- 网络computational thinking;computing thinking;calculative thinking

Jeannette Wing , a vice president for research and one of Microsoft 's experts in ' computational thinking ' ( read : machine learning ) , said interacting with Cortana is more like a conversation than a response to a question . ' I speak to Cortana , Cortana responds .
Computational Thinking : its Scientific Position , Basic Principles and Innovation Methods
Study on the Function Localization during Different Brain Calculation Tasks
The Principle of Information Diffusion and Thought Computation and Their Applications in Earthquake Engineering
Computational thinking is becoming an important concept widely concerned over the field of computer science today .
This session pointed out the differences between a traditional application development approach and a utility computing mindset .
I 'm going to keep coming back to that idea , but I 'm going to call it computational thinking .
Right , the first skill we want you to acquire , is we want you to be able to use the basic tools of computational thinking to write small scale programs .
Based on the description of related research at home and abroad , be given to " calculate thinking ability " as the core of the reform of the computer-based teaching at the University of necessity and urgency .
Professor Zhou believes that Computational Thinking , which is based on the fundamental concept of computer science , can be used in a series of thinking activities which covers computer science , such as problem solving , system design , and human behavior .
Evading Complicated Calculation and Improving Qualities of Thinking
The effects of the experimental training in ordinary school is much more obvious than that of key school .
After the thinking strategy training , the students in senior middle school make an obvious improvement in solving chemical calculation problems .
This article insists that the students ' ability in solving chemical calculation problems can be improved by the thinking strategy training .
The training effects exist obvious differences between the chemistry calculating solving problems ' thinking strategy based on YuanLin Platform training of intelligence and ability and webpage training .
The effects of the thinking strategy training in grade two is much more obvious than that of the other two grades . The article consists of five parts .
Nonlinear quantitative criterion and rule , which unites neural network , can distinguish different styles of consciousness activity in principle , and the result of sortation takes on that consciousness activity type of arithmetic is distinguished more easily than that of abstract .
What in the world does it mean to say computational mode of thought ?
Paying Attention to the Calculating of Classic Probability and Developing Students ' Thinking Quality
In particular , they determine the state of mind of the computer after the operation is carried out .
This paper about the formulation of calculating thickness and the internal factor introduce some different industrial ore base of mining method and way .
The operation actually performed is determined , as has been suggested [ above ] by the state of mind of the computer and the observed symbols .
We cannot uncover the perceptual life and aesthetical intuition of human , which are covered by the " computing thinking ", until we take the perspective of existential ontology and skip over real ontology .
We know the state of the system if we know the sequence of symbols on the tape , which of these are observed by the computer ( possibly with a special order ) , and the state of mind of the computer .