- 名rate/ratio of coverage

The pc_below script generates a low coverage report .
Pc_summary produces a coverage summary report
Calculating the covering rate of city bus lines by Monte Carlo method
It probably comes as no surprise that you can use Rational Quality Manager to get a report of the status of requirements coverage .
Spring provides the infrastructure to develop your components with increased productivity and runtime performance , and also improves test coverage and application quality .
Pc_email produces a report listing modules with low coverage and emails it to the most recent modifiers of the modules
The model takes Gossip mechanism and certain amount of redundancy to ensure the data coverage ratio .
The implementation of BIST is offered , and the fault-coverage-rate of data rearrangement module and FFT and moduling is calculated .
Fault Number Prediction and Fault Coverage Calculation in Pure RTL
Since routers in IPv6 support the source routing function , the centralized topology discovery method can cover the cross link .
The paper also makes fault coverage for the design . Finally , the paper looks forward to the SoC test technology .
Code coverage indicated we were done after one test case , but CC forced us to write an additional one .
This is accomplished by running a Perl tool over the exported coverage results , resulting in a new structure of files representing the date in Web form .
Line coverage results are also displayed and marked in the Java editor , and you can use it to give a more precise indication of which lines are covered in each class .
This method is used for IP functional verification , and includes random test , function coverage and assertion verification , in order to ensure that this phase of verification is full-scale and accurate .
The color gamut coverage ratio will be 60.65 % on the condition of compatible transportation in conventional gamut HDTV system .
The pc_summary script generates a coverage summary report , which is similar in format to that of the data PureCoverage Viewer displays .
At Wells Fargo , managers have dreamt up a new ratio to track alongside such banking stalwarts as provision coverage and capital adequacy .
Simulation results show that the algorithm performs better than LEACH in improvement on the network lifetime and ratio of monitoring coverage in region .
Firstly , proposed and implemented coverage driven and GA ( Genetic Algorithm ) based Verilog RTL verification vector auto generation algorithm .
The fault coverage of the self repairing flight control systems ( SRFCS ) is defined including the coverage of the fault detection and isolation ( FDI ) and the rate of the successful reconfigurations .
The authors use the result to test the Linux code and design the test plan for the software configuration testing . It shows the test data generated by the algorithm has high code coverage and fault-detection ability .
In both scenarios , the Code Coverage Advisor can provide a lot of value in helping teams improve the quality of their code by helping them to maintain high levels of code coverage from their unit tests .
Result 1.The coverage rate of TB control strategy ( DOTS ) arrived at 100 % according to county as base unit and 95 % of all provincial population . DOTS new technology was Introduced .
UML model reflect the true information of the tested software system so that the test personnel quickly understand statistical information system software , which can increase the efficiency and coverage of software test and improve software product quality .
The authors study geometry aspects of damage in concrete structures by fractal geometry theory . The application conditions of fractal dimension analysis are discussed . The appearance damage , crack ratio , total extension and diverge elongation of cracking are quantified .
Coverlipse is an Eclipse plugin that you can use to assess the percentage of source code that has a corresponding test .
By producing hard numbers for code coverage , Cobertura transforms unit testing from an art to a science .
Conclusion For consolidating the polio-free , we should raise and keep the higher immunization rate of OPV and keep the sensitivity timeliness and completeness of AFP case surveillance system .
Again provided as a default viewlet on your dashboard , this report shows your overall requirements coverage .