
  1. 但是,联合国贸发会投资和企业司司长詹晓宁(JamesZhan)警告说,海外直接投资复苏可能面临几个风险。

    But , UNCTAD Director of Division on Investment and Enterprise James Zhan warns of several risks related to the recovery of FDI .

  2. 詹晓宁说,保护主义目前并不严重。

    Zhan says protectionism is not a big deal at the moment .

  3. 詹晓宁表示,在今后几年,中国作为投资来源国的重要性只会增长。

    Mr Zhan said the importance of China as a source of investment was only likely to grow in the years to come .

  4. 詹晓宁表示,国内经济增长放缓也刺激中国公司着眼于海外,俄罗斯等其他新兴体的投资者也是如此。

    But slowing growth at home was also acting as an incentive for Chinese companies to look abroad , he said , and the same was true for investors from other emerging economies such as Russia .