
  • 网络Liberation Daily;Jiefang Daily
  1. 本文以《解放日报》1941年9月至1942年3月出版的《文艺》副刊为中心,以这一时期有关家庭的作品为重心,努力透过家庭想象的问题来呈现延安文学的复杂性。

    All in the Jiefang Daily from September 1941 to March 1942 Edition of the Literature & Arts supplements as the center for the works of this period to focus on the family , through the efforts of " Family imagination " to show the complexity of Yan'an literature .

  2. 结合实际,探讨了CRM与PRM协同在解放日报报业集团广告经营系统中的应用实践。

    Case learning . Introducing a simple application of collaboration between CRM and PRM for Advertisement Business Information System in Jiefang daily newspaper group .

  3. 《解放日报》在一篇报道的标题中称塞西莉亚为绝望主妇。

    " Desperate housewife ," Liberation daily said in a headline .

  4. 延安《解放日报》广告作用初探

    A Study of the Advertising Role of the Yan'an Liberation Daily

  5. 《解放日报》的思想政治教育资源及其特色

    Ideological and Political Education Resources of Liberation Daily and Its Feature

  6. 延安《解放日报》改版研究文献综述与分析

    Yan'an " Liberation Daily " revision studies and analysis of literature review

  7. 延安《解放日报》妇女形象建构的文化分析

    Cultural Analysis of Women 's Image Construction in Yanan 's Liberation Daily

  8. 延安《解放日报》与丁玲文学创作的转向

    Yan'an Liberation Daily and the Change in Ding Ling 's Literary Creation

  9. 略论延安《解放日报》的广告特色

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Advertisements in Liberation Daily in YanAn

  10. 他给《解放日报》写了一篇稿。

    He contributed an article to the liberation daily .

  11. 政治意识形态的文艺性展现&《解放日报·文艺》主编丁玲的编辑思想

    The Literary Show of the Political Ideology in Ding Ling 's Editorial Thought

  12. 延安《解放日报》广告研究

    Study on Advertisement of YanAn Liberation Daily

  13. 《老场坊的新表情&探寻申城“新”与“旧”之五》,《解放日报》(上海)2011年5月21日。

    " The Old Factory New Expression , 'new'and'Old ' ", The Liberation Daily , 2011,5,21 .

  14. 这是《解放日报》不久前的头版新闻标题。

    This is what was said in one title on the front page of Jiefang Daily .

  15. 《解放日报》一项调查显示,47%的学生对婚前性行为持模棱两可的态度。

    According to the Jiefang Daily survey , 47 percent of students had an ambiguous attitude toward premarital sex .

  16. 加入《第一财经日报》之前,她是上海《解放日报》的主任记者,报道覆盖宏观、金融和商业领域。

    Before Joining CBN , She was a senior reporter covering finance and business in Liberation Daily based in Shanghai .

  17. 总之,延安时期《解放日报》的广告对促进边区经济建设和社会发展,发挥了不可替代的作用,并为以后党报刊载广告树立了榜样。

    Its action must not be replaced in the development of border district and set an example for the Party newspapers .

  18. 关于这件事,《解放日报》曾多次讨论,今愿更有所说明。

    This matter has been discussed several times before in the Liberation Daily and we now wish to explain it further .

  19. 杨澜的阳光文化基金会,2007年残疾人奥林匹克委员会和解放日报集团共同主办了这次慈善舞会。

    Yang Lan 's Sun Culture Foundation , the2007 Special Olympics Committee and the Jiefang Daily Group jointly hosted the charity ball .

  20. 2009年12月,《解放日报》公布了一项针对12所高等院校大学生的调查。结果显示,超过三分之一的大学生正在恋爱中。

    Over one-third of all college students are in a relationship , according to an October 2009 survey of students at 12 universities published by Jiefang Daily .

  21. 解放日报对我前不久赶赴纽约联合国与哥伦比亚大学进行“传奇二胡&二胡与世界握手”的主题系列讲座及音乐会做的相关报道!

    This Jiefang Daily newspaper story was based on my lecture and the concerts in New York City at the UN and at Columbia University in mid November !

  22. 以钢筋混凝土灌注桩及钢支撑作深基坑围护体系&上海解放日报业务楼及印刷厂工程深基础施工实践

    Using Reinforced Concrete Poured Pile and Steel Support as Deep Pit 's Enclosuring System & Practice on Deep Foundation Construction of the Project of Shanghai Jie Fang Daily and Printing House Building

  23. 但已有文献中对于《解放日报》经济新闻研究涉及较少,更没有能展现其全貌的图书或文章。

    However , the study of economic reports in " Liberation Daily " is seldom concerned in available documents , and no works or theses have been targeted specifically on this subject .

  24. 姚出生于浙江一个左翼作家的家庭,作为上海主要报纸,解放日报的编辑,作家协会的骨干,他的历史是清白的。

    He was the son of a left-wing writer from Zhejiang province , a leading light in Proletarian Writers for Purity and the editor of Liberation Daily , Shanghai 's main newspaper .

  25. 第二部分对陆定一延安时期的新闻实践作了梳理,着重论述了他在《解放日报》改版中的工作,分析了实践经验对他新闻思想形成所产生的影响。

    Part two combs newspaper work practice of Lu Dingyi during the Yan ' an period , especially elaborates his participation in the edition correction of Liberation Daily , well as obtained experience .

  26. 省级党报中,《南方日报》、《解放日报》得改革风气之先,已初步探索出符合自身发展特色的党报革新之路。

    In the provincial level party newspaper , Nanfang Daily and Liberation Daily which rely on the region superiority , have explored initially conforms to the own development characteristic road of party newspaper innovation .

  27. 随着整风运动进入到整顿党风时期,《解放日报》的改版也进入第二个阶段,通过改革提出全党办报思想,强化了党报的组织者角色。

    With the rectification movement , Liberation Daily also entered the second stage , through the reform of " entire party newspaper ", strengthen the " organizer " role of the Communist Party of China .

  28. 延安时期的《解放日报》刊发过大量广告,这些广告从新闻之外的角度,为读者提供政治、经济、生活等信息,为边区经济建设做出了贡献。

    YanAn Liberation Daily carried a large number of advertisements . These advertisements , like the news , provided information of politics , economy and daily life for readers and contributed towards border district 's economy .

  29. 该公司一名发言人在接受《解放日报》采访时表示,这些飞机飞行的费用在每小时2万人民币(约合2280英镑)到600万人民币(约合68万3000英镑)不等。

    A spokesman at the company told local newspaper Jie Fang Daily that the cost of one of these flights ranges from 20000 yuan ( 2280 pound ) to six million yuan ( 683000 pound ) per hour .

  30. 丁玲曾是延安《解放日报》文艺栏的主编,她的编辑方针曾一度影响了文艺栏的发展,而文艺栏作为一个载体,它又真实的记录了丁玲的转向。

    As the chief editor of Literary Column of the " Liberation Daily ," her editorial policy affected the development of the column , and in turn as a carrier , the column recorded her change in literary creation .