
  1. 论历史教学的课堂语言要求

    On the Language Requirements in the Class of History - teaching

  2. 论历史教育应强化可持续发展意识与可持续发展知识

    History Teaching Should Intensify Sustainable Development Consciousness and Sustainable Development Knowledge

  3. 略论历史教育与青年学生道德健康教育的融合

    The syncretion of historical education and moral education to the youth

  4. 论历史街区的非物质文化遗产保护

    A Study on the Protection of Intangible Heritage in Historic Area

  5. 论历史理性在古代中国的发生

    On the Growth of the Historical Reason in Ancient China

  6. 论历史教育培育和弘扬民族精神的作用

    On the Role of Historical Education in Cultivating and Developing National Spirit

  7. 论历史教材中的美及其功能

    The Beauty and Its Function in the Historic Text Books

  8. 论历史上的食玉之风

    The Wind The Practice of Jade-Eating in History Delicious food in Guangzhou

  9. 论历史归属研究中的理论标准

    On the Theoretical Criteria for the Study of Historical Belongingness

  10. 论历史学习指导及其方法

    A Guide to Instruction and method of History studying

  11. 论历史观的权力性本质

    On the Nature of Power of Concept of History

  12. 论历史上民族迁徙主要原因及社会作用

    On the Chief Causes and Social Functions of Ethnic Migrations in Chinese History

  13. 论历史课堂教学方式的转变

    A Study of Changes in History Classroom Teaching Styles

  14. 目前该研究小组从进化论历史的角度来研究阑尾。

    Now the research team has looked at the appendix over evolutionary history .

  15. 论历史人学的建构

    On The Study of Human History and Its Construction

  16. 略论历史文化名城的保护管理

    Protection and development of the historical cities in China

  17. 第一部分是对中国古典意象论历史发展脉络的梳理。

    Part 1 to talk about the development of Chinese classical imagery theory history .

  18. 略论历史上的湘西开发

    The Exploitation of Western Hunan in the History

  19. 论历史中的无动机行为及惰性继承

    On Unmotivated Behavior and Inactive Inheritance in History

  20. 中国艺术典型论历史悠久、源远流长,具有鲜明的民族特色。

    Chinese arts theory model has distinctive nationality characteristics with a very long history .

  21. 论历史教学中的健全人格教育

    Education for a sound personality in history teaching

  22. 20世纪史家论历史文学

    20th Century Historians On Literature of Historical Themes

  23. 翦伯赞论历史评价问题

    Jian Bo Zan 's Theory on Historic Evaluation

  24. 略论历史时间及其教学

    On Historical Time and it 's Teaching

  25. 论历史发展的精神动力

    On the Spiritual Impetus of Historical Development

  26. 论历史唯物主义利益范畴及其对高校思想政治教育的意义

    Study on Interests Category of Historical Materialism and Its Influence on Ideological Education in Institutions

  27. 论历史教育意境

    On the Mood of the History Education

  28. 论历史乡村地理学研究

    On the Study of Historical Rural Geography

  29. 论历史教师的基本素质

    On the Basic Characters of History Teacher

  30. 简论历史认识的客观性问题

    On the Objectivity of Historical Knowledge