
  • Xu Song;Song Xu;Vae;Vea
  1. 仔细品味许嵩的歌,不免为之一动。

    Song of XuSong taste carefully , not as one of the move .

  2. 有一种音乐的名字叫做许嵩,淡淡的,犹如天籁的歌声总是能在给人一种心灵上的慰藉。

    There is a musical by the name of Xu Song , light , sounds of nature like singing is always in giving a spiritual solace .

  3. 在过人的音乐天赋之外,许嵩亦擅长写作,他曾写过的《把伤痕当酒窝》,更是深深震撼着我。

    In exceptional musical talent , Xu Song is good at writing , he once wrote " the wound when the dimple ", is deeply shocked me .

  4. 2008年蒲月,在许嵩大学结业前夜,他凭借着超卓的综合素质,荣获安徽省十佳青年学生称号。

    May2008 , at the eve of graduation Xu Song , who by virtue of the excellent overall quality , was awarded the title of Bnhui Province Ten young students .