
tǎo fá
  • Crusade;send armed forces to suppress;send a punitive expedition against
讨伐 [tǎo fá]
  • [send armed forces to suppress] 出兵征伐

讨伐[tǎo fá]
  1. 她向该通讯社发起了一场声势逼人的讨伐。

    She launched a withering attack on the Press .

  2. 然而,讨伐MBA的批评人士在很大程度上忽视了MBA在这些就业市场上发挥的重要作用。

    Yet the critics of the MBA have largely ignored these important labour market roles .

  3. 几个小时之内,贝尼特斯和她父亲成为了推特(Twitter)上被激烈讨伐的众矢之的,网友还送给了她一个封号Profeco女士。

    Within hours , she and her father became the targets of a furious campaign on Twitter , where users dubbed her # LadyProfeco .

  4. 几个小时之内,贝尼特斯和她父亲成为了推特(Twitter)上被激烈讨伐的众矢之的,网友还送给了她一个封号“Profeco女士”。

    Within hours , she and her father became the targets of a furious campaign on Twitter , where users dubbed her \# LadyProfeco .

  5. 通常情况下,邪恶必定会遭致正义的讨伐。

    In normal times , evil would be fought by good .

  6. 眼下时兴对风险资本家严加讨伐,一如泡沫言论般如火如荼。

    VC bashing , like bubble-talk , is clearly in vogue .

  7. 什么时候开始你和妈妈一起讨伐我了?

    Since when do you take mom 's side over mine ?

  8. 去讨伐犹特人的队伍回来了。

    The party that went against the utes is coming back .

  9. 他率领军队讨伐叛乱。

    He headed the troops to crusade against the rebellion .

  10. 我招呼您,帕特里克,讨伐我的兄弟的英雄。

    I greet you , Patrick , my brother 's crusading hero .

  11. 在继续他们反对真正信徒与纯洁信徒的专横的讨伐。

    Continue their imperious crusade against the true believers and pure followers .

  12. 嗯,已经开始讨伐老五了,你们呢?

    Yeah , we 've raiding the fifth already , and you ?

  13. 讨伐伊莎贝尔和亡灵巫师的战争进入了最后阶段。

    The war against Isabel and the undead reaches its final stage .

  14. 你变成了你父亲毕生所讨伐的东西!

    You have become all that your father fought against !

  15. 要么你为我带领军队讨伐他。

    Or you will lead my army against him .

  16. 今天向各位介绍的就是一种全新的战斗模式&讨伐任务。

    To you today is to introduce a new mode of fighting-the task crusade .

  17. 这些国家当时正在互相征战,各统治者为了权力而相互讨伐。

    The states were warring with each other , the rulers fighting for power .

  18. 讨伐德勤咋就这么难

    Why is it so difficult to punish Deloitte

  19. 当狂热的无神论者听到这个说法,他们会认为自己对宗教的讨伐的确师出有名。

    When they hear this , our evangelical atheists feel vindicated in their crusade .

  20. 755年,安禄山假借讨伐杨国忠之名叛乱。

    In 755 , An Lushan revolted under the pretense of punishing Yang Guozhong .

  21. 他表示,他们已经呼吁了讨伐异教活动,并成立萨拉斐王权。

    He says they have called for jihad and the setup of a Salafist caliphate .

  22. 欧洲其他地区密切注视着威尼斯对衣着不雅游客的奋勇讨伐。

    Venice 's valiant crusade against unsuitably dressed tourists is being closely watched elsewhere in europe .

  23. 在一片政治讨伐声中,印度政府眼下面临着显示决心的压力。

    The government is finding itself under immediate pressure to show its resolve amid political criticism .

  24. 斯皮策则不同,他自诩为一个特殊利益的讨伐者。

    Mr Spitzer , by contrast , is relishing his role as a crusader against special interests .

  25. 幼儿教育小学化倾向在学前教育领域里是一个备受讨伐又屡禁不止的现象。

    The tendency of kindergarten education toward primary school is wildly criticized but hard to prohibit in preschool education field .

  26. 他们到周国的时候姬昌已经死了,而姬发带着兵正准备去讨伐纣王。

    When they arrived , Ji Chang had died and Ji Fa was leading the troops to attack King Zhou .

  27. 当战争爆发时,人们立刻将之视为一场讨伐“普鲁士主义”的自由主义战争。

    When the war began , it quickly came to be seen as a liberal crusade against " Prussianism . "

  28. 近来一场讨伐流氓软件的战役拉开帷幕,流氓软件遭到广大计算机用户的一致谴责。

    A campaign against rascal software has been undertaken recently . Every computer user is condemning the rascal software for its harm .

  29. 我的哥哥存遥远的两方讨伐叛乱的战争中牺牲了,我的弟弟还是个小娃娃。

    One of my brothers has fallen in battle against the rebels in the far west and the other is a child .

  30. 如果一位美国总统试图和平时期就在这上面动脑筋,他必定面临国内外巨大的异议和讨伐。

    If an American president tried to override them in peace out of choice , he would face dissent at home and opprobrium abroad .