
  • 网络cognitive intelligence
  1. 逻辑推理是认知智能行为的典型特征,但是在推理过程中,由于不同原因产生了一些不一致信念,而这些不一致信念使知识库出现了矛盾。

    The typical behavior of cognitive intelligence is logical reasoning , but in the process of reasoning , the inconsistent beliefs generated by different reasons made the contradiction appeared in the knowledge base .

  2. 建构在多元智能平台上语文综合性学习的目标指向是问题解决能力及创造力,基本特征是多元统整,目标达成途径是人际关系智能与自我认知智能。

    Its goal is problem-solving ability and creativity , its basic feature is integration of multi-factors , and the approach to the goal is inter-personal intelligence and self-cognition intelligence .

  3. 小学英语教师应挖掘自身的语言文字智能、自我认知智能、人际关系智能、数学逻辑智能、视觉空间智能、音乐旋律智能、身体运动智能等7种潜能来应对不同的学生个体,完成教学任务。

    Primary school English teachers should be able to develop as much as possible themselves ' potentials of language intelligence , cognition intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , logical intelligence , musical intelligence , visual intelligence and sports intelligence to deal properly with different children and fulfill our teaching activities .

  4. 模糊认知图智能学习算法及其应用研究

    The Intelligent Learning Algorithm of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Its Application Research

  5. 非孤立认知与智能型教学系统

    Non Isolated Cognition and Intelligence Teaching System Cognitive Radio Technology Models of cognitive studies

  6. 在合作领域中,调制方式分类识别是软件无线电通用接收机和认知无线电智能接收机的关键技术基础,同时也是瓶颈和核心。

    In cooperative field , modulation classification and recognition is the technical base for universal receiver based on software radio and intelligent receiver based on cognitive radio , and they are also the bottleneck and kernel .

  7. 现在,大多数科研人员认为对人类认知和智能本质的研究将会促进对人工智能的深刻理解,并为之提供新的思路。

    Nowadays , most of researchers think that to study human cognition and intelligence essence will prompt the deep understanding of artificial intelligence . And accordingly , the new train of thought for it will be put forward .

  8. 联想机制、记忆容量、信号与信息的神经表达、联想思维的节律及其转移机制、智能的涌现机理等等,均是当前认知与智能科学的热点研究课题。

    The problems of associating mechanism , memory capacity , neural expression of signal and information , rhythm and state shift of associative thinking , emergence of intelligence are all the current research hotspots in the field of cognitive science and intelligence science .

  9. 一个具有认知能力的智能课件系统的JAVA实现

    A Cognitive Courseware System Implemented With Java

  10. 空间认知是人类智能结构的重要组成部分。

    Spatial cognition is an important constituent of human intelligence structure .

  11. 而通信信号的调制类型识别对于认知无线电这种智能通信系统具有重要研究意义。

    The modulation recognition has important significance to intelligent cognitive radio .

  12. 作为人-机联合认知系统的智能决策支持系统

    The Intelligent Decision Support System ( IDSS ) as a Joint Cognitive System

  13. 模糊认知图在智能控制中的应用研究

    Application and research of intelligent control with FCM

  14. 结论盐酸丁咯地尔可提高血管性痴呆患者的脑血流量,降低血管阻力,明显改善血管性痴呆的认知功能、智能状态及提高生活质量。

    Conclusion The buflomedil can improve the cerebral blood flow and is good for the cognition functional recovery in vascular dementia patients .

  15. 仿真结果表明,利用认知模型,智能生命可以较好地处理某些随机事件。

    It is shown by the simulation example that with help of the cognitive model , intelligent life is capable of handling some nondeterministic events .

  16. 在全面总结基于仿真的复杂问题求解模式,对已有的模式进行对比的基础上,提出了仿真+数据挖掘+基于认知行为的智能算法的新模式。

    A novel simulation based problem solving model , i.e. " simulation + data mining + cognition behaviors based intelligent algorithm " , is presented .

  17. 结论:视觉运动整合能力发育测验作为一种筛查工具,能方便有效地反映出学龄期聋童的认知发育和智能水平,并可反映大脑视觉运动整合中枢的脑电活动水平。

    CONCLUSION : VMI test can efficiently reflect the development status of visual-motor integration or intelligence of the school-age deaf children and represent the level of central EEG activity .

  18. 21世纪中心科学技术(centralscience&technology)转移的趋势是从信息科学技术到生物科学技术(包括生命科学技术)再到认知科学技术(智能科学技术)。

    The central science and technology shift trend in the 21st century is from info-science and technology to bio-science andtechnology ( including life-science and technology ), and further to cognitive science and technology ( intelligent science and technology ) .

  19. 基于案例推理(Case-BasedReasoning,CBR)作为人工智能由表层的机器模仿向深层的机器思维发展中的一种形式已得到认知科学和人工智能研究者越来越多的重视。

    The Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ) that has developed from the skin-deep machine imitation to the deep-seated machine thinking technology has already been attached more importance by the cognitive science and AI researchers .

  20. 认知空间上的智能系统FDSS

    Intelligence systems FDSS in recognition space

  21. ICAI是智能化的CAI,代表着一种新的教学思想和教学方式,其研究主要集中在协同教学模式、认知学生模型、智能超媒体和错误诊断技术等方面。

    ICAI is the intelligent CAI , Which represents the new teaching idea and model , The researches of ICAI concentrate on such aspects as coordination with teaching model , cognitive student model , intelligent hypermedia and mistake diagnose technology .

  22. 认知引擎是人工智能技术应用的智能平台。

    Cognitive engine is the best platform for applying artificial intelligence .

  23. 语篇理解已成为心理语言学、认知科学和人工智能等多学科的热点研究领域。

    As a favored study field of psycholinguistics , cognitive sciences and artificial intelligence , much about discourse comprehension remains unexplored .

  24. 知识组织的语法学、语义学和语用学原理;知识组织的认知地图理想与智能化理想。

    And introduces the knowledge organization 's principle syntax , semantics and pragmatics as well as ideals of cognitive map and intellectualization .

  25. 目前这一研究纲领在认知科学和人工智能等领域仍然居于主流地位,并且得到了新的发展。

    At present this research program occupies the mainstream in some fields like cognitive science and artificial intelligence and makes a new progress .

  26. 神经网络作为一种智能技术,已经在模式识别、认知科学、人工智能和最优化问题等领域中得到了较好的应用。

    As a kind of intelligence technique , neural network has already been used in identification model , perception science , artificial intelligence and option .

  27. 第七,言语行为理论研究应从相关学科如数理逻辑,认知科学和人工智能中借鉴成果。

    Seventhly , the study of Speech Act Theory should absorb nourishments from other disciplines , such as mathematical logic , cognitive science and artificial intelligence .

  28. 它涉及到设计心理学、认知心理学、人工智能、工程科学、人机工程等相关学科,包括形象思维和逻辑思维。

    It covers design arts , cognitive psychology , artificial intelligence , engineering sciences , human-machine engineering and other related sciences , including abstract thinking and logical thinking .

  29. 人工神经网络是模仿延伸人脑认知功能的新型智能信息处理系统。采用电子或光子等元件实现模仿人脑神经细胞的结构和功能,构造具有人脑智能的人工智能信息处理系统。

    Artificial Neural Networks is a new artificial intelligence information processing system that simulates and extends the cognitive function of a human brain by using electron or photon elements to duplicate the structure and function of certain neural cells .

  30. 通过建立完善的知识库系统与合理的推理机制,充分利用专家经验知识进行地物识别与认知实现认知的智能化。

    Under the establishment of a sound Knowledge Base System and reasonable inference mechanism , this research made full use of expertise knowledge in remote sensing classification to realize geophysical identification and cognition , and to achieve cognitive intelligence .