
dìng shū dīng
  • staple
订书钉[dìng shū dīng]
  1. 有意出售的公司往往与它们的银行业顾问合作,向潜在的投标方提供预先安排的融资方案,此种融资称为订书钉融资。

    Companies that are put up for sale often work with their banking advisers to offer a pre-arranged funding package to potential bidders known as staple financing .

  2. 但信贷紧缩增强了对“订书钉融资”和卖方融资的需求。

    But the credit crunch is boosting demand for " staple financing " and vendor financing .

  3. 我们使用DNA折纸术的方法在特定的位置设计一些订书钉链作为金纳米粒子的连接位点,并且将修饰巯基的DNA引物通过共价键与金纳米粒子连接。

    We have used the DNA origami approach to engineer staple strands at selected sites for attachment of gold nanoparticles . The covalent attachment of thiol-modified DNA oligomers was used to functionalize gold nanoparticles .

  4. 有R3订书钉,几盒回形针,36包A3纸,

    There were some R3 staples , several boxes of paper clips , thirty-six packs of A3 paper ,

  5. 去掉那收据纸上的订书钉。

    Unstaple the piece of paper from the receipt .

  6. 本实用新型主要应用于取除物品上的订书钉。

    The staple remover is mainly applied to removing the staples of articles .

  7. 就是墨水啊订书钉啊纸张之类的

    you know , your ink , your staples , your legal pads .

  8. 这个袋子是旧的,用订书钉和夹子封住了。

    This one was worn and held together with staples , and paper clips .

  9. 而且我的订书钉也丢了。

    And now my typewriter ribbon is missing .

  10. 链环已经卷曲,并褪了色,连同其上的胶带、订书钉和浆糊,一并显出岁月的磨损。

    Its crinkled , faded links display years of wear , along with tape , staples and paste .

  11. 本实用新型为一种取针器,涉及一种用于拆除各种订书钉的取针器。

    The utility model discloses a staple remover which relates to a staple remover used for removing various staples .

  12. 然后把袋子和卡板的正面用订书机钉在一起。

    Then nail the bag and the front side of card board with stapler .

  13. 理论上,融资细节用订书机钉在收购条款单的背面。

    Details of the financing are , in theory , stapled to the back of the acquisition term sheet .

  14. 用订书机把袋口钉紧后,放入微波炉里去微波,就像你平时用微波炉来做其他爆米花一样。(不用担心,如果你的微波炉是1986年以后生产的,订书钉就不会引起火花)。

    Then staple the bag shut and microwave it just the same as you would any other bag of popcorn ( no , the staples will not cause sparks if your microwave was built after 1986 ) .