
  • 网络role competency;role competence
  1. 当然,也有随机的任务来增加角色能力,如Westfall山丘的醉鬼矮人。

    Sure , there are random quests designed to build character levels , like the Drunken Dwarf in the Hills of Westfall .

  2. 高校系秘书角色能力结构初探

    An Analysis on the Ability Structure of the Role as A College Department Secretary

  3. 高职护理基础教学应注重角色能力的培养

    The importance of cultivating nursing students ' abilities of nursing role in the basic nursing education

  4. PBL教学法培养篮球选项课学生角色实践能力的实验研究

    Training Students'Role Practical Ability in Basketball Optional Course by PBL Teaching Methods

  5. 信息化教育中教师角色及能力探析

    Exploration of Teachers ' Role and Their Ability in Information Education

  6. 分享行为的影响因素,如认知因素中的角色采择能力、对社会规范的认知及自我概念等因素;情绪因素和榜样影响等。

    Influencing factors included cognitive , emotional , and modeling observation .

  7. 而角色认知能力与目标规则因素与她的绩效相关度较小。

    But role cognition and rules to goal influence it little .

  8. 一个好的译者必须具备活出他的角色的能力。

    A translator must be armed with the ability to live his part .

  9. 提高员工角色扮演能力和角色适应性,有效激励员工;

    The effective measure of motivating employee is to increase their abilities of role playing ;

  10. 从书记自身的角度出发,书记应该提高自身的角色调适能力。

    Up to the Party secretaries themselves , they should enhance their ability to adjust the role .

  11. 已有研究表明,幼儿期是形成正确性别角色认同能力的关键时期。

    Studies have demonstrated that early childhood is critical period to form the ability of correct gender role .

  12. 结论充分提高个体的角色认知能力和解决问题能力,可以作为预防精神科护士职业倦怠的一个有效策略。

    Conclusion Improving the ability of role perceive and problem solving could prevent the burnout of mental health care nurses effectively .

  13. 本研究探讨了美国、加拿大等国远程教育专业人员的角色及能力结构。

    The purpose of this study was to identify the roles and competencies of distance education professionals within the United States and Canada .

  14. 它不仅能够成为文化变革的推行者,而且其传播者亦具有担任文化启蒙角色的能力。

    It not only played a key role in the cultural transformation , but also its competency made it be able to enlighten the mass .

  15. 我们需要让孩子们发展学业的同事训练他们扮演社会角色的能力成为可能。

    We need to make it possible for boys and girls to develop their abilities in school and training and to play a part in society .

  16. 另一个方面的研究是探求行政系统应(是)如何调整自己的角色和能力结构,积极促进经济进步和社会发展。

    The other is to probe how administration system changes or should change the role and capability structure of itself to promote economic progress and social development actively .

  17. 但这又引出另一个结论:未来将有许多纷争,对政治、联邦财政及美国扮演其历史角色的能力都将产生重大影响。

    But that leads to another conclusion : much conflict lies ahead , with huge implications for politics , federal finance and the US ability to play its historic role .

  18. 这项练习除了使我增强了扮演不同角色的能力以外,对学生们大有好处。因为他们开始思考他们正在和谁交谈,以及如何进行交谈。

    Besides causing me to develop some multiple personalities , the exercise is good for the students because they begin to think about whom they are talking to and how to talk to them .

  19. 随着您的新流程开始顺利运行,您会认识到调节团队规模和角色的能力,它可以为您提供提高流程效率的更多好处。

    As your new process begins running smoothly , you will recognize the ability to adjust the size and roles of your team , which gives you the additional benefits of improved process efficiency .

  20. 专科护士的角色和能力表现方面存在共性,都在临床一线为患者提供高水平的护理服务,协助团队人员解决临床问题,进行患者的管理。

    However , they have in common in terms of the role and competence performance , the specialty nurses provide patients with high quality care in the clinic , to assist team members in solving problems , and take part in patient management .

  21. Cloudmanager:拥有cloudadmin角色的只读能力,可以查看所有内容,但不能进行任何操作。

    Cloud manager : Has read-only abilities of the cloud admin ; can see everything but do nothing .

  22. 该文给出了基于多Agent的Internet信息涉密检查系统(IISIS)的设计方案,详细论述了IISIS体系结构、Agent角色分配、能力结构以及IISIS中多Agent协作协调算法。

    The solution of multi-agent - based Internet Information Secret-related Inspecting System ( IISIS ) is presented . The IISIS architecture , agent roles , capability structures and multi-agent cooperation and coordinating algorithm in IISIS are described in detail .

  23. 信息资源管理人才的角色定位与能力要求

    Role Positioning and Capability Requirements for IRM Professionals

  24. 网络编辑社会角色及素质能力剖析

    On social role and occupational capabilities of net-editor

  25. 好了,我来分享一下我如何通过父亲的角色获得超能力的。

    Alright , I want to tell you how I got my superpowers through fatherhood .

  26. 优点:庞大的角色名单,能力配置,比较长的故事模式和双语语音。

    PROS : Huge character roster , customizable skills , long story mode and dual-language voice tracks .

  27. 仿真角色的感知能力是大规模群体动画创作的性能瓶颈之一。

    Simulating the perception ability of role is one of the performance bottlenecks of large-scale group animation creation .

  28. 合理分配技能点数和具有强大技能的玩家人物角色将有能力在战斗中获得宝物。

    Player characters with the proper recipes and high enough skill will also be able to craft items .

  29. 是否决定回收整个应用程序,取决于安全运行时处理正在运行的应用程序的动态角色更新的能力。

    The decision to recycle the entire application depends on ability of the security runtime to handle dynamic role updates to a running application .

  30. 结论以人为本的中专起点高职护生临床实习模式有利于护生的多元化角色和综合能力的培养,为学生就业提供了保证。

    Conclusions The " personnel centered " practice model is useful to foster the students ' multiplex roles and comprehensive capabilities , which ensured their employment .