- wait and see;look on;look around

(1) [wait and see;look on]∶置身事外静观事态发展
(2) [look around]∶张望
The new apps are promising , but many developers say they are still taking a " wait and see approach " with the latest version of Windows Phone .
Since this has never been used or may never be used by MS we will adopt a wait and see approach and continue to monitor for its usage .
Congress is waiting to see how the Oval Office will react .
I sat on the stairs and watched , fascinated
Since then I 've been waiting on events
Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday 's Louisiana governor 's race .
Shading his eyes with his hand , he looked around .
She waited for the cat to jump before she made up her mind .
When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose 's feathers and looked around , Charlotte spied it and made the announcement .
Neither a bull or bear market , a deer market is characterized by low activity , with timid investors waiting for a sign of which way the market is going to end up moving .
They kept it up for some time , till they came to a place where the road passed through a cemetery men . " The fox was speechless for a moment , but quickly recovering he said , " Oh !
General Motors ( GM ) and Fiat Chrysler automobiles , which builds the ram pickup , are watching .
Morgan Stanley downgraded the MSCI China index yesterday from overweight to equal weight , its first downgrade in more than seven years .
Most investors are still on the sidelines and liquidity is very low , said Mark Tinker , a global portfolio manager at Axa Investment Management .
IPhone users itching for a larger screen should wait , however , to see what new form factors Apple might deliver this fall .
The Federal Reserve is in wait-and-see mode following the surge in bond yields and mortgage rates that partly reversed on Friday , with officials unwilling to be bounced into any knee-jerk policy reaction .
William Hill , head of property at Schroders , says new investors are interested , but most are holding fire until the economy shows greater stability .
Gretel Packer , mother of deb Francesca Packer Barham , looked on in a voluptuous dark dress by Australian designer Jane Hill .
When it comes to Europe , investors are waiting to see whether European Central Bank President Mario Draghi can live up to his promise to do ' whatever it takes ' to save the euro .
This " wait and see " mentality , and the upcoming earnings season , go some way to explaining why new IPO applications have failed to materialise in the days after Chinese New Year .
The global tech correction is a welcome return to reality for investors who have been sitting on the sidelines , but probably not for the other Chinese Internet wunderkinder lining up to the IPO plate .
As he launches himself like Sir Galahad at this heavily defended wall , a great many restaurateurs are going to be looking on from behind the parapet .
Its rivals remain sidelined by concerns that OLED may go the way of plasma – once promising technology that has been expensive to develop and ultimately not widely adopted .
Its rivals remain sidelined by concerns that OLED may go the way of plasma - once promising technology that has been expensive to develop and ultimately not widely adopted .
' The local governments are given more flexibility to adjust the curbs , but they prefer to wait and see , ' says Song Seng Wun , an economist at CIMB Securities .
Under a " go-shop " provision of that sale , Barclays can seek alternative bidders for iShares until June 18 .
Certification activity slowed down in anticipation of the forthcoming new edition of ISO9001 , with organizations adopting a " wait and see " attitude , as many did in the run-up to the2000 edition .
Employers also are no longer dragging their feet and waiting extra weeks to deliver these raises , according to research by nonprofit HR Association worldatwork .
TCL Group absorbed TCL Communication CO. , LTD in 2003 and had been listed as a whole . After nearly five years , listed as a whole in China also made great progress , the views of scholars from the initial wait-and-see attitude turned to supporting attitude .
Mr Mahbubani argues that , for other Asian countries pondering the future , it is the trend that matters - and America 's is , at best , unpredictable .