
  • 网络hippogryph;Thunderhead Hippogryph
  1. 想知道永恒的幸福的魔兽角鹰兽的蛋秘密吗?

    Would you like to know the secret to eternal ha ine ?

  2. 而且我也是个老手了,哈缪尔,我第一眼就视出那是个角鹰兽的羽毛,所以我知道他们会好好地使用它的。

    And I 'm an old hand , Hamuul . I recognize a hippogryph feather when I see one . I know they can do in the right hands .

  3. 角鹰兽和暗夜精灵结成了同盟,因为暗夜精灵族的神塞纳留斯是大自然和所有生物的保护神。

    The intelligent Hippogryphs have given their allegiance to the Night Elves in honor of Cenarius , the Night Elves'god , who stands as the protector of nature and all its creatures .

  4. 为了能够更好的平衡银色锦标赛新加入的奖励的花费,我们决定在下个小补丁改变角鹰兽飞行坐骑的花费。

    In order to better balance the cost of new rewards that we would like to add to the Argent Tournament , we will be changing the cost of the Argent Hippogryph flying mount in the next minor patch .