
  • 网络rule extraction;rule induction
  1. 提出一种基于自组织特征映射网络(SOFM)和遗传算法的定量数据规则提取模型。

    A rule induction model based on self-organizing feature map ( SOFM ) and genetic algorithm is proposed for quantitative data .

  2. 基于RoughSet理论对原棉纱线强度的规则提取

    Raw cotton yarn tenacity 's rule extraction based on Rough Set theory

  3. 基于粗糙集理论的WEB日志中关联规则提取

    Association Rule Retrieved from Web Log Based on Variable Precision Rough Set Theory

  4. 基于粗糙集的Web用户的识别与规则提取

    Web Mining : Discovery of Different Customers and Rules Based on Rough Set Theory

  5. 一种基于RoughSet理论的属性约简及规则提取方法

    An Approach for Attribute Reduction and Rule Generation Based on Rough Set Theory

  6. 研究了C波段无线电信号的特征约简与规则提取。

    The feature reduction and rule extraction of C-wavelengths of radio signals are studied .

  7. 基于粗糙集和OnlineSVM的入侵检测规则提取

    Intrusion detection rules extraction based on rough set and Online SVM

  8. Web知识规则提取的FOIL算法改进

    FOIL 's Improvement in Rules Extraction of Web Knowledge

  9. 基于粗糙集与小生境GA的网络入侵规则提取

    Network intrusion rules extraction based on rough set and niche genetic algorithm

  10. 基于RS在移动计算中的规则提取与仿真

    Rule Extraction and Simulation Based on Rough Set in Mobile Computing

  11. 区间值Vague决策系统及其规则提取方法

    Interval Valued Vague Decision System and an Approach for Its Rule Generation

  12. 基于不完备信息系统规则提取和PETRINETS的电力变压器故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis of transformer based on incomplete information system rule extraction and Petri Nets

  13. 基于粗糙MultilayerPerceptron网络的规则提取及生成方法研究

    Approach to rule extraction and generation using rough Multilayer Perceptron networks

  14. 基于粗糙集的CBR规则提取的应用研究

    Application and Research of Rules Extraction in CBR Based on rough Set

  15. HMM与自动规则提取相结合的中文命名实体识别

    HMM combined with automatic rules-extracting for Chinese Named Entity recognition

  16. 移动计算中基于Apriori算法的空间关联规则提取

    Extraction of Spatial Association Rule Based on Apriori Algorithm in Mobile Computing

  17. 基于数据挖掘的T-S模糊规则提取

    T-S Fuzzy Rule Extract Based on Data Mining

  18. 首先,深入研究了网页分类、抽取规则提取和复用以及正文信息抽取的问题。传统的WEB信息抽取针对的是模板单一的网站,抽取规则不能复用,可适应性低。

    The traditional WEB information extraction system is based on the single template , the rules extracted cannot reuse because of the differences of the website templates , and the adaptation is low .

  19. 本文实现的中文命名实体识别系统采用了隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)与自动规则提取相结合的方法。

    This paper presents a Chinese named entity recognition system that integrates the Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) and rules which are automatic extracted from the training corpus .

  20. 网络入侵检测的GEP规则提取算法研究

    Study on GEP Rule Extraction Algorithm for Network Intrusion Detection

  21. 基于DCL算法的模糊控制规则提取

    A Method to Extract the Fuzzy-controlled Rules Based on the DCL Arithmetic

  22. 提出了一种基于SVM的超矩形规则提取算法HRE。

    A hyperrectangle rules extraction ( HRE ) algorithm is proposed to extract rules from trained SVM .

  23. 故障特征选择与诊断规则提取的VPRS模型方法

    VPRS Model Approach to Fault Feature Selection and Diagnostic Rules Extraction

  24. 基于RFM和粗糙集的客户分类规则提取

    An extraction of customer classification rule based on RFM and rough set

  25. 使用增量式规则提取算法(IREA)从原始数据中抽取构建模糊神经网络(FNN)所需的规则集。

    An incremental rule extraction algorithm ( IREA ) is utilized to construct IREA-based FNN .

  26. 编写了两款预处理软件,分别完成Snort规则提取和多步长自动机构造工作,协助完成硬件匹配引擎的实现。

    To assist with the implementation of hardware matching engine , two pre-processing software are programmed to finish the snort rule abstraction and multi-stride automaton construction job respectively .

  27. 提出了一种基于粗糙集规则提取的CMAC神经网络非线性系统辩识策略。

    In this paper , based on complementary strategies , a new AI method based on rough set CMAC neural network is put forward to nonlinear system identification .

  28. 通过一种新的数据离散化方法,将C波段无线电信号数据库转化为集值信息系统,并借助我们提出的变精度相容粗糙集方法讨论了C波段无线电信号的特征约简与规则提取。

    By a new discretization method with the data , the database of C-wavelengths of radio signals are converted into a set-valued information system , and the feature reduction and rule extraction of C-wavelengths of radio signals are discussed based on proposed variable precision rough set approach .

  29. 相同性质与关系的抽取是性质范畴Cr(x)及其态射范畴D(x)中的态射,由它们诱导的同余关系所生成的商范畴就是概念抽象与规则提取范畴。

    It is shown that abstraction of identical attribute and relation is morphism of attribute category Cr ( x ) and its morphism category D ( x ), some quotient categories , which generated by congruence relations produced identical morphisms , are categories of conception abstraction and ruler abstraction respectively .

  30. 将变精度粗糙集(VPRS)理论引入到轴承的故障诊断中,提出了一种故障决策规则提取方法。

    VPRS ( variable precision rough set ) theory is introduced in the fault diagnosis of bearing , and a decision rule acquisition method of fault is presented .