
  • 网络angular size
  1. 当一个日冕物质抛射伴随冕流产生时,冕流的经向角大小若大于27°,可导致冕流尖角区顶部上升速度大于2km/s。

    The rise velosity of the top of the cusp region in a coronal streamer may be more than 2km / s , if the longitude angular size is more than 27 ° associated with a CME occurence .

  2. 由于地球和月球的距离并不固定,所以在地球看来,月球的角大小亦会出现变化。

    Since the distance between the moon and the earth is not constant , the angular size of the moon can have a small variation .

  3. 此外,还介绍了在稳像过程中稳像所须补偿角大小的确定方法,为平行光路稳像CAI(计算机模拟显示)提供了必要的算法。

    A method that determines the compensatory angle needed in image stabilizing process is also introduced , which offer a kind of algorithm for image stabilizing CAI ( computer assistant imitation ) .

  4. 通过二维VOF数值模拟计算了可视化离心喷嘴雾化锥角大小、流场结构以及速度分布等。

    We calculated the size of the spray cone angle , flow field structure and velocity distribution of the nozzle through VOF two-dimensional numerical simulation .

  5. 建立了衰落相关模型,分析了散射角大小及天线数对信道容量的影响,采用随机理论推导了M×N的MIMO系统信道容量的闭式解。

    The fading correlation model is established and the impacts of the number of antennas and scattering angle on the channel system capacity are investigated . Based on the random theory , a closed-form expression for the channel capacity of an M by N MIMO system is derived .

  6. 比较了各因素对溶胶稳定性、Si02气凝胶的密度和接触角大小的影响顺序。

    The influences on the stability of sol , density of silica aerogels and contact angle among various factors were investigated comparatively .

  7. 实验原理建立在把渗透的液体进入玻璃管内粉末形成的多孔塞基础上,将Washburn方程用于毛细管内液体的流动用于计算液体和粉末之间接触角大小。

    Experiment principle was based on the porous plug when penetrative liquids went into the powders . The contact angle between the liquid and the powder was calculated by applying Washburn equation into the flow of the liquid in capillary .

  8. 结果表明法拉第镜引入的实际旋转角大小可引入系统误差;非理想NPBS的反射相移则会引起输出光偏振态的退化。

    The results show that the practical rotation angle of the Faraday mirror can induce a system error to the output and the reflection-induced retardance of the NPBS may degenerate the state of polarization of the output light beam .

  9. 直流输电换流器运行中触发角大小对换相重叠角的影响

    Influence on Overlap Angle of Commutation by Angle in Operation of Converter

  10. 磁光信号检测采用改进差动式检测,检测方式仅与磁光克尔角大小有关,可以用来作样品的克尔角指示。

    The differential method developed in the detecting circuit for the magneto optical signal .

  11. 控件并抓住右下角大小调整手柄。

    Control and grab the lower-right sizing handle .

  12. 在研究炭黑的润湿作用时,接触角大小是衡量润湿性优劣的较为方便的方法。

    Contact angle is a preferable criterion in the wettability research of carbon black .

  13. 按加速度及压力角大小最优设计机械刨床

    Optimal Design of the Mechanical Planner According to the Acceleration and the Pressure Angle

  14. 去肉机刀辊螺旋角大小的研究去肉机刀轴挠度计算的理论探讨

    An investigation on the ranges of helical lead angle of blade roller of fleshing machine

  15. 通过量测三种测斜管的扭角大小,推导了扭角存在时的水平位移计算式。

    The by surveying the twist angles of the three casings the formulas for calculating horizontal movements are derived .

  16. 本文介绍了一种简便的测量微波延迟线所用晶棒两端面间楔角大小的方法。

    This Paper Presented a simple method for measuring wedge angle between end-faces of crystal bar used in microwave delay lipe .

  17. 计算得到的壁面压力分布、出口处液膜内轴向速度分布以及雾角大小都与实验结果吻合的很好。

    The predicted results of the wall pressure distribution , axial velocity profiles at the outlet and the spray angle agreed well with the experimental datum .

  18. 本文以命题形式讨论无棱二面角的平面角大小的几种解法并加以证明和举例。

    In the form of propositions , this paper discusses several solution methods of the size of dihedral angles and proof and example are also offered .

  19. 为了确保作业的安全性和得到较好的井眼轨迹控制效果,应合理选择螺杆钻具的弯角大小。

    For the safety of drilling practice and a good control of well trajectory , the bending angle of down hole motor should be selected carefully .

  20. 进行了实验验证,在理论分析和实验验证的基础上,总结出了关于圆截面三维轧制中性角大小范围的一些重要结论。

    Based on the theoretic analysis and experimentation , important conclusions on the place of neutral angle in forming process of circle section stick rolling are summarized .

  21. 最大压力角大小不仅与运动规律有关,而且与基本尺寸有关,在给定许用压力角的条件下,可确定凸轮基本尺寸,比其它方法简捷方便。

    With the allowed pressure angle being given , the basic size of cam can be defined , so the presented method is easier in comparison with others .

  22. 入射电子和两出射电子处于同一平面,两出射电子的散射角大小相等,分居入射电子方向的两侧。

    Incident electron and the two outgoing electrons are in the same plane , with equal scattering angle separated on both sides of the direction of incident electron .

  23. 在容性工作区域,模型的增益随着触发角大小的变化而变化。

    In the capacitive impedance operating range , the gain of the proposed model changes as the delay angle varies from maximum delay angle to minimum delay angle .

  24. 通过增大拦阻力、改善飞机的低速气动特性可以有效扩展适配包线范围,增加许用的最大着舰质量,但下滑角大小的改变对其影响不大。

    Increasing arresting force and improving low-speed aero characteristics can increase allowable maximal landing mass with an enlarged envelope area , but changing glide slope angle makes little effect .

  25. 本文研究了摩擦圆辊直径和包角大小的变化对测量板成形过程中摩擦系数的影响。

    In this thesis the effection of the change of the size of the friction column and friction angle in testing the friction coefficient in sheet metal forming was studied .

  26. 该方法基于接收均匀圆阵构建了蕴含天线间距、散射角大小和多径数等模型物理参数的衰落空间相关模型。

    A fading correlation model considering antenna spacing 、 scattering angel and the amount of delay spread was constructed assuming uniform circular antenna ( UCA ) at the receiver side .

  27. 不论射线能量、照射野大小和楔形角大小,虚拟楔形板楔形因子总是约等于1,最大偏离为0.031;

    The virtual wedge was almost equal to 1 , with a maximal variation of 0.031 no matter what the value of beam energy , field size or wedge angle was .

  28. 通过计算机模拟,考查了数据误差和总观察角大小对重建精度的影响。

    Using computer simulation method , the influences of the imput data errors and the sizes of the total viewing angles on the reconstruction precision of these methods have been investigated .

  29. 腰腹力量是影响肩髋角大小的主要原因,右肩过早发力是造成后手肩角小的技术原因。

    Waist joint angle of force is the main reason for the size of his right shoulder too early have the shoulder angle is caused by a small flip technical reasons . 6 .

  30. 在视景系统中实现了望远镜的功能,分析了望远镜的功能原理,并给出了视场角大小与望远镜放大倍数之间的相互关系。

    In addition , telescope function is realized in the visual system . The author analyses the principle of telescope and gives the relationship between the size of field of view and the zoom factor of telescope .