
  • 网络coverage;Coverage Zones;cover region
  1. 随着WiFi无线网络通信技术的发展,目前国内许多城市都提供了WiFi信号覆盖域。

    With the development of WiFi technology , many cities offer covering domains of WiFi .

  2. 国内外许多地区都提供了WiFi信号覆盖域,只要随身携带的电子产品上有WiFi终端,便可接入互联网。

    Since many areas at home and abroad has provided WiFi coverage domain , you can access the Internet as long as portable electronic products has WiFi terminals .

  3. 由于质轻、价廉、回复刚度大、水平覆盖域小、适用水深范围广等优点,合成纤维缆绳逐渐成为新型深海系泊系统主要固定部件。

    With the back stiffness and small coverage , wide application of depth , etc. , synthetic fiber cable has gradually become the main component of a new deep-sea mooring system .

  4. Sendmail中的mailertable用于覆盖某些域的路由,这些域不是本地主机名。

    A mailer table in Sendmail can be used to override routing for particular domains , which are not local host names .

  5. RBF网络模拟人脑中局部调整和相互覆盖接收域的神经网络结构,是一种局部逼近网络,它可以以任意精度逼进任意连续函数。

    RBF network is a structural simulation of local regularization and mutual overcast in human brain . With local approximation characterize , it can approximate arbitrary continuous function with arbitrary precision .

  6. 作为覆盖本地域内商场的特许经销商。

    To be the exclusive distributor of the products in the Territories covering these markets .

  7. 本供货商希望在亚洲某些地区开拓市场,并相应地委任本经销商作为覆盖本地域内市场的特许总经销商。

    The Supplier desires to expand into certain markets in Asia and accordingly appoints the Distributor to be the exclsuive distributor of the Products in the Terrotories covering these markets .

  8. 不知道RUP没有覆盖的过程域的部分是什么。

    It is not known what parts of the process areas the RUP does not cover .

  9. 攻击模型覆盖了有线域和无线域,因此具有普遍性,有助于在理论基础上分析AKA协议的脆弱性。

    The attacking models cover with wired and wireless domain , which own universality . Basing on theory , it can help us to analyze the weaknesses in AKA protocol . 4 .

  10. 为了对这一区域进行抗原表位作图,进一步设计了一套23个覆盖受体结合结构域的长16个氨基酸残基的部分重叠短肽,并进行了GST融合表达。

    To map the antigenic epitope of this region , a set of 23 partially overlapping fragments spanning the fragment were fused with GST and expressed .

  11. 为了加快数字北京建设的步伐,更好的满足社会、政府部门的应用需求,北京市测绘设计研究院建立了覆盖全北京市域的1:1万DLG空间数据库。

    In order to quickly increase the step of developments of digital Beijing , and also better to content with the application need of the government and society , Our academe has already set up 1 / 10000 DLG spatial database which covered with all district of Beijing .

  12. 另外,本文还建立了基于覆盖的模糊粗糙集模型,解决了利用论域上的一个覆盖近似描述论域上的模糊子集的问题。

    In addition , this paper established fuzzy rough set model based covering .