
  • 网络Computer Vision;machine vision;openCV;ComputerVision
  1. 摘要在柱状零件计算机视觉检测的应用中,经常需要对其进行垂直度的检测。

    The verticality of cylinder is often inspected in the application of computer vision inspection .

  2. 一月份,百度说其计算机视觉系统DeepImage是世界上最准确的。

    In January , it said its computer vision system - Deep Image - was the world 's most accurate .

  3. 在计算机视觉(ComputerVision)应用中,自然图像可以在小波域中稀疏表示。

    For computer vision applications , it is known that natural images have a sparse representation in the wavelet domain .

  4. 提出一种基于计算机视觉的,以及改进的模糊C均值聚类算法的机器人多指手预抓取模式分类方法。

    A pre-grasp pattern classification method based on the computer vision and the improved fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is introduced .

  5. 近年来,计算机视觉(ComputerVision)成为计算机行业一个重要的研究领域,取得了巨大的进步并且得到了广泛的应用。

    In recent years , computer vision has become an important research field , made great progress and has been widely used .

  6. 本文研究了如何在DSP中利用计算机视觉技术实现全天候疲劳驾驶实时监测系统。

    This paper studies how to realize the all-weather system based on DSP by using the technology of computer vision .

  7. 车牌识别技术(VehicleLicensePlateRecognition)综合了计算机视觉技术和模式识别技术,在智能交通系统(IntelligentTrafficSystem,简称ITS)中占有重要的地位。

    Vehicle License Plate Recognition ( LPR ) is a combination of the computer vision technology and the pattern recognition technology , and it plays an important role in Intelligent Traffic System ( ITS ) .

  8. 这一技术正以其的特有的优势被广泛的应用在CAD逆向工程、计算机视觉、模式识别、三维动画、网上购物和虚拟现实等领域。

    This technology , with its particular predominance , is broad applied in such numerous fields as CAD reverse engineering , Computer Vision , Pattern Recognition , 3D Cartoon and Virtual Reality .

  9. 结合计算机视觉技术和CCD测量原理,给出了一种运动目标姿态参数的测量方法,并推导了目标姿态测量的数学模型。

    Optical measurement for attitude parameters of moving targets based on computer vision principle and CCD technology is presented . The attitude algorithm is deduced from the system model .

  10. 边缘检测是计算机视觉中重要的研究内容,Canny算法是其中较为典型的算法。

    In computer view , edge detection is a hot research area , in which Canny algorithm is a typical algorithm .

  11. 模糊C均值聚类(FCM)算法是&种经典的模糊聚类分析方法,该算法已经有效地应用在数据挖掘、模式识别、计算机视觉以及决策支持等领域,具有重要的理论与实际应用价值。

    Fuzzy C means clustering ( FCM ) algorithm is a classical fuzzy clustering analysis , the algorithm has been effectively used in data mining , pattern recognition , computer vision and decision support .

  12. 利用自行建立的基于计算机视觉的脉冲TIG焊熔池几何参数检测系统,从工件的正面利用CCD传感器拍摄到了清晰的熔池图像。

    Use the self-built pulse TIG welding melting pool geometric parameter inspection system based on computer vision , the clear melting pool image was pictured from the front through CCD sensor .

  13. 而新一代的视频编码标准MPEG-4提出的基于对象的编码方式,使得作为计算机视觉的基本问题之一的数字视频的对象分割,得到了很多学者和专家的深入研究。

    The new coding standard MPEG-4 adopts content-based coding method , and it makes many scholars and experts to study the problem of video object segmentation in depth .

  14. 获取真实物体的三维模型是计算机视觉的一个重要研究课题,在虚拟现实、CAD反向工程、模式识别、不良产品检测以及人体非接触测量等领域有着广泛的应用。

    Reconstruction of 3-D objects is an important research problem of computer vision , which have been applied in many domains such as Virtual Reality , CAD reverse engineering , Pattern Recognition , ill product detection , and non-contact measurement of 3 D human body .

  15. 空间区域拓扑关系建模是空间推理、地理信息系统(GIS)和计算机视觉等领域一个非常重要的主题,模糊区域的拓扑关系建模正日益受到相关领域研究者的重视。

    The modeling of topological relations between spatial regions is an important topic in spatial reasoning , geographic information systems ( GIS ) and computer vision . The modeling of topological relations between fuzzy regions is getting more imperative and thus has attracted plenty of attentions from researchers .

  16. 活动轮廓模型即蛇模型,由Kass等人在1987年首次提出,在图像分析和计算机视觉等领域得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Active contour model ( snake model ), which was introduced by Kass in 1987 , has been used widely in applications of image analysis and computer vision .

  17. 近年来,以小波多分辨分析和偏微分方程(PDEs)方法为代表的数学工具活跃在图像处理的各个研究领域,它们已经成为研究图像处理和计算机视觉的两大基本工具。

    In recent years , wavelet multi-resolution analysis and partial differential equations ( PDEs ) play active roles in many image processing fields . They have become two basic tools for image processing and computer vision .

  18. 在取得了一定的采样点坐标之后,采用了Chio算法建立空间三角网,并提供了利用计算机视觉的方法对三角网进行加密的功能。

    After obtaining a certain amount of coordinates of sampling points , Chio algorithm is used to establish space triangulation and a method making the triangulation denser is realized using computer vision technology .

  19. 基于梯度光流计算的计算机视觉技术

    Computer vision technology of calculation about optical flow based on grads

  20. 基于计算机视觉的番茄损伤自动检测与分类研究

    Automatic identification and classification of tomatoes with bruise using computer vision

  21. 基于计算机视觉的稻米垩白指标快速测定方法研究

    Rapid Test Method of Rice Chalkiness Based on Computer Vision System

  22. 二分光反射模型能客观地反映物体的光反射机理,将其应用于计算机视觉领域,可以实现反射光斑的识别。

    The Dichromatic Reflection Model objectively describes reflective mechanism of objects .

  23. 计算机视觉中的几何不变性及其应用

    A survey of geometric invariance and its application in computer vision

  24. 计算机视觉一直是人们研究的热点。

    Computer vision has always been one of the hot topics .

  25. 计算机视觉技术及其在工业中应用的研究

    Study on Computer Vision Technology and Its Applications in Industry Fields

  26. 玻璃器皿模具号的计算机视觉识别

    The Computer Vision Recognition for the Glassware 's Mould Number

  27. 计算机视觉导航使移动机器人可以工作于复杂环境中,而道路检测是其中的关键环节。

    Road detection is one of the basic tasks for automatic guidance .

  28. 计算机视觉成象的非线性畸变研究与综述

    Reserch and Overview of Imaging Nonlinear Distortion in Computer Vision

  29. 基于图像特征点对应估计三维刚体运动是计算机视觉的一个基本问题。

    Motion from point correspondence is a basic problem in computer vision .

  30. 木材构造计算机视觉分析方法

    Study on analysis method of wood structure by computer vision