
shì jiǎo
  • angle of view;visual angle
视角[shì jiǎo]
  1. 禁止性补贴对WTO发展中成员方的影响&以国家责任为视角

    The Influence of Prohibited Subsidies on WTO Developing Members & Take the National Responsibility as the Angle of View

  2. 文化研究视角观照下的R.施特劳斯音乐

    Culture Research Angle of View on Strauss ' Music

  3. 他们三人从三个不同的视角讲述了同样的事件。

    The three of them narrate the same events from three perspectives

  4. 这个故事是从西蒙·波特巡官的视角讲述的。

    The story is told through the eyes of Inspector Simon Potter .

  5. 这部小说是从这个女孩的视角来叙述的。

    The novel is shown from the girl 's viewpoint

  6. 早该从全球视角考虑问题了。

    It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale .

  7. 这所学校已经在尝试将一种多元文化视角引入其课程。

    The school has been attempting to bring a multicultural perspective to its curriculum .

  8. 她带来了一本书,这本书从女性主义视角对维多利亚时代女性小说家进行了评论。

    She had brought a book , a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists .

  9. 她尽力从他的视角看问题。

    She tried to see things through his eyes

  10. 新的时事系列节目承诺以全新的视角和严谨的态度谈论有挑战性的问题。

    The new current affairs series promises to address challenging issues with freshness and rigour .

  11. 由于站的位置视角好,他刚好能看见日落。

    Thanks to the angle at which he stood , he could just see the sunset

  12. 他与安德鲁·布洛尔斯合著了《国际政治视角下的核废料》一书。

    He is co-author , with Andrew Blowers , of ' The International Politics of Nuclear Waste ' .

  13. 大多数有关法国外来移民的文学作品都是从法国人的视角写的。

    Most literature on the subject of immigrants in France has been written from the perspective of the French themselves

  14. 从别人那里寻求建议不仅能够提供新的视角和思维过程,而且经常能带来更为冒险的决定。

    Getting input from others not only omrs a fresh perspective and thought process , it often also includes riskier choices .

  15. 希腊人的古哲学妙处在于,他们倾向于用清晰而全面的视角看待生活,而我们今天往往不这样做了。

    The nice thing about ancient philosophy as offered by the Greeks is that they tended to see life clear and whole , in a way that we tend not to see life today .

  16. 因此,他们能从“上帝视角”来看自己市场内外的活动。

    So they have a " God 's eye view " of activities in their own markets and beyond .

  17. 将儿童发展视为一项科学调查有助于研究儿童如何学习,同时也能为科学和科学家提供了一个启发性的视角。

    Viewing childhood development as a scientific investigation throws on how children learn , but it also offers an inspiring look at science and scientists .

  18. 有时成年人不会停下来以孩子的视角看事物。

    Sometimes adults don ’ t stop to see things through children ’ s eyes .

  19. TheFather《父亲》《父亲》的独特之处在于,该片是从痴呆症患者的视角来描述这种疾病。

    What 's unique about The Father , is that it shows dementia from the perspective of the person who has it .

  20. 该书涵盖20多年的书信、散文、反思和访谈,以独特视角展现了作者对写作的极大热情。

    Consisting of over 20 years of letters , essays , reflections and interviews , it is a unique depiction passion for writing .

  21. 米奇·阿尔博姆的《你在天堂里遇见的五个人》以一种独创的方式,为你提供了一个关于生命意义的全新视角。

    In a truly original fashion , Mitch Albom 's The Five People You Meet in Heaven offers a fresh perspective on the meaning of life .

  22. 研究表明,与伴侣一起尝试新事物会加强两人一起的幸福感。新奇感不仅能让伴侣有更多的方式互动,也能让双方用新的视角看待彼此。

    Research shows that trying new things together reinforces relationship happiness . Novelty not only provides more ways for us to connect , it gives us a new and renewed perspective on our partners .

  23. 切换至PerformanceTest视角并打开一个测试日志。

    Switch to the Performance Test perspective and open a test log .

  24. 切换回Test视角。

    Switch back to the Test perspective .

  25. 切换到Java或资源视角。

    Switch to the Java or Resource perspective .

  26. 提出一种利用圆周轨迹X射线辐射图像合成任意视角立体图像对的方法。

    A method of multiple view stereoscopic radiography rebuilding using orbit scanned Xray images was presented .

  27. 接着,区别于现有学术研究,本文从制度的视角对我国A股市场IPO长期业绩不佳进行分析和解释。

    Then , we study the reasons for IPO underperformance from the institutional point of view .

  28. WTO体制下的贸易与环境若干问题评析&基于GATS与环境服务贸易的视角

    Analysis and Evaluation of Trade-environmental Issues in the System of WTO & In the perspective of GATS and environmental service trade

  29. 4P、4C与4R:交易费用经济学的视角

    4P 、 4C and 4R : the transaction cost economics perspective

  30. 切换至JPA视角。

    Switch to the JPA perspective .