- 网络Visual Balance

Symmetry is a useful tool in organizing interfaces from the standpoint of providing visual balance .
Visual Balance in Design
The multiple , interlacing curved lines delineating the girl 's contour is visually balanced by the long sweeping curved horizon in the background .
Results Statistically significant differences of the 95 % confidence ranges of equilibrium parameters were found among different sex and age groups , feet positions and eyes conditions , respectively .
Then try it with your eyes closed to help decrease your reliance on vision for balance .
' The individual'pixels'of wax are precisely packed into specific locations to produce something that uniquely balances both photography and sculpture . '
A Next-Generation Balancing Robot Are you interested in building a sophisticated , vision-guided , balancing robot that can interact with its environment ?
Put forward views : landscape spatial visual balance is a relative balance , is different from the balance principle of graphic design , and development is in the plane design theory .
Experiments show that this system has high performance in resist attacks . ( 4 ) Taking into account the features of human visual system , a watermarking scheme in DWT domain is designed to make a compromise between the invisibility and the robustness of watermarks .
Visual input plays an important role in maintaining postural balance .
The effects of age factor and vision on the postural equilibrium
Gestalt Psychology studies the s ense perception and concepts of such terms as balan ce , body , form , development , space , light , color , move ment , tension and expression .
This research indicates that the balance capacity of pre-school children could be promoted after three months to two years ' practice , and the control capacity of visual system for static balance gestures has obviously improved and enhanced .