首页 / 词典 / good

  • Zi;slander;calumniate;libel
  • 钱财:~算。

  • 估量,限度:“~粟而税”。

  • 希求:“不~重器”。

  • 古同“咨”,嗟叹声。

  • 古同“恣”,恣纵,狂放。

  • 姓。


[书] (说人坏话) slander; calumniate; libel:

  • 訾毁

    detract sb. behind his back

  1. 在同异观上,名墨两家相訾为少,相应居多,区别只在于对划分同异的标准等问题的看法上。

    The only difference rests on their respective views of the standard of distinguishing similarity from difference .

  2. 目前,相关责任人已得到处理,一手策划假新闻的临时人员訾某,也被开除。

    At present , the responsibilities associated with them have been addressed , plotted false news in a certain dislike of temporary staff , were dismissed .

  3. 一位82岁的亿万富翁为其远在中国西北陕西省的故乡訾家河村的所有村民建起了新的公寓楼。北京日报报道。

    An82-year-old billionaire has built new apartment buildings for all the villagers in his hometown of Zijiahe Village in northwestern China 's Shaanxi Province , the Beijing Daily reports .