于等效Binet方程,给出了与Einstein狭义相对论有关结论相融合的物质粒子以光速及超光速运动的质量及能量方程;

    Subsequently , by forming two hypotheses about the energy state of vacuum matter , and basing on the equivalent Binet equation , the mass equations and the energy equations of the partial moving with light-velocity or superluminal-velocity motion fusing with the results of Einstein special relativity are expressed .

  28. 论“法德相济”的治国之策

    On the governing strategy of " law in supplement to moral "

  29. 论柏拉图的相论辩证法

    On Plato 's Dialectics of the Theory of Idea

  30. 论散射过程相分析中的不定性问题

    On the problem of ambiguity in the phase shift analysis of scattering processes