
jiě fǎ
  • solution;method of solving;method of solution;solving process;answer
解法 [xiè fǎ]
  • (1) [solution;method of solution]∶解决问题的方法,解答问题的方法

  • (2) [answer]∶[对问题的]解答方法;通过数学演算或其他类似的推理而得出答案

  • 对一步象棋的解法

解法[jiě fǎ]
  1. 半带形的Dirichlet问题的解法

    Method of solving the Dirichlet problem for a half strip

  2. 第四部分主要对位错方程中描述离散效应的二阶导数项参数和各向能量因子进行了求解,并利用已有的位错方程解法求得了稀有气体晶体中位错的芯结构和Peierls应力。

    The fourth part mainly calculates the second order derivative coefficient that describing the discrete effect and the anisotropic energy factors , and has obtained the dislocation core structure and the Peierls stress in the rare-gas crystal using the existing method of solving dislocation equations .

  3. 这个工作激起了另一场关于可允许的解法的争论。

    This work stirred up another ground for controversy about the allowable solutions .

  4. 介绍了一种平面杆系结构自由振动的解析解法。

    The analytic method for the free vibration of plane frame structure is presented .

  5. 在碱解法的基础上,优化了提取空肠弯曲菌质粒DNA的条件。

    The conditions of extracting plasmids DNA in Campylobacter jejuni were optimized .

  6. 负指数函数中待定参数a,b的抗差解法

    Robust solution of the undetermined parameters a , B in the negative exponential function

  7. 连续热裂解法大规模制备质粒DNA

    Large-scale Plasmid DNA Preparation by Flow-Through Thermal Lysis

  8. 直三点弯曲试样K1的数值解法

    Numerical Method for Determining K_1 of Straight Three - point Bend Specimen

  9. 单频GPS快速定位中病态问题的解法研究

    Investigation on Solutions of Ill-conditioned Problems in Rapid Positioning Using Single Frequency GPS Receivers

  10. 流动过程的模拟用湍流两方程模型,辐射换热用MonteCarlo解法。

    The turbulent two-equation model and the Monte Carlo technique are used in predicting .

  11. 弹性地基与无拉力弹性地基上深浅梁的Fourier级数解法

    Fourier series solution of thick / thin beam laid on elastic foundations and tensionless elastic foundations

  12. Lyapunov矩阵方程的一种数值解法及部分并行处理

    A Numerical Solution of Lyapunov Matrix Equation and a Partly Parallel Treatment

  13. 带Hilbert核的奇异积分方程的数值解法

    On the numerical solution for Singular Integral Equations with Hilbert kernel

  14. RC线的解法

    The Solution of the RC - line

  15. 炉内换热MonteCarlo解法中几个问题的分析

    The problems of Monte Carlo Solution of radiant heat transfer in furnace of a large boiler

  16. 非线性基底平板光波导TE模图解法

    The graphical solution TE modes of slab optical waveguides with nonlinear substrate

  17. 三参数Weibull分布参数的极大似然估计数值解法

    Advanced Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Three Parameter Weibull Distribution

  18. 非结构网格上Euler方程有限体积解法的改进

    Improvements of a Finite Volume Method for Euler Equations on Unstructured Meshes

  19. 成层地基的Rayleigh波特征方程的解法

    A new method to solve characteristic equation of Rayleigh wave in a layered soil

  20. 城市生活垃圾焚烧炉燃烧室三维辐射传热的Monte-Carlo解法

    Three-dimensional Monte-Carlo Modeling of Radiative Transfer in a Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator

  21. 用双层位势求解二维Laplace方程的Neumann问题的Galerkin边界元解法

    Galerkin Boundary Element Method for 2-D Laplace Equation of Neumann Problem

  22. Lyapunov方程的线性变换解法

    Linear Transformation Approach for Lyapunov Equation

  23. 并用电力系统动态分析方法,即数值解法,编制了通用的Fortran程序;

    Dynamic analysis method of power system has been programmed by Fortran .

  24. 给出了直角网格生成方法以及Euler方程解法。

    This paper explains the general issues of the grid generation and Euler solver .

  25. 为了解决这一问题,针对3×n流水型排序的特点,提出了新的解法及其适用条件。

    To solve the problem , the new solution and suitable condition has been put forward according to the characteristic of 3 × n water-flowing ordering .

  26. 关于Dirichlet边界最小面积问题的有限元解法

    The Finite Element Method for the Dirichlet Problem of Minimal Surface

  27. 具有差核的Volterra积分方程的拉氏变换解法

    To solve Volterra equation with difference kernel by means of Laplace transformation

  28. 以微分中值定理和Taylor级数为依据得出了常微分方程初值问题数值解法的一个一般公式。

    By differential mean value theorems and Taylor series , we deduce a unified formula in this paper .

  29. 提为反问题的数值预报方法与试验I.三类反问题及数值解法

    Methods and Experiments of Numerical Prediction Raised as Inverse Problem Part I : Three Kinds of Inverse Problems and Numerical Solutions

  30. 简化Navier-Stokes方程的数值解法

    Simplified Navier-Stokes equations and their numerical solutions