
jǐnɡ huī
  • police insignia;police emblem;badge
  1. 他说peluso上缴警徽前已经被私下停职了。

    Says Peluso was unofficially suspended before he turned his badge in .

  2. 那就是还没破,行了吗?枪和警徽。

    An inch too far , okay ? Gun and badge .

  3. 我只想足够好到一直戴着这警徽。

    I only wanna be good enough to keep this badge .

  4. 你还是摘掉那个警徽,保住自己的小命为好。

    You better take off that tin star and stay alive .

  5. 拿着警徽就得遵纪守法

    There are rules and regulations that come with that badge .

  6. 从那以后,那个“锡星”(警徽)就没用了。

    Never had much use for that tin star after that .

  7. 因为他不尊重你我佩戴的警徽。

    Because he disrespected the badge that you and I wear .

  8. 我知道我不只是偷走他的警徽。

    I didn 't just take away the man 's badge .

  9. 把你的枪和警徽交给当班的队长。

    Leave the gun and your badge with the duty sergeant .

  10. 如果你们是警察,那警徽在哪里?

    If you 're the police , where are your badges ?

  11. 你们是警察,让我看看警徽啊!

    If you guys are cops , let 's see some badge .

  12. 你想要什么,本,我还是警徽?

    What do you want , ben , me or that badge ?

  13. 我并不期望哪个独行捕手会赏识这警徽。

    I wouldn 't expect no bounty hunter to appreciate this badge .

  14. 也许他们不喜欢和带警徽的胖小子谈。

    Maybe they don 't like talking to fat boys with badges .

  15. 他这辈子再也带不上警徽了。

    He 'll never wear a police badge again in his life .

  16. 你可以选择去,或者把警徽交回来。

    You have choices do it , or turn in your badge .

  17. 他们有黑名单,我有警徽。

    They have a list . I have a badge .

  18. 警徽总能把我带出来。

    The badge was always there to bail me out .

  19. 我们要拿走你的枪和警徽。

    We 're gonna need your gun and your badge .

  20. 我的名誉和警徽,曾是我的全部

    My name and my badge , they were everything to me .

  21. 我猜大夫是对的,他们要取走我的警徽。

    I guess doc was right . they 're gonna take my badge .

  22. 我就是那个偷你警徽的人。

    I was the one who stole your badge .

  23. 好吧至少带上警徽吧拿着

    Well at least wear the badge . Go on . Take it .

  24. 你还带着副警长的警徽啊

    You 're still wearing the deputy 's badge .

  25. 那时那刻我们才知道警徽的权力太大了。

    It was then and there we knew the badge was too powerful .

  26. 不带上警徽就不敢来了?

    Afraid to come in here without a badge ?

  27. 等你空手出来的时候,我要叫你的警徽落地。

    When you come up empty , we 're going after your badge .

  28. 你会有一个真正的警徽

    You 'll have to wear the real badge .

  29. 夫人,我有一个假警徽。

    Ma'am , I have a fake badge .

  30. 这个警徽和那块熏肉一样都在旅行。

    This badge is on a journey , too , just like that bacon .