
  • 网络Planner;Scheduling;Schedule
  1. 基于Petri网的一种实时计划调度方法

    An Approach for Planning and Scheduling Based on Petri Nets

  2. 模糊聚类分析在FMS作业计划调度中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Clustering Analysis to FMS Production Scheduling

  3. 基于Web服务的虚拟企业协同计划调度系统研究

    Cooperative Planning System in Virtual Enterprise Base on Web Services

  4. 微型汽车厂FlowShop计划调度系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Plan Management System in Flow Shop of Mini and Small Car Factory

  5. 对基于Web的车间计划调度系统的开发技术进行了研究,分析了系统的功能组成及其开发特点。

    It analyses the development process of schedule management system in shop with web technology , describes the functions constitute and system characteristic .

  6. 这种方法为CAPP与生产计划调度的一体化集成提供了一种新的途径。

    This method offers a new effective approach to implement CAPP integrated with production planning and scheduling .

  7. 面向MES的轮胎生产计划调度系统

    Planning and Scheduling System for Tire Production in MES

  8. 基于遗传算法的FMS计划调度方法研究

    The Study of Method of Planning and Scheduling for FMS Based on the Genetic Algorithm

  9. CIMS下邮政物流网最优计划调度及质量监控系统

    Architecture of the Integrated System about Scheduling and Dispatching Optimization and Quality Monitoring of Postal Transportation Networks in CIMS

  10. 因此,面向MES的计划调度研究成为国内外诸多企业中的热点问题。

    Therefore , the planning and scheduling faced on MES is now a hot issue of many enterprises .

  11. 从计划调度系统的易扩展和高运行效率的角度,讨论了计划调度系统的部署结构,提出了计划调度系统的组件、WEB服务混合的系统结构。

    Aiming at solving the deployment problem of planning and scheduling information system , the component and web service mixed architecture is presented , and functions of all parts and communication each other are discussed .

  12. 对锁较长时间的控制也会使处理器违反计划调度,也就是说,这会导致一个拥有较高优先级的进程不得不等待CPU。

    Long lock hold times also keep the current processor from scheduling , meaning that a higher priority process-which really should be able to get the CPU-may have to wait .

  13. 然而,这种通过引入MES来加强车间级的生产计划调度、提高中长期计划的运行效率的方法在实际实施过程中遇到了很多问题。

    However , this way of introducing MES to strengthen job-shop scheduling and improve the running efficiency of plans faces many problems in the process .

  14. 论文对制造系统结构、优化调度算法、制造系统建模方法、程序实现技术等进行了深入地对比分析研究,提出了利用Agent的结构模式分析建立整个生产计划调度与控制系统的思想。

    This dissertation has a deep analysis and research on manufacturing system structure , optimized scheduling algorithm , modeling method and programming technology . An idea that builds the PPS system by utilizing agent-based structure and mode is put forward .

  15. 针对遗传算法在生产计划调度上的应用,结合JIT下的车间调度进行了改进研究。

    In view of genetic algorithm application at the job schedule of dispatcher , combining to workshop dispatcher of JIT research of improving is made .

  16. 生产作业计划调度和监控是计算机集成制造和面向制造企业的ERP前端关键技术之一,在制造企业信息化建设中处于重要地位,也是目前制造业信息化建设过程中的难点和薄弱环节。

    " Production Scheduling and Supervisal " that is the key technology of CMS and ERP 's front module possesses important significance of information technology processing for manufacture project , and is difficulty and weakness too .

  17. 指出了面向供应链的MC生产计划调度过程是由若干协同化的主导子过程共同实现的;

    It is pointed out that planning and scheduling operation process of MC oriented to supply chain is jointly accomplished by a certain number of dominant sub-processes that are coordinated with each other .

  18. 详细研究了FMS制造单元生产计划调度系统的功能需求,提出了由单元生产作业计划、静态作业调度和实时动态作业调度三个调度层次组成的递阶单元控制器生产计划调度系统。

    After researching the function requirements of the planning and scheduling in manufacturing cells , the paper advanced a control structure with three phases , i. e. planning , scheduling and dispatching .

  19. 以往那种对各项目逐一进行定制WBS并在此基础上的计划调度及资源配置方式是制约项目型企业发展的关键因素。

    The traditional way of planning and scheduling and the allocation of resources that is on the base of WBS customized respectively restrict the development of enterprise .

  20. 分析了各主导功能模块的基本特征及其模式框架;阐述了基于各主导功能模块协同运作的面向供应链的MC计划调度过程实施模式。

    Fundamental aspects and mode frame of each dominant functional module are analyzed , and implement model of MC planning and scheduling process oriented to supply chain is also elaborated based on cooperation of all dominant functional modules .

  21. 考察每个客户订单有确定的交付期且外包可用情形下的计划调度问题,提出了制造供应链外包下的高级计划与排程(APS)模型。

    This paper considers a planning and scheduling problem in which each customer order has a due date and outsourcing is available . We present an advanced planning and scheduling ( APS ) model with outsourcing in a manufacturing supply chain .

  22. 本文结合成都飞机工业公司数控加工中心FA集成环境下车间作业计划调度系统的研究和开发,阐述了车间作业计划调度系统在CAC-CIMS/FA中的地位。

    Following the development of the workshop scheduling system in integrated environment of FA , Numerical Control Machining Center , Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation , this paper elaborates the position of workshop scheduling system in CAC-CIMS / FA .

  23. 本文中还介绍了采用本文提出的软件体系结构和组件设计,以Delphi6.00作为组件和系统开发工具,Oracle8i作为数据库系统开发的基于组件的车间计划调度系统的实例。

    Finally , a job-shop planning and scheduling system based on components is developed . Delphi 6.0 is used as the development tools , and Oracle 8i is used as the database server .

  24. 基于均衡排产规则的钢管生产计划调度

    Planning and Scheduling the Production of Steel Tubes with Balance-based Rule

  25. 成批生产计划调度的集成建模与优化

    Integrated optimization modeling of production planning & scheduling for batch production

  26. 批量生产企业的车间计划调度算法研究与应用

    Planning and Scheduling Algorithms of Batch Production Workshop and its Application

  27. 改进型数控作业车间计划调度系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Modified NC Job-Shop Planning and Scheduling System

  28. 一个基于三库的工程计划调度系统

    The project decision support system based on ' three bases

  29. 供应链计划调度的两层次集成模型

    Supply Chain Planning / Scheduling Model of Two Integrated Levels

  30. 一种实用的单件小批量生产计划调度方法

    A Practical Method for the Job Shop Planning and Scheduling