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jiàn yú
  • see;refer to;see also
见于 [jiàn yú]
  • [see also] 即出现于

见于[jiàn yú]
  1. 见于OpenSOA网站以得到进一步的信息。

    See the Open SOA Web site for further information .

  2. 添加一个类型为Key的id属性(见于完全合格类名的导入列表)。

    Add an attribute called id of type Key ( see the import list for the fully qualified class name ) .

  3. 这些花仅见于非洲。

    These flowers are found only in Africa .

  4. 法国的4,200种开花植物中有2,000种可见于这个公园。

    Two thousand of France 's 4,200 species of flowering plants are found in the park

  5. 这条成语见于《史记》。

    This proverb appears in records of the historian .

  6. 右心房缘变平亦见于缩窄性心包炎。

    Flattening of the right atrial border is also seen in constrictive pericarditis .

  7. 此情况见于结肠癌病人。

    Such occurs with a colonic carcinoma .

  8. Petnup这个说法最早见于2011年中期。

    The general term pet nup dates to mid-2011 .

  9. 在很多国家,本地德比(localderby)或者德比(derby)都指来自同一个小镇、城市或地区的两支队伍之间的体育比赛,尤多见于足球联赛。

    In many countries the term local derby , or simply just derby means a sporting fixture1 between two teams from the same town , city or region , particularly in association football .

  10. Sleeptattoo(睡眠纹身)指睡了很长一段时间醒来后,睡觉时盖的毯子、穿的衣服或者碰巧在床上的任何物品在身上留下的印记,多见于胸口、脸部以及胳膊。

    Sleep tattoo refers to the markings on the body from sleeping for an extended period of time , caused by blankets , clothing , or any other thing one would sleep on . Commonly found on the chest , face , and arms . ( Source : urbandictionary . com ) For example :

  11. 后青春期理想主义阶段多见于18到二十几岁的天真青年,他们都秉持一些带给人希望但又不切实际的道德观念。

    The Post-Adolescent Idealistic Phase usually entails 18-20something year-olds upholding hopeful , yet unrealistic morals .

  12. 这种设备多见于游乐园、商场、宾馆游戏室以及超市和打折商场门外。

    Kiddie rides are commonly available in amusement parks , malls , hotel game rooms and outside supermarkets and discount department stores .

  13. 本病具有明显的遗传倾向,且性别差异显著,男孩的发病率高于女孩,多见于学龄期儿童。

    This disease has obvious genetic difference is significant , the incidence of boys is higher than girls , more at school age children .

  14. 这种现象多见于美国的私立基督教会学校,使得这些“圣经学校”都变成了“新娘学校”。

    This phenomenon , which occurs predominantly at private Christian institutions , has turned America 's ' Bible colleges ' into ' bridal colleges ' .

  15. C2和C3见于前角外侧核;

    Angle . in lateral nuclear group at C_2 and C_3 ;

  16. 术后1周人工晶状体携睫状沟侵蚀见于3眼(6%),三眼均存在程度较轻的前房反应,睫状沟侵蚀与术后前房反应相关(P<o刀1)。

    There was correlation between ciliary sulcus erosion and inflammation reaction in the anterior chamber ( P0.01 ) .

  17. 小脑中央核的标记神经元仅见于C(2-4)注入例动物;

    The labeled neurons in the cerebellar nuclei were only seen in the C2 & 4 segments .

  18. N)BRCAI突变见于26.7%(4/15)的SLI6Lwe家系,在家族性乳腺癌患者中为17.40(4/23);

    Mutations in family breast cancer patients were 17.4 % ( 4 / 23 ) .

  19. 该研究评估了200个实验参与者在服用了12周的叶酸补充剂之前和之后的血液砷浓度。叶酸是一种见于绿叶蔬菜、豆类和全麦中的B族维生素。

    The study evaluated the blood arsenic levels of200 subjects before and after taking a12-week course of folic acid supplements .

  20. 术后有35.5%的病人出现了MG危象,主要见于Ⅱb和Ⅲ型病例。

    MG crises were seen in 35.5 % of patients postoperatively , most in type ⅱ and ⅲ .

  21. p53基因突变多见于肾母细胞瘤的二倍体肿瘤。

    P53 gene mutation is often found in diploid Wilms ' tumor cell .

  22. Dm级龋损仅见于蒸馏水组。

    Caries at Dm level are only found in the distilled water group .

  23. 此病多见于爱滋病毒(HIV)感染的病人,也可发生于HIV血清学阴性的病人。

    PEL usually was associated with AIDS , also occurred to patient whose anti-HIV in serum shows negative .

  24. 结果发现,NOS阳性触液神经元主要见于第三脑室。

    The NOS cSF Contacting neurons were mainly existed in third ventricle .

  25. 蛋白细胞分离现象仅见于NMO两型患者,MS者无此现象;

    The protein cell segregation is observed only in NMO but not in MS.

  26. 这些结果说明E受体不仅表现于一部分T细胞上,而且见于某些B细胞上。

    On the basis of these results we assume that the E receptors are present on a part of T cells and also on some B cells .

  27. 尽管这个短语首次付梓见于卓南的作品,可longtime,nosee的确切起源却一直是语言学家和历史学者争论不休的对象。

    While Drannan 's book was the first time this exact phrase appears in print , the exact origins of long time , no see are the subject of ongoing debate among linguists and historians .

  28. SP阳性细胞还见于疑核腹外侧紧邻的网状结构中。

    SP positive cell bodies in the reticular formation close ventrolateral to nucleus ambiguus were also found .

  29. 感染后前7d幼虫主要分布于肝和肺,感染后第3d起幼虫见于脑内,第7d后幼虫主要分布于脑和骨骼肌。

    The larvae distributed mainly in the brain and musculi skeleti 7 days after infection .

  30. IL-8表达主要位于瘤细胞的细胞浆,偶见于浸润的炎症细胞。

    IL-8 was major expressed in cytoplasm of tumor cells , occasionally in infiltrated inflammatory cells .