
  • 网络regulation reconstruction
  1. 主要途径是通过对电力产业的放松规制和规制重建,以获得资源配置的帕累托效率。

    In order to obtain the allocation of resources and the Pareto efficiency , the main approach are deregulation and regulation reconstruction .

  2. 市场失灵与贸易规制重建&基于规制经济学理论的初步分析

    Market Failure and Reconstruction of Trade Regulations : A Primary Analysis Based on the Theory of Regulation Economics

  3. 规制重建包括两大方面,一是规制机构本身的重建,重点是要实现政企分开和保持规制机构的独立性;

    Reregulation composes of two aspects , first is rebuilding the regulation organizations themselves so that goverment and firms are separate and the organizations are independent ;

  4. 具体的政策建议包括港口业务的垂直分解及构建地主港模式、加快港口民营化进程、在放松规制的同时重建规制及推动形成区域内邻近港口间的协同竞争关系。

    The suggestions include constructing landlord port model , speeding port privatization , deregulation & re-regulation and forming co-operation relationship with neighbor ports .

  5. 当今世界很多国家都在经历着电力行业规制放松或重建规制的实验,改革的动因可能源于技术、需求、经济约束或执政理念的变化。

    De-regulation and re-regulation have been taking place in electric power industry in many countries around the world . The reasons which brought to the reforms might arise from the changes of technologies , demand , economic constraints or political ideologies .